General Flynn ️
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Tulsi Gabbard—fellow Americans are labeled by this WH as a greater threat to America than AQ—beyond disturbing. We need to achieve an overwhelming victory in NOV.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)

Durham was tapped to investigate not only how the FBI ended up proffering a tainted warrant based on fake shit that came straight from the Clinton campaign to the FISA Court to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election...

that's only HALF of what Durham was tasked to investigate.

The other half of what he's investigating is the transition that was made once Trump assumed office as President.

How these goons didn't stop once he took the oath of office.

They kept going.


Durham is investing TREASON against the United States of America and a duly elected President.

Read all about it:
This is called “projection.” What the left does is “project” what they have done or are willing to do on their opponents. Former homeland security director Jeh Johnson won’t say a word about the lives destroyed or severely damaged or the $Billions of dollars of damage done by ANTIFA. Stay focused on local action and let’s overwhelm them in the voting booth come this November.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Peter Thiel: Wokeness is like Wahhabism

“Wokeness”, he posited, plays the same role as Wahabbism in the similarly afflicted Saudi Arabia. There is, of course, a minority — “maybe 20%” of true believers — but mostly it is a sort of lip service that Machiavellian elites pay to a system of values that allows them to keep the whole corrupt machine running.

The problem with the Democratic Party, Thiel argued, is that it is effectively trapped in the California model — a fabulously wealthy and productive oligarchy on top, public-sector bureacurats in the middle, and a feral underclass dependent on government transfers on the bottom.

Glenn Beck changes his position; he withdraws his support for an Article V Convention of States
September 15, 2022
“… I have been a supporter of the Article V Convention of States. I have been a pretty big supporter, a vocal supporter.  I am reversing that today because after some real thought and prayer, we are not the people to open up this sacred document.  We are not the people.  That was a God inspired document that was divinely written. You can read that from I don’t know how many founders.  The very hand of God was involved
Benjamin Franklin even said that. The very hand of God was involved in writing that document
Do you believe that we could send that kind of delegate today?  Someone who when they got to an impasse somebody like Ben Franklin would say, let’s pause and go to church and pray.  They did not politic they prayed.  I am not for opening up that Constitution any more because we are not that people any more.
When we are that people, I will be for it again.
When we have demonstrated our humility and our obedience to God and I am afraid it is going to take a massive beat down of our country to get to that place, then I will be for it again.  Some day we will be humble enough, we will recognize God,  but some day we will not be an enemy to God, we will not be so arrogant.  When we are those people I will support the Convention of States. 
But I withdraw my support, and I am sorry to say that.  It is because of the fact that this Constitution is wholly inadequate for anyone other than a religious and moral people.  We are not those people and we should not stain this document. …”
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
“There are two insanely huge phrases there,” Lupo commented.

“The first is erroneous code. Erroneous code is the first one, but the second one immediately following it is EAC certified. So does the certification mean anything?”

“How do you get past that when you tell us the EAC inspects these machines, the EAC certifies them, and then in the very same sentence you say there is erroneous code that causes this major malfunction,” Lupo asked.

“Like you said earlier, Jeff, this was only caught because somebody was taking a tally on a post-it note.”

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
“The tactic all across the country is go after the investigators. Don't investigate the anomalies, don't investigate the problems, investigate the investigators, and it's a fear and intimidation tactic and they've done it across the board.

They did it with Tina Peters, they did it with Couy Griffin. They are trying to set examples in every area, a county recorder in Colorado, county commissioner in New Mexico, technical experts and lawyers up in Michigan, at Mar-a-Lago an ex-president.

We are going to set the example here that if you speak up, if you question anything that's contrary to the official government stance, then you are a bad guy, and we are going to come after you.”

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