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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Opinion Mini-Thread:
Remember Patriots -> The Great Awakening is about mass_scale rejection of thought-altering programming, resulting in a Reclamation of our sovereignty, and personal freedoms.

What is programming?
👉A predetermined response pattern based on specific input commands.
MSM: “Russia is murdering children in Ukraine! Look at these images!” …*shows vile, horrific image*

What is happening in the human brain at this exact moment?
The instant of ‘beholding’ something?


👉 RealSGAnon
Opinion Mini-Thread: Remember Patriots -> The Great Awakening is about mass_scale rejection of thought-altering programming, resulting in a Reclamation of our sovereignty, and personal freedoms. What is programming? 👉A predetermined response pattern based…
The human brain (vis a vis the sensory systems) has witnessed something offensive to the idea of “Life”. In this example, the horror of mutilated children’s bodies during war, used to drive MSM narrative warfare.
The brain’s response is to shield the Host (Soul -> The REAL You) from Pain.
The scene MSM has just shown, generates intense *emotional* pain, instead of physical. But the limbic brain (Fight or Flight), doesn’t realize the event being witnessed isn’t happening real time.


👉 RealSGAnon
Opinion Mini-Thread: Remember Patriots -> The Great Awakening is about mass_scale rejection of thought-altering programming, resulting in a Reclamation of our sovereignty, and personal freedoms. What is programming? 👉A predetermined response pattern based…
So it responds as though it IS.

A flood of adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol, and other neurochemical Transmitters and hormones get released into the body in response. That sinking feeling, followed by a surge of energy one gets when one sees/hears something mind-bendingly awful, is the perceptive evidence of this process.


👉 RealSGAnon
Opinion Mini-Thread: Remember Patriots -> The Great Awakening is about mass_scale rejection of thought-altering programming, resulting in a Reclamation of our sovereignty, and personal freedoms. What is programming? 👉A predetermined response pattern based…
Now, when someone says to you in ordinary conversation, “so What are your thoughts about Putin?”, your electrochemical cellular matrix will respond, albeit to a lesser degree, with the same emotional attitude that was last achieved on the subject of “Russia”.
If you didn’t catch that, it means if you’re not careful, you may find yourself ->reacting<- to the topic of Russia (and anything Russian), rather than ->responding<-, which itself requires slower, more thoughtful action anyway.


👉 RealSGAnon
Opinion Mini-Thread: Remember Patriots -> The Great Awakening is about mass_scale rejection of thought-altering programming, resulting in a Reclamation of our sovereignty, and personal freedoms. What is programming? 👉A predetermined response pattern based…
This is CONTR:Programming101.

By exposing the population to the emotional association *first*, rather than an analytical process of reasoning out the very things that should dictate what emotion is even needed, you create a self perpetuating reactivity loop. New information cannot penetrate the emotionally reactive shielding that is happening, and we ALL know what the end result of that has been: outcome affective cognitive dissonance.


👉 RealSGAnon
Opinion Mini-Thread: Remember Patriots -> The Great Awakening is about mass_scale rejection of thought-altering programming, resulting in a Reclamation of our sovereignty, and personal freedoms. What is programming? 👉A predetermined response pattern based…
The process above can be applied in an almost unlimited number of ways, but the evidence is the same.

When I highlighted reasonable concerns about strange crossovers (all public record) between O.U.R., C_A, A. Kutcher (who is so close w/ the Clinton family, he once received an invite to Bill’s birthday concert), and SOF’s $ interested parties, the backlash was stark. Yet if you noticed, I did not endorse, or dissuade. I stated it was “interesting”, which it is, and then offered questions.


👉 RealSGAnon
Opinion Mini-Thread: Remember Patriots -> The Great Awakening is about mass_scale rejection of thought-altering programming, resulting in a Reclamation of our sovereignty, and personal freedoms. What is programming? 👉A predetermined response pattern based…
That reactive side though can stir us to defend beliefs, conclusions, or choices about a subject, even when the subject is not being attacked.

I loved SOF. I saw it, and will do so again to support the mission. It is a movie that needs to be seen, and is the equivalent of a tactical nuke in the consciousness warfare arena. Whether everything is up and up remains TBD; but I can think of no good reason for Patriots to divide themselves over beliefs about it.

Mission first.



👉 RealSGAnon
The grammar in the Truth below is important. He’s talking to you, Anons.

“… Country, to show how evil and sinister …”
“… Country, which has become evil and sinister”.

#WWG1WGA #thegreatawakening #coordinatedOp #GodsChildrenAreNotForSale

👉 RealSGAnon
Air raid sirens countrywide in Ukraine, last 45 minutes.

👉 RealSGAnon
Critical Questions I have after seeing “Sound of Freedom”

—> Why does the main plot occur (predictably) in “poor, 3rd world nations”, instead of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Zurich, Paris, London, Budapest, Orlando, etc.?
—> Why aren’t the billionaire/high profile organizers(enablers) of the “3rd world” traffickers discussed?
—> Why was the Carlos Slim cartel family invested in this film?
—> Why is O.U.R. a big public supporter of A. Kutcher’s “humanitarian” efforts, re: children?


👉 RealSGAnon
They always tell you.

👉 RealSGAnon
Far too much attacking over my Q’s regarding SOF. Far too much “You’re discrediting the exposure of trafficking!?”

Not a single attack has been made by me, and I have publicly stated that I endorse everyone seeing this film. It is a phenomenal “baby steps” RedPill machine. Yet I have also provided photographic, document, and image evidence which is difficult at best to explain, re: the interested parties of said film.

Q says the hole is DEEP

—> Questions lead to answers <—


👉 RealSGAnon
Battle hardened combat instructors from PMC Wagner have officially begun training exercises with the Belarusian Territorial Defense Force.

👉 RealSGAnon
Russia has now closed the Polish Consulate in the city of Smolensk, citing “diplomatic parity”

👉 RealSGAnon
Guide on How to Download Instagram Videos Effortlessly