General Flynn ️
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Pay attention to what else is going on. You know, the things the federal government is doing when no one is watching.
The “Atlantic” published in an essay, "Just as the AR-15 rifle has become a sacred object for Christian nationalists in general, the rosary has acquired a militaristic meaning for radical-traditional (or 'rad trad') Catholics...” so you’re telling me for praying the rosary daily, my grandchildren’s great grandmother is militaristic & radical!?

I’m impressed Newsweek allowed this article. Violence is never acceptable & the radical left has sanctioned, promoted & gone way overboard using it as a tool. This must stop.

Our very foundation as a nation is at stake. Read this short article and consider the large # of under-reported attacks against people of the Christian faith. And Christians accept all comers too by the way.
So true and this miracle should inspire us all!
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
NPR dismissed a laptop containing evidence of 459 crimes the Biden family and their business associates committed as "not really news" and a "distraction" days before the 2020 presidential election.

NPR continues to turn a blind eye to the Biden family's crimes, financial corruption, and foreign kickbacks because they are a fraudulent news organization that is a propaganda tool for the U.S. political establishment.

NPR is worse than "U.S. state-affiliated media" — it's state-backed propaganda in its purest form.

“[A]bove all, remember that our rights come from God, not government, and they can always be taken back.”
I am going to continue to push our “Citizens Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare” (a bestseller at Barnes & Noble). We offer a “Field Manual” on how to understand and overcome this war of narratives, a battle for our minds.

“This influence operation aims to control what information we’re allowed to receive and how we perceive it.” And it’s being executed by forces inside of our own government.

Just wow! What has happened to the once great FBI? You would have thought some changes would be made for the better after the FAKE RUSSIA GATE, but the FBI (& DOJ) have dug their heels in targeting American citizens. When will former FBI leaders (& Agents) speak up? Or do they believe these actions are okay? Pray for this whistleblower, because those on the inside will not treat him fairly.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
FBI whistleblower @RealStevefriend talks about the Bureau assigning undercover agents to infiltrate catholic churches, recruit paid informants, and surveil citizens who hold pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-border security views that are now considered radical by the government:

"POTUS called anybody who voted Republican a white supremacist and an anti-government extremist. So now the guns have been turned around on about half the country who decided to pull the lever on a GOP nominee for office, and it's further indication that the FBI has become this politicized weaponized arm of the administration and is no longer doing the work of all the American people, it's just doing the call from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."

In history, when a nation gave up it’s liberties, they never got them back. Stand up and speak out against the tyranny of the left.
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