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Catholic social critic and video creator.


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Forwarded from E. Michael Jones
Maybe this is why homosexuals were not allowed to adopt children? Maybe this is an indication we should return to that policy?
Average Antifa member
I love Attack on Titan but they’ve stretched it out way too long now. You really didn’t need to split the final season into 4+ parts.
The Culture of Critique was banned off Amazon and now Barnes & Nobel have done the same. Support Kevin MacDonald's work by buying his books and promoting his work. You can purchase The Culture of Critique directly from his publisher:
Nothing like promoting an anti-racist, anti-fascist propaganda franchise to “own the libs”
🇩🇪🇺🇦🗳 — Federal Deputies of the German Federal Bundestag failed to vote for the transfer of Leopard tanks to Ukraine - Official statement
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This case exemplifies everything we’ve warned about in regards to allowing gay adoption. This is just the tip of the iceberg - I can’t even imagine how many cases like this there are but never get reported (or the kids just get straight up killed once their usefulness has run out).

This case must become a staple of the anti-LGBT movement moving forward.
Pax Tube
This case exemplifies everything we’ve warned about in regards to allowing gay adoption. This is just the tip of the iceberg - I can’t even imagine how many cases like this there are but never get reported (or the kids just get straight up killed once their…
This is also, ironically, basically what Pizzagate was. Rich, politically well-connected homosexuals abusing kids behind closed doors.

In this case, fortunately, they weren’t politically well-connected enough to cover their tracks.
This comic is a good example of the false dialectic that the system wants people to be in.

On the one hand, you have the straight White (presumably Christian) male who loves America for being “the land of the free”. Nevermind all the ways the American government is directly harming him and people like him, he still loves America and evangelizes for it because… reasons. He would gain the most from radically changing the American system, but defends the status quo.

Then we have the disaffected leftist female, whose main concern is how many babies she can sacrifice to Moloch. She gets to have a monopoly on anti-Americanism, even though her blue state still allows her to abort thousands of babies per year. She gains the most from preserving the American system, but complains about the status quo.

And around and around they go!
Forwarded from Aesthetics
"Dante And Beatrice Gaze Upon The Highest Heaven" by Gustave Doré
Media is too big
George Lincoln Rockwell on how the power of TV propaganda shaped the Baby Boomer generation's perception of race.
Whenever you see a headline about supposedly “female Catholic priests”, remember that they aren’t in communion with the Church and they do not conduct any legitimate Mass. Such women are basically rogue weirdos who may as well be Protestant. They only get media coverage because… feminism.
In some European countries a person with homosexual inclinations who resists them and encourages others to do the same can now be brought to court for violating “conversion therapy” bans. Literally state-enforced homosexuality.

And some people wonder why I support Russia?
Pax Tube
In some European countries a person with homosexual inclinations who resists them and encourages others to do the same can now be brought to court for violating “conversion therapy” bans. Literally state-enforced homosexuality. And some people wonder why…
Malta is a bizarre country. It has the strictest abortion ban in Europe, but also some of the strictest pro-LGBT laws in Europe.

The lack of philosophical foundation that liberal democracy provides on full display.
I really miss the “consoom product and get excited for next product” meme and am sad it kind of fell to the wayside during COVID. I feel like people were really on to something with this thrust of criticizing mass consumerism/materialism. And if anything, this sentiment rings truer now than ever before - gotta bring it back!
Thousands gathered today to pay their respects and see the remains of Confederate General and beloved son of Virginia A. P. Hill laid to rest with full military honors. He is finally at rest with his family, far removed from the god forsaken ruins of the city of Richmond. God bless all those who planned, participated in, or attended the ceremony, God bless the eternal memory of General A. P. Hill, and God save the South!
This article of a Chinese guy going off on TikTok and explaining why America should ban it killed me
Pax Tube
I would’ve gone for the Armet, but the Frog-mouth must’ve made enemies feel like they were fighting an otherworldly entity. Good intimidation factor.
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content