Patriotic Alternative Scotland
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The group Concerned Adults Talking Openly About Gender Identity Ideology were forced to raise £600 to employ security guards and call in the police when they arranged a meeting in Portobello Library in Edinburgh to discuss concerns over the teaching of trans ideology in schools.

Over 150 counter-protesters turned out to oppose the meeting, hurling abuse at those attending and creating what was described as a "hostile atmosphere".

The police had to step in and control who could enter the building after security guards had to remove counter-protesters who had tried to occupy the venue in order to cancel the event.

The Unison union and the local Green councillor also attempted to put pressure on the council to ban the meeting.

We are seeing a growing intolerance to free speech in our nation and this needs to be opposed. Join us in fighting to preserve free speech in Scotland.

[email protected]
Media is too big
The residents of Erskine were asked what they thought about the hotel potentially housing 200 fighting-age migrant men. It is clear from the response that Erskine Says No.

Join us this Sunday at 12 noon outside the Muthu Glasgow River Hotel and help them win and keep their community safe.
On this day in 1935 John James Rickard Macleod passed away in Aberdeen.

Mcleod was a Scottish biochemist and physiologist. He devoted his career to diverse topics in physiology and biochemistry, but was chiefly interested in carbohydrate metabolism. He is noted for his role in the discovery and isolation of insulin during his tenure as a lecturer at the University of Toronto, for which he and Frederick Banting received the 1923 Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine.

John Macleod was a distinguished physiologist even before the discovery of insulin. He was elected a member of the Royal Society of Canada in 1919 and president of American Physiological Society in 1921. In 1923, Macleod was awarded the Cameron Prize for Therapeutics of the University of Edinburgh. Among the recognitions he received after 1923 were memberships of the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Edinburgh, corresponding membership of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and honorary membership of the Regia Accademia Medica.[
A few days ago we reported on allegations that Sturgeon's husband had been involved in attempting to cover up the sexual harassment carried out by the ex-Leader of North Lanarkshire Jordan Linden.

It appears that things have become too much for Linden and the SNP after the allegations were published, with it being reported that Linden has now quit as a Councillor and even left the SNP altogether.

Linden had been under pressure as further allegations had been made against him in the last few months.

There will now be a by-election in Bellshill. Let's hope that the people of Bellshill show their displeasure at the antics of the SNP and throw them out.

Patriotic Alternative Scotland is fighting to clean up politics in our nation and make sure our country is run by real nationalists, not the fake nationalists of the SNP.

Join us in working for a better future for the Scottish people.

[email protected]
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Today in 1328 the treaty of Edinburgh Northampton was signed.

The Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton was a peace treaty signed in 1328 between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland. It brought an end to the First War of Scottish Independence, which had begun with the English invasion of Scotland in 1296. The treaty was signed in Edinburgh by Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, on 17 March 1328, and was ratified by the Parliament of England meeting in Northampton on 1 May.

The terms of the treaty stipulated that in exchange for £20,000 sterling,the English Crown would recognise:

The Kingdom of Scotland as fully independent;
Robert the Bruce, and his heirs and successors, as the rightful rulers of Scotland;
The border between Scotland and England as that recognised under the reign of Alexander III (1249–1286).
One of two copies of the document, which was written in French, is held by the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh.
Happy Saint Patrick's day to all our friends and supporters in Ireland. Especially everyone taking part in the current protests opposing the invasion of their Nation.
Yousaf has become a victim of his own controversial Hate Crime and Public Order Act that he forced through in 2021 in the face of much opposition.

Yousaf referred to double rapist Bryson as "not a genuine trans woman" and "at it". The person who reported him said they did so to hold Yousaf to the same standards as everyone else, to show how vague and ridiculous the law is and ultimately get it repealed.

Sadly, due to Yousaf's incompetence it is unlikely that we will see him in court. Although the Bill became law in April 2021, it is yet to come into force with Police Scotland, as Yousaf did not make sure they were able to Implement it and it is unlikely to be in force until next year.

