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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Not long ago I received a number of documents in a masked-email dump, which suggest something extraordinary occurring in the USA.

Specifically, the unredacted portions of these documents detail "extreme-special-compartmented" military operation(s), beginning around 2020, involving multiple US government agencies (all of which are highlighted as potential supportive actors in FEMA's FCD-1 Continuity Guidelines).

The purpose of such operation(s) appears to be "Sting", w/ mapping, auditing, surveillance of "domestic terrorists", service of Due Process, and the preparation of direct casework for military tribunals at some point in the future, regarding domestic treachery inside the United States of America.

It is not possible for me to further verify these documents' authenticity w/out compromising General OPSEC Practices. I have posted screenshots of 2 of them, below, and will let each of you determine their validity.

2 more document dumps like this will be unveiled on File 74.

👉 RealSGAnon
Israel will respond to Iran’s strikes with a “crushing attack” — Israeli Security Minister

👉 RealSGAnon
Normies who are (finally) waking up: “So if the government pedophilia is real, how deep does the corruption go?”

Me, trying not to put them in a coma when I answer: “They stamp their pedophile symbols into law enforcement badges, and the Pope’s robes”

👉 RealSGAnon
Pope Francis.
Name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Age: 87
Country: Vatican Empire
Origin: Argentina
Known for: covering up sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church.

Arrested by Interpol early June 2018, for his role in an upcoming Ninth Circle Luciferian child sacrifice planned for the June 21 Summer Solstice in Geneva, SWZ.
Remember how Francis looked when Trump met with him to reclaim the USA’s gold reserves?
Why did Melania meet with Francis -> dressed in traditional western funeral attire <- ?

“Those you trust are the most guilty of sin”


👉 RealSGAnon
Ukraine — Bans Christian denomination, assaults a 1000yo Christian lineage, jails Priests, kills journalists, has neonazis in government and military command.

“________” — Bans Christian denominations, requires “movement pass” if you are not a specific faith or origin (including practicing Christians), kills journalists (some with full knowledge beforehand), restricts humanitarian aid to civilian parties, imposed a “vax-for-bananas” mandate requiring the population to submit to an industrial_scale medical experiment with no informed consent, or they could not feed themselves ………….. 🤫

The quiet part often holds truths we cannot appreciate, sometimes even fathom.

Never be afraid to say the quiet part out loud.

#thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #WETHEPEOPLE

👉 RealSGAnon

👉 RealSGAnon
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