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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Remember- this is how they influence elections, justice departments, court circuits, and more.
—> It is their control of the monetary system that allows it all <—

10,000 Heads
1 Heart.
Bring it Down.

👉 RealSGAnon
Some of todays QDrop Deltas

👉 RealSGAnon
Heavy Mil air traffic in my locality right now, off radar running dark. At least 5 attack helicopters, a pair of fighters, and some chinook twin rotor transports flying NNE.

We are not far from a USAR reservist post, but we do not live near a dedicated mil airfield, so this level of activity at this time of the evening is unusual.

👉 RealSGAnon
Recent interview
SG Sits Down w/ Ultra Trump The Destroyer for a great Patriot Discussion.

Ultra is one of few Patriots who want only the Raw Truth w/ nothing else added. He works a day-job like myself, and his commentary/observations resonate with "The Working Class Patriots" community.
His work/channel is worth your follow. You can find it here:

👉 RealSGAnon
Possible FBI/Fed assets infiltrating NYC ahead of arraignment for President Donald Trump.

Playbook known. Stay sharp, Patriots.

👉 RealSGAnon
Buildup of Russian troops now beginning in NW of the country near Finnish border.

👉 RealSGAnon
We are with you sir, @real_DonaldJTrump. All of the Way.

Marching Orders —> Patriots WILL Hold the Line.

We will Never Give In.
We will Never Give Up.
We will Never Ever Back Down.

For God and Country.
For our World.

👉 RealSGAnon
There will be no going back.

Take the Hill.
Mission Forward.

👉 RealSGAnon
How many Republicans?

Trust the Plan.
—> Counterinsurgency for the Heart and Minds of Humanity <—

👉 RealSGAnon
Restoration of Financial/Ancestral heritages, WW.

Generational Rightings of Wrongs.
Trust Your President.
Trust the Plan.

👉 RealSGAnon
Forwarded from Q Decodes
🚨#BREAKING: First photo of President Donald Trump, under arrest, in court has been released

↪️ Raws Alerts
Coordinated. Military. Operations.

Web Exposure.
Full Speed Ahead.

👉 RealSGAnon
Link to the Trump indictment from Manhattan DA Office, here:

👉 RealSGAnon
The Economist predicting a Trump Trial, Arrest, and Fingerprinting in 2019.

Who controls the FLOW?
Who has control of information [key sectors]?
Are they prophetic?
Who owns The Economist?

Wheel of Darkness w/ many COGS.
Trust the Plan.
It has to be this way. #thegreatawakening

👉 RealSGAnon
"Indict Trump! Indict Trump! Indict Trump!" — [DS] minions.

Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank, the 3rd largest bank in Europe, is now in collapse ... complete w/ curtailment of banking functions, and closures of ATMs (access to money).

Right on Time.

"Now comes the PAIN"

👉 RealSGAnon
Fantasy Island —> quite the description there.
Who ELSE is being 'prosecuted' by SDNY?
Ties to Island Trafficking?
Who controls the corruption in the Justice System?


" … HRC
Room 29.
Pure EVIL"

👉 RealSGAnon
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