PA Scotland has always opposed the bill and we would of course like to see it repealed - though it would be amusing to see Yousaf in court being tried under the act he was so desperate to bring in.

[email protected]
On this day in 1689 the Kings Own Scottish Borderers Regiment was raised by David Leslie, 3rd Earl of Leven to defend Edinburgh against the Jacobite forces of James VII. It's claimed that 800 men were recruited within the space of two hours. The regiment's first action was at the Battle of Killiecrankie on 27 July 1689. Although this battle was a defeat for the Williamite army, the Jacobite commander, John Graham, 1st Viscount Dundee (Bonnie Dundee), was killed by a volley fired by Leven's Regiment, bringing an end to James II's attempt to save his throne in Scotland. The regiment was judged to have performed well and was granted the privilege of recruiting by beat of drum in the City of Edinburgh without prior permission of the provost.

The King's Own Scottish Borderers Regimental Museum is located in Berwick Barracks, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Exhibits include uniforms, badges, medals, weapons and relics from different campaigns. Berwick Barracks is operated by English Heritage.
Forwarded from Clean & Pure Soap
I’m featured today in The Herald one of Scotland’s biggest papers. It is a hit piece designed to damage my business, despite the vast majority of the article making it sound like a company worth supporting.

I could never have afforded this advertising. However, the paper hopes I will lose business, suppliers and markets. I’m confident that my followers here will continue to support Clean & Pure Soap.
Murrell will be coming under more pressure as the SNP media chief resigns, basically saying that statements he was told to put out by Party HQ were lies.

Murray Foote, a veteran journalist, issued statements rubbishing reports the SNP had lost 30,000 members in just over a year - describing them as "rubbish" and "drivel". However, after days of pressure, the party confirmed the numbers on Thursday.

This, on top of the actually massive drop in party numbers and the loss of income this will cause, must put pressure on those in charge of the SNP.

It is becoming more and more obvious that the SNP is built on a culture of lies. Lying not just to the Scottish public but also to their own officials and members.

Latest analysis claims that the SNP are set to lose up to 14 MPs in the next general election. Let's hope so and get these liars out, although Labour gaining these seats is not much more desirable.

Scotland needs real nationalism. Join us in working towards this.

[email protected]
It appears the pressure has become too much for Murrell and he has done the right thing and resigned in the face of a potential no-confidence vote against him by SNP members.

The SNP seem to be falling further into crisis, with resignations, ongoing police enquiries, lies being told to the media, unrest amongst not just party members but also elected officials, and a membership that has declined by 40% in the last few years amongst other issues.

Murrell and his wife, along with a handful of others, have ruled the SNP as a cabal with a grip of iron for years. Now they are gone, where next for the SNP?

Hopefully SNP supporters will wake up to the corrupt, fake nationalism of the SNP now and look for a real nationalist alternative.

Patriotic Alternative Scotland is that alternative. Join us and fight to bring real nationalism to the people of Scotland!

[email protected]
On this day in 1286 King Alexander the third died in a accident. The picture above is a monument erected in 1886 that marks the location of his death in Kinghorn, Fife

He was King of Scots from 1249 until his death. He concluded the Treaty of Perth, by which Scotland acquired sovereignty over the Western Isles and the Isle of Man. His heir, Margaret, Maid of Norway, died before she could be crowned.

Alexander died in a fall from his horse while riding in the dark to visit the queen at Kinghorn in Fife on 19 March 1286 because it was her birthday the next day. He had spent the evening at Edinburgh Castle celebrating his second marriage and overseeing a meeting with royal advisors. He was cautioned against making the journey to Fife because of weather conditions, but crossed the Forth from Dalmeny to Inverkeithing anyway. The king became separated from his party near Kinghorn, and was found dead with a broken neck near the shore the following morning. It is assumed that his horse lost its footing in the dark.
Media is too big
The Communist pro-migrant hotel counter demo was looking a little lost today. #ErskineSaysNo
Today in 687 Cuthbert of Lindisfarne died at Inner Farne in what was then the Kingdom of Northumbria . He had been born in 634 in Dunbar which was the part of Northumbria but is now part of Scotland.

