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Patriot. Anon. Jesus is everything. Q
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Forwarded from Craig Summit
Once more Moses turned to the Lord.
‘Lord,’ he said to him ‘why do you treat this people so harshly?
Why did you send me here?
Ever since I came to Pharaoh and spoke to him in your name, he has ill-treated this nation,
and you have done nothing to deliver your people.’

Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘You will see’.

- Exodus 5
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Good morning everyone!
Which one was your favorite from this video??
Taking some days away from politics and specifically our movement is an interesting experience. It really puts perspective on how the heavy topics we talk about and consume every day affects the mind and spirit.

My advice to anyone here is to be cautious with how much energy you give towards daily events. Most of the stories in the news cycle are dark and sad.

You don't need to take on the weight of every difficult thing happening globally. If this war takes you out of peace, refocus.
Romans 5: 3-5
"Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

There is no harmony in holding onto a victim mentality identity as a new creation under Jesus. You aren't a victim of bad circumstances, you are blessed to become strong. Rejoice in suffering!
Morning patriots! What's going on? 🐸
Don't let the enemy tell you your worth. You have a purpose. You have a destiny.

Your worth was ordained through the mighty hands of Father when He made you, and it increases every day you walk this Earth. When Father made you, He held endless loving thoughts over your life.

He poured His love into you as if you were the only being in existence. Yeshua died on the cross for YOU! If you were the only human alive He would still sacrifice Himself for you. You are the center of His universe.
I am a really optimistic person, always have been, always will be. But there's good optimism, and there's bad optimism.

Good optimism relies on what we know is true. Well what do we know? We know justice will come. We know God is in control. We know Patriots are in control. We know nothing can stop what is coming. We know the world is on track to change drastically for the better. We know people are awakening.

Bad optimism would be acting like we know the timetable. We don't.
Yes, patience is the reality we're living through. We can't take down the Cabal by ourselves. The Cabal wrapped it's corrupt tentacles around every major function of society.

This was never going to be taken care of as quickly as we'd like. It's global. The biggest hurdle is the power source - the people. The people sleeping in the system is the only thing that gives the Cabal any control.

Only when circumstances invade people's consciousness bubble will they unplug and be free from chains.
Media is too big
When it's said we should reevaluate basically everything we've been taught, told, or previously believed, it is the truth. These kinds of observations are the tangible things in which we need to discuss in order to make Earth more like Heaven. Satan has diluted so much of what we think of as "normal."

Would it surprise any of us to know that it is very likely we've hardly scratched the surface of how entangled the Matrix system has engulfed life as we know it?

We're going to take it all back.
Q post: 2604
At what point does a person become truly free and awakened? Is someone awake when they learn about the evils of the Cabal?

You can have all the knowledge in the world of the evils we face, and still not be free. When someone's else opinion is your default - they are thinking for you.

Humanity has an innate need to worship, it was coded into our DNA. Worship can mean viewing others above yourself. Which Human can you trust 100%? Disconnect the need for others to validate your beliefs.
I watched the new movie Jesus Revolution yesterday and it was really great. Amazing message. But also it wasn't corny like so many other Christian movies in the past. It was a legitimately well made movie and I recommend it.
The quote "God uses flawed people for His purposes" is a fact. If God didn't use flawed people for His will then... He wouldn't use anybody on Earth lol.

Consider this when you think of your own life. Most would say they can't do great things because they have problems. God desires flawed people to use because it only heightens the glory He receives from the works He calls them to do.
This is the way I understand it: Jesus is God. Jesus always was, and always is. He is "I Am." When Jesus came to Earth in my opinion He left His divine nature dormant. I believe somehow either Jesus held it back or maybe Jesus and Father made some sort of legal way of keeping Him from accessing it unless Father desired it. I back this up by how on His journey Jesus did show His divine nature on the mount of transfiguration with Peter, James, and John present. So I just think we have breadcrumbs to go off of, and we can form our own viewpoint on it. Regardless Jesus is God.

I believe my thought process makes the most sense because if you look at the narrative God was creating for His walk on Earth, it shows what a "perfect walk" would look like. Jesus being fully man gave Humanity a beacon at which we could look and model our own lives on. And of course Jesus' journey on Earth ended with the greatest sacrifice known, and the greatest Resurrection known, in which we share in these things with Him.
Hey guys just to clarify my last post - I was specifically address how Jesus was (and is) fully God and fully man at the same time. I could go much more in-depth on this subject.

People are also confusing my comments like I'm disregarding The Trinity. I think what's annoying is sometimes when these subjects are addressed people will require every one of my beliefs in order to see what I'm trying to say 🤦‍♂️ It's ok though, no big deal lol.

Jesus is God. Holy Spirit is God. Father is God. They are 1 and they are 3. They each have personalities, purposes over creation, individuality, and relationships to creation. They function fully together and fully apart at the same time. Each of The Trinity has a different relationship with us, even if people don't know that.

Jesus did not perform the miracles showcased in The Bible. The Holy Spirit did it through Him - He was a vessel. The perfect vessel. He also had perfect DNA. He was a perfect example of how we can be used by Holy Spirit. He was a beacon to showcase our relationship to Holy Spirit and Father. You can only get to The Father through the son.

Some of this is confusing.. yeah it really is, trying to put limited capacity words towards the God of creation doesn't always work. Seeing it and feeling it for yourself is far superior than just some words on a screen. Ask God for yourself. Don't just read things people say online about the true nature of The Trinity / what it means to be 3, and to be 1. Don't just listen to pastors, or teachers, or some guy giving a lecture - ask God yourself and seek the answers. A son or daughter who hungers for the deep mysterious of God will be rewarded.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
Media is too big
New footage just released by Tucker Carlson shows the Capitol Police escorting the “QAnon Shaman” through the Capitol building on J6, and even trying to open locked doors for him.


The narrative is slowly crumbling.
The problem is and will continue to be the MSM for why most every day Americans still are blind to deep evil and uncomfortable truth.

Opinions only become acceptable to believe for normies once MSM starts to report on them, that is exactly why White Hats needed at least some MSM personalities to drip critical information.

People like Tucker Carlson are underrated when it comes to delivering the necessary flow of information in The Great Awakening.
Free the J6 prisoners!
Forwarded from We The Media (Red.Pill.Pharmacist)
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Hello family! ❤️

Please keep @MistyG17 in your prayers as she’s currently dealing with some health issues and could use some relief through the healing process.

We love and are with you, Misty! ❤️
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Every single normie needs to see this photo and allow their preexisting sheep mentality to melt as the reality of literal false flags being orchestrated by our government on the people they promised to protect begins to set in.
The conspiracy theorists were right about everything.
Listen to a conspiracy theorist today.
I'm not going to lie: Tucker's show tonight was A MUST WATCH.

Tucker just dropped a massive Moab on many January 6th narratives the deep state machine mustered up.

Every. Single. Headline. Was. Fake.
It appears all footage the J6 committee put out was altered or specifically cropped to paint things in a certain light.

-The "Q Shaman" appears to be an innocent guy who was led into a trap and used as a tool. (Based on footage)
-Ray Epps proved liar.
-J6 commitee lied about Senator Hawley.
Good morning you absolute legends
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