Marjorie Taylor Greene
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✝️ Christian
🍑 Georgia 14’s Congresswoman
♥️ Mother of 3
💼 Successful Business Woman
🇺🇸 Save America and Stop Communism
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I’m fighting to secure our southern border, expose the human rights abuses of pretrial J6 detainees, and end the genital mutilation of children.

Will you step up to help me win our fight against the Democrats?

Silicon Valley “Bank” really operated like a hedge fund. They had less than 10% of their money FDIC insured.

Why are they even being treated like a bank?

I’m proud to co-sponsor Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s legislation to declare WAR on the Mexican cartels.

We must authorize the use of military force to eliminate the thugs who are smuggling drugs and illegal aliens across our southern border, leading to crime and the murder of countless Americans.

While cartel members wait for their fate to be sealed by our great military, we will put a hit on their bank accounts by sanctioning any government that supports or allows cartels to operate.

This legislation will use every tool available from increased federal criminal penalties, bypassing Democrat District Attorneys and prosecutors who refuse to apply existing federal law, and even denaturalization.

There is a war going on that affects every single American, but it’s not in Ukraine or the Middle East, it’s on our Southern border.

President Trump and the J6 Prison Choir’s new song, “Justice for All,” is #1 everywhere.

This song touches me differently than most as I actually sang the National Anthem with pretrial J6 detainees from inside the jail.

The human rights abuses these men are suffering are unparalleled, worse than 9/11 terrorists are treated in Guantanamo Bay.

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and I will be leading a delegation back to the DC jail, open to ALL Members of Congress, to witness firsthand the suffering of these patriotic Americans.

Democrats refused to show up for work today for our Homeland Security Committee hearing in McAllen, TX about the border crisis.

Who gave the order telling them not to go?

And why?

Are they afraid of the truth?

There are over 3 times as many border encounters and record fentanyl poisonings per month under Biden than under Trump.

Democrats don’t even care enough to show up.


Sheriff Castleberry of Kimble County told us of 13 and 14 year girls being trafficked by the Cartels.

He emotionally stated, “these girls have no idea where their parents are and where they are going and what will happen to them.”

He said it angers him our federal government allows this to go on.

Explosive found by Border Patrol Agents on Jan 17th. Agents have surveillance of who brought it in and when and confirmed it was the Cartel.

This changes everything.

Not only are the Cartels murdering Americans everyday through drugs and crime, but now they are planting bombs on our land in our country.

Our US military needs to take action against the Mexican Cartels.

End this Cartel led war against America!

Under President Trump’s leadership, America was respected around the globe. American workers and families were thriving—Incomes rose at every level. Trump unleashed America’s oil and natural gas potential. Illegal immigration was on the decline. American manufacturing was on the rise. The globalists were in retreat.

Joe Biden has brought America to its knees.

President Trump is the man to Save America.

Media is too big
Every state is a border state.

In just the last two years under the Biden Administration, fentanyl deaths in my district in Northwest Georgia have increased over 350%.

Americans are dying, and Democrats don’t even bother to show up for work.

Chris Cabrera, VP of National Border Patrol Council, just said suicides among Border Patrol agents is high due to the devastating things they see, especially with children, and frustration on the job.

NYPD has 35,000 officers and reported 4 suicides last year.

NBPC represents 18,000 Border Patrol agents and they reported 17 suicides last year.

Biden’s border crisis is driving suicides among BPA.

We have no idea who or what is coming across our Southern border.

But we do know that we’re being systematically and intentionally replaced by Joe Biden and the Democrats’ open border policies.


Media is too big
The U.S. Southern border is one of the most dangerous places in the world.

We are at WAR with the Mexican cartels, which is why I’m cosponsoring legislation to authorize the full force of our military against these thugs and killers.

I spent the day in McAllen, TX meeting with top federal and state officials charged with defending our Southern border.

After listening to their testimony, I’m angrier than ever at the incredible failure of our federal government.

Secretary Mayorkas must be impeached!!

Media is too big

Not in Ukraine, not in the Middle East — at our Southern border. #SecureOurBorder

Going LIVE on the War Room with Steve Bannon!


Media is too big
In just half of Biden’s term, there are DOUBLE the alien encounters and known got aways than during President Trump’s entire term.

This is no mistake or accident, it’s all by design. And Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas are responsible for it. #SecureOurBorder

Media is too big
Republicans in Congress are coming for Secretary Mayorkas because he’s a complete failure. But he’s just the first one…


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