Cuthbert of Lindisfarne was an Anglo-Saxon saint of the early Northumbrian church in the Celtic tradition. He was a monk, bishop and hermit, associated with the monasteries of Melrose and Lindisfarne in the Kingdom of Northumbria, today in north-eastern England and south-eastern Scotland. Both during his life and after his death he became a popular medieval saint of Northern England, with a cult centred on his tomb at Durham Cathedral. Cuthbert is regarded as the patron saint of Northumbria. His feast days are 20 March (Catholic Church, Church of England, Eastern Orthodox Church, Episcopal Church and 4 September (Church in Wales, Catholic Church).
Sturgeon seems to have lost her grip on reality, though some would argue that happened years ago.

Claiming that there is no crisis in the SNP is obviously either a barefaced lie or she has no awareness of the reality of the situation her party faces.

A massive loss of members within the last few years, something she claims she was unaware of, resignations of senior party members, missing money, police investigations, internal warfare between different factions in the party, and doubts over the handling of the leadership election all point towards a crisis that is only deepening. But Sturgeon says all is good. She obviously has no grip on reality.

This is what got us to where we are now in this country: the SNP's refusal to see reality and blindly sticking to policies that were not working and in some cases the public actively opposed.

She has gone, but now the SNP itself must go and Scotland must have real nationalism in its place. Help us work towards this. join up at [email protected]
On this day in 1729 John Law died in Venice. He was born Edinburgh.

John Law was a economist who distinguished money, a means of exchange, from national wealth dependent on trade. He served as Controller General of Finances under the Duke of Orleans, who was regent for the juvenile Louis XV of France. In 1716, Law set up a private Banque Générale in France. A year later it was nationalised at his request and renamed as Banque Royale. The private bank had been funded mainly by John Law and Louis XV; three-quarters of its capital consisted of government bills and government-accepted notes, effectively making it the nation's first central bank. Backed only partially by silver, it was a fractional reserve bank. Law was a gambler who would win card games by mentally calculating odds. He originated ideas such as the scarcity theory of value and the real bills doctrine. He held that money creation stimulated an economy, paper money was preferable to metal, and dividend-paying shares a superior form of money.
For years now the SNP have attacked the Conservative government, saying that the NHS was not safe under them and that they wanted to introduce private healthcare. But, according to one leading doctor, that's exactly where medicine in Scotland is heading under the SNP.

Dr Andrew Buist, the chair of the British Medical Association’s Scottish general practice committee, said that without action to address the issues faced by family doctors, Scotland could see the emergence of “under-doctored areas” – where a lack of GPs makes it difficult for patients to register with a practice and will lead to a rise in private healthcare and a two-tier care system in Scotland.

We are already seeing this in SNP Scotland when it comes to dentistry, with increasing numbers of practices becoming private and people finding it harder to register with NHS dentists.

The SNP claim they want to do away with inequality but it appears they are becoming the cause of it.

[email protected]
Last week PA Scotland activists laid a wreath in memory of Kriss Donald.

In previous years we have held large scale services in his memory however this year with the ongoing #ErskineSaysNo campaign the decision was taken to have a lower key memorial. We at Patriotic Alternative Scotland are looking to try and halt the number of potential future Kriss Donalds we have in this nation by stopping the flow of non-White fighting aged men being shipped into Scotland.
The Edinburgh-based World Care Foundation has bought the old governor's house at Saughton prison with the intention to turn it into a Muslim primary school and potentially later also a Muslim high school.

Edinburgh Council refused permission last year for the project but the charity is seeking permission again this year.

The charity says that the school is needed as Edinburgh's Muslim population has grown from 11,000 in 2011 to 17,000 by 2018 and is continuing to grow rapidly.

Muslim schools south of the border have proved to be problematic, with many having lax teaching standards and being found to be promoting a radical fundamentalist version of Islam. Not something we want to see in Scotland. Hopefully the council will reject this school again.

Play your part in working to build real nationalism in Scotland and join Patriotic Alternative Scotland. Contact us at [email protected]
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