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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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If Apple/Google blacklist Twitter app, Elon has stated he will simply "make a smartphone"

Musk is one of the only people in the world who could make this statement and see it through. He already has the software engineering capabilities, manufacturing presence, capital, and now with Twitter, public/investor sentiment and outreach.

Could this be the start of narrative_setup for Q-phone production, in the public space/eye?

As a "necessary step to counter big tech' ..?

Trust the Plan.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
For remember those former things done in the day of Old; I am the LORD, and there is no other. I am thy God, and there is none like Me

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon

Apologies for the lesser audio quality last evening on File 28. I was experimenting with a home office setup that was slightly easier on my posture, but it caused a metallic echo that I did not foresee happening, and which was very distracting.

For File 29, I will be reverting to my prior arrangement to this point. Crisp and clear.

Thank you for your patience as we wage this war.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
"Learn our comms"

Comms from POTUS45 should have everyone jumping for joy today. See images.

>What USSC case acts as precedent for the introduction of Mil-Intelligence as "evidence" in the civilian judicial process?
>What must have occurred for this?
>What area of government directly serves POTUS?

Supreme Court β€”> Mil Intelligence β€”> ExposΓ© β€”>Awakening of Sleepers β€”> DeepState Survival Grab β€”> Military Takedown?

Trust the Plan.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
This is an NLAW anti-tank weapon,
delivered to Ukraine w/ NATO aid
This device was seized at the Venezuelan-Colombian border, after a black market sale was foiled.

Anons, a BIG lens that we need to have, re: the Russia-Ukraine war, concerns Monetary-Pathways/Vectors.
How do you make money?
How do you make money FAST?
How do you launder money?
Why do you launder money?
Where does it go?
To who?
AIl ____ need money. Who/What

The European war/FTX tie-in, is a partial proof for GESARA.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Okay. You can't even make it up anymore 🀣

The cabal is now claiming that there is a Zombie- state inducing virus more than 50,000yrs old, that has lain dormant until conveniently this exact moment in human history, and they're calling it Pandoravirus Yedoma.

So a virus literally named after the Box of All Knowledge and Secrets, is discovered immediately before Elon Musk releases damning Twitter info, and Epstein flight logs are being unredacted?

And Ye-Doma?
Your dome?
Your brain?

Comedy Show

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Hundreds of military aircraft airborne above continental USA right now.
Several militaries represented.

Joint search and destroy / search and capture operations running.

Subhunters are very active also. Rogue threat?


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
I'm coming back to this Elon comm.

(Gold cans/DietCoke) β€”> DC turning to Gold
(image: Q#14, and the first image Q ever posted. Washington Crossing the Delaware)
β€”> the Delaware was the turning point in the American Revolutionary War.
β€”> Biden commissioned a vessel called the USS Delaware earlier this year. He is also from Delaware.

Deep Dig:
(Crossing the Delaware) β€”> Washington and his men crossed in a DURHAM BOAT, which was how they destroyed the Enemy force.

Where is Durham?


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Anons knew this was coming

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Just received a message.
File 29 will come sooner than expected.

Lots happening in Europe

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
The same day that the EU begins a narrative of Russian war crimes, and the need for tribunals as a
result of "those crimes", they threaten Elon with a Twitter-shutdown.

This isn't about Twitter.

Russia is exposing them for biological terrorism in Ukraine, and already holding their own tribunals, and the EU doesn't want it spreading like wildfire on the worlds largest social media.

Welcome to the digital battlefield.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Balenciaga represents BigBox Fashion/Retail in the public eye at this stage.

Big Fashion β€”> Pedos β€”> Devil Worship β€”> Alefantis β€”> Abramovic β€”> Spirit Cooking β€”> Horror Islands β€”> TOP.
SocialHandles <β€” (why are they called this?)

{ELON}>>Who has the DirectMessagesBackups?

Fill in the Gaps.
These people are idiots.
One feeder arm, of thousands.
More to follow, and quickly now.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Austrian Soldiers mobilizing for underground combat operations.

This is part of the information I have for File 29, also.
There is a LOT going on. Underground Cleansing operations beginning en_masse, 3 continents.

Extremely dangerous missions.
GO-No-Go achieved.
SET1 Active.
Comms Established.
FOF Clear.
Bring the Storm, Warriors.

Patriots and Anons are with you.


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
The next 48 hours will be pivotal for waking the normies/sleepers.

We now have Twitter under our control, the MSM beginning to tell the truth on themselves, and Russia
preparing to end the remaining bioweapon labs, pedophiles, and Nazis in EU.

Tmrw, the 12th month of the year begins. 12 is a spiritual number for governance/authority think 12 tribes of Israel, 12 stones, 12 rites, etc.

Over the next 2 days, I will drop proofs to aid each of you on_mission.

Use logic.
Be kind.

Wake them.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
How to Cut in iMovie