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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Elon is publicly decimating Disney for their implied support of child sexual exploitation.

“There will come a time they will not be safe walking down the street”

👉 RealSGAnon
Silence is sometimes Good for the Soul.

File 67 in motion.

- In the shadows around the world, royal bloodline [DS] families are being given Last Warnings by a WW Mil Alliance -> The Death of Constantin in Liechtenstein is the most recent message sent.
- It is also symbolic, not only because of 12/5(17), but because of Turkey, the Ottomans, and an unsettled score going back to 1453.
- Alliance special_operations currently being conducted in Middle East and South American theaters, inside known combatants re: 2016/2020 US elections.
- Africa readying several nations for next wave of coups, while BRICS prepares to obliterate the US petrodollar’s control beginning 1 January 2024.
- Russia eyeing Kyiv by Winter’s End, wartime manufacturing at historic levels in the Russian federation.
- 2024: The Trump Trials, global election fraud, and the Fall of the WW Dragon.

Amazing times to be alive, Patriots.
Sleep well.

👉 RealSGAnon
Ask the hard questions, always.
Questions lead to answers.
Roads go places.

Why did an ordained Rabbi and practicing Canadian-Jewish attorney Solomon Friedman, utilize his venture capital firm to acquire MindGeek(the parent company of Pornhub, and 5 of the 10 other largest pornographic websites in the world), *after* Pornhub specifically was exposed for facilitating rape and child trafficking content?

Where was the business sense in this?

Further: Why did the new owners change the name from “MindGeek” to “AYLO”?

Ay-Lo in Hebrew is אהה . This translates loosely to “Aha!” or “Got’cha!” in English.

👉 RealSGAnon
Klaus Schwab, beginning of 2023:
“The next great threat to humanity is a cyber pandemic, and will make COVID look mild by comparison”

What was the Cyber Polygon Tabletop Exercise?
What is AI capable of doing?
What did Hussein Obama legalize before he left office?
Why is that important?
Why is that SO important?
What computer OS is currently supporting nearly every single government/public works digital infrastructure in the world?
Does that company cross-over into “health” sector?


#darktolight #WWG1WGA

👉 RealSGAnon
North America’s largest chicken products company, Tyson Foods, announced a partnership with Protix Inc to incorporate “insect protein and sustainable meat options” into their production food chain.

Reader Note:
Tyson is the largest supplier of commercially-available raw chicken ingredients in the USA, and it’s chicken products are used in thousands of restaurants, diners, and bars, around the country.

Will restaurant menus include the disclaimer “Chicken Products May Contain Insect Protein”?

👉 RealSGAnon
What exactly have they worked overtime for 5,000+ years to HIDE from you?
Who are You?
What are We?
What is Humanity?
Why spend wealth incalculable, and resources innumerable, to maintain the suppression of Man’s DNA?
What kind of Power must we have for our Enemies to be so frightened?

Who Are We Really?
#DarktoLight #thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA

👉 RealSGAnon
January 2023: Klaus Schwab announces cyber pandemic is greatest new threat to humanity.
November 22, 2023: Film that Hussein Obama helped executively produce releases, paints bleak picture of post apocalyptic world after a worldwide blackout of power/electronics.
December 10, 2023: “Chinese hackers” blamed for cyber infiltration into critical US power grid infrastructure.
December 13, 2023: Reuters now seeding narrative of US power grid weakness/failure.


👉 RealSGAnon
Israeli military forces have begun an extensive assault on the West Bank city of Jenin, to “root out militant forces”

👉 RealSGAnon
If people wonder what happened to those 80,000+ unaccompanied minors (children) that have come across the US border and been “lost” by the Biden administration, I have a few very good guesses of where they ended up.

Taken from Etsy, within the last 15-minutes. Human slavery in plain sight.

Why have we not seen the Epstein client list? -> Because the Buyers are still in business.
#darktolight #slavesnomore #endchildtrafficking #endsatanicritualabuse #endhumantrafficking #endtheendless #WWG1WGA

👉 RealSGAnon
Tina Peters is an American hero, yet has received astonishingly low coverage by nearly all organized media. Credits to Lara Logan for her investigative piece on Ms Peters.

Her Story In Brief:
Peters discovered post-2020 election, that fraud had likely occurred in the county where she was the elected county clerk. When she brought this to the attention of the SecState, and attempted an independent review of the machines, the DeepState apparatus in her state, and on news outlets, destroyed her life and viciously attacked her family. She lost 2 family members in the midst of these assaults, and was eventually arrested/jailed for her efforts to expose flaws in the machines.

She is now a leading figure in the fight to bring accountability/transparency to our election process, and the DeepState lawfare-industrial-complex continues to hit her hard, having decimated her life savings.

Her story was chronicled in the movie “[S]election Code”, here:

👉 RealSGAnon
We can read their maps.
We can identify their literary works.
We know about their hidden loyalties; their gestures, their fealty pledges.
We-The-People [SEE] them everywhere.
It is their undoing -> the materialization of generations of their worst fear.

Learn the Codex.
It makes you strong; it makes you lethal. It breaks Mind Control. It makes you Aware.

Awake, We are United.
United We are Invincible.

Symbolism will be their downfall”

👉 RealSGAnon
Samsung HW-B650: A Powerful Soundbar for an Immersive Audio Experience