Marjorie Taylor Greene
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🍑 Georgia 14’s Congresswoman
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🇺🇸 Save America and Stop Communism
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No group of people have ever had their constitutional rights so blatantly violated as the nonviolent J6 prisoners being held pretrial in the DC jail.

The House Oversight Committee will be investigating the abuse and denial of basic human rights and bring accountability where it is due.

I absolutely LOVE coming back to Georgia and home to my district where people smile, hug me, and say “thank you for all you do and keep fighting.”

They make it easy for me to never give up. ❤️🇺🇸

Media is too big
Thanks to the hard work of the GOP grassroots, Republicans now control Congress. We’ve already gotten a lot done, but we’re just getting started.

It was my honor to speak with the delegates at the Floyd County Republican Convention this morning.

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Matthew Perna committed suicide because of the extreme persecution he was undergoing by our own government.

All he did was walk through open doors.

But over 95% of Antifa and BLM rioters charges were dropped.

I will not vote to fund a two-tiered justice system.

Always great to be back home in Northwest Georgia!!

We can not borrow our way out of banking problems and any of our other problems.
But go ahead. 🤦‍♀️
And key up the Ministry of Truth to make sure no one complains.

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The elected politicians and bureaucrats on the call tonight who have held power for decades and put us ALL in this position are like those continuing the party on the top deck of the Titanic.

But be sure to engage the censorship machine to stop people from communicating their opinions and stories and make sure minorities money is protected instead of all American’s money because apparently money identity matters.

And for God sakes end the call by 8 pm because apparently there are other important things to do.

And in the end it was thoughts and prayers.

Absolutely unreal.

They give money to Silicon Valley Bank.

They give money to Ukraine.

But no money for East Palestine.

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These poor children and their mother!

This is only one example of many of the heartbreaking circumstances these families are going through because of the two-tiered justice system and the political persecution of their loved ones.

The House Oversight Committee has sent a letter to Mayor Muriel Bowser to go to the DC Jail.

They better not turn us away.

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Jamie Raskin is trying to cover up Biden family corruption and crimes.

The real reason Raskin is upset with our Oversight Chair, Rep. James Comer, is because Chairman Comer just subpoenaed Hunter Biden’s business partner’s bank records.

I’m fighting to secure our southern border, expose the human rights abuses of pretrial J6 detainees, and end the genital mutilation of children.

Will you step up to help me win our fight against the Democrats?

Silicon Valley “Bank” really operated like a hedge fund. They had less than 10% of their money FDIC insured.

Why are they even being treated like a bank?

I’m proud to co-sponsor Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s legislation to declare WAR on the Mexican cartels.

We must authorize the use of military force to eliminate the thugs who are smuggling drugs and illegal aliens across our southern border, leading to crime and the murder of countless Americans.

While cartel members wait for their fate to be sealed by our great military, we will put a hit on their bank accounts by sanctioning any government that supports or allows cartels to operate.

This legislation will use every tool available from increased federal criminal penalties, bypassing Democrat District Attorneys and prosecutors who refuse to apply existing federal law, and even denaturalization.

There is a war going on that affects every single American, but it’s not in Ukraine or the Middle East, it’s on our Southern border.

President Trump and the J6 Prison Choir’s new song, “Justice for All,” is #1 everywhere.

This song touches me differently than most as I actually sang the National Anthem with pretrial J6 detainees from inside the jail.

The human rights abuses these men are suffering are unparalleled, worse than 9/11 terrorists are treated in Guantanamo Bay.

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and I will be leading a delegation back to the DC jail, open to ALL Members of Congress, to witness firsthand the suffering of these patriotic Americans.

Democrats refused to show up for work today for our Homeland Security Committee hearing in McAllen, TX about the border crisis.

Who gave the order telling them not to go?

And why?

Are they afraid of the truth?

There are over 3 times as many border encounters and record fentanyl poisonings per month under Biden than under Trump.

Democrats don’t even care enough to show up.


Sheriff Castleberry of Kimble County told us of 13 and 14 year girls being trafficked by the Cartels.

He emotionally stated, “these girls have no idea where their parents are and where they are going and what will happen to them.”

He said it angers him our federal government allows this to go on.

Explosive found by Border Patrol Agents on Jan 17th. Agents have surveillance of who brought it in and when and confirmed it was the Cartel.

This changes everything.

Not only are the Cartels murdering Americans everyday through drugs and crime, but now they are planting bombs on our land in our country.

Our US military needs to take action against the Mexican Cartels.

End this Cartel led war against America!

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