Marjorie Taylor Greene
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✝️ Christian
🍑 Georgia 14’s Congresswoman
♥️ Mother of 3
💼 Successful Business Woman
🇺🇸 Save America and Stop Communism
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Hakeem Jeffries has endorsed Mike Johnson because he knows Mike Johnson’s “leadership” is going to hand the House majority to Democrats in January.

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I ran for Congress because of Republican majorities in the House and Senate that FAILED to pass President Trump’s agenda.

Now, we have a Speaker who is working every single day to pass Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats’ agenda.

It’s time for Mike Johnson to resign or be removed as Speaker.

Antisemitism is wrong, but I will not be voting for the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 (H.R. 6090) today that could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews.

Read the bill text and contemporary examples of antisemitism like #9.

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Americans gave Republicans in the House a majority because they were fed up with the Democrat agenda.

What have Republicans done with it?

Uniparty Speaker Mike Johnson is using it to pass Joe Biden’s agenda.

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I ran for Congress to take a sledgehammer to the Republican establishment.

Mike Johnson is basically giving the Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries a big hug and a kiss as they share the Speaker’s gavel together.

I refuse to sit idly by as our Speaker in the Republican majority capitulates to every Democrat demand.

Mike Johnson must resign or be removed.

I’m calling the motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson next week after weeks of warning Mike Johnson to stop giving Democrats everything they want. Now Hakeem Jeffries and the entire leadership team has said they will vote to table the motion because Mike Johnson has given the Democrats everything they want and they know it’s impossible for them to take the majority so protecting him is essentially their way of controlling the Speaker’s gavel.

The vote on the motion to table will essentially reveal the Uniparty in full.

Vote YES to table the motion to vacate = Uniparty member
Vote against tabling the motion to vacate = not Uniparty member

We voted for Mike Johnson to be our Republican Speaker and we must hold him accountable for his actions and failures to our conference or we risk losing the majority next year.

List of Speaker Mike Johnson betrayals:

Passed a 2 part Omnibus with Democrats and majority of Republicans against it that fully funded Biden’s open border, DOJ, FBI with new building, full term abortion, and trans agenda on kids and refused to allow us to make amendments and gave us only one day to read the over 1,000 page bill.

Reauthorized FISA and was the deciding vote against warrant requirements - flipping his position from 6 months ago when he was for warrant requirements to protect Americans.

Passed over $100 billion to foreign wars - $61 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion to Israel $9 billion to Gaza (Hamas), $3.5 billion to bring “refugees” to the U.S. from Gaza that Joe Biden says he wants to make U.S. citizens who will get to vote but did absolutely nothing to secure America’s border.

Republican voters are absolutely fed up with being continually let down by Republicans they elect.

Holding ourselves accountable and correcting our course is the way forward to prove to our voters we are worthy of the majority.

This is not too hard of a task to accomplish.

What is too hard is letting our people down.

That’s unacceptable to me.

For my Republican colleagues claiming that “the election is 6 months away, we can’t replace our Democrat controlled Speaker now, we can only focus on the election.”

If that’s the case then what can you do?

Why claim you can do anything at all?

Why should we even be in session?

Is Mike Johnson going to make a deal with House Democrats to save the very Speakership House Republicans gave him???

Now we know if he remains Speaker with their help, he’s fully compromised.

Are my Republican colleagues going to allow this?

He’s not our Speaker.

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It’s a good day for golf!

Got a birdie at the Murray County Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing!!

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Northwest Georgia, Primary Election Day is May 21st, but Early Voting is happening now! 🗳️

Get out and vote for Marjorie Taylor Greene and let’s save America! 🇺🇸


How can Mike Johnson stand side by side with President Trump after he fully funded Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ that is committing election interference by politically prosecuting President Trump?

September 30th is another government funding deadline, if Johnson is still Speaker, will he continue to fund it again right before the election?

Speaker Mike Johnson is talking about kicking Republican members off of committees if we vote against his rules/bills.

This comes after he’s serving Chuck Schumer and Biden’s every single wish and passing major bills with Democrats and not the majority of Republicans!

It’s not us who is out of line, it’s our Republican elected Speaker!!

By the way, being kicked off committees is nothing new for me.

Badge of honor.

Don’t threaten me with a good time.

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The absolute goal is to put U.S. troops on the ground in Ukraine and there is no proof of what he’s saying.

Speaker Johnson is under control of Jeffries and Schumer.

You want your son or daughter fighting Russia in Ukraine?

Keep supporting Johnson.

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The entire Democrat Party is lining up behind Mike Johnson.

First, it was the entire leadership team for the Democrats.

Now, Nancy Pelosi, who impeached President Trump TWICE, has given Johnson her seal of approval.

What deal has been made??

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I didn’t plan on discussing my list before today’s 12:30 meeting.

But since it was leaked, I’m making it clear these are simple and easy for Mike Johnson to follow.

- Hastert Rule (majority of the majority must support any bill)
- No more funding for Ukraine
- Defund Special Counsels
- Avoid a shutdown before the election by passing a CR to automatically enact a 1% spending cut

It would be a huge win for our Republican majority, and most importantly a huge win for the people who gave it to us.

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This is my statement before entering my 12:30PM meeting with Speaker Johnson.

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This is Mike Johnson’s decision. Will he be a Democrat Speaker or a Republican one?

He already delivered Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer’s agenda.

If he’s capable of doing that, I think he’s extremely capable of meeting the suggestions I’ve asked of him on behalf of the Republican majority.

It takes actions, not words.

But he can’t drag this out..

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Today’s testimony from Stormy Daniels should cause a mistrial!

After being threatened with jail by the judge’s ridiculous gag order, President Trump cleverly side steps it by just quoting the news!!


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