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Patriot. Anon. Jesus is everything. Q
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Forwarded from Patrick Gunnels (Patrick)
RUMBLE IS DOWN! Check out tonight's episode on Foxhole Exclusively! Qstradamus, Burning Bright, and More!

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My username is @RealQstradamus

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Just a friendly reminder to everyone. When Trump gave his farewell speech, he was in front of 17 (Q) flags πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

Even when we hit rock bottom as a movement Trump still gave us breadcrumbs so we could hold the line and keep faith. It had to be this way.

Look at where we are now! Our momentum is unstoppable. White Hats are validating us over and over again as we get closer to the storm. No one on this planet could convince me that we have lost. We are winning bigly. Hold the line patriots πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’―

The Big Picture Part 2: Op and Awakening is out now!

I hope everyone enjoys my writing. Being a new writer, I am enjoying this journey of working on my craft! I find great joy in writing these for you Patriots. God bless πŸ™

If any fake scam accounts want to message me that would be yuge! I love trolling.

All my frens are trolling scammers and I'm left out πŸ₯²πŸ˜­
1st world problems.
Just wanted to say thanQ for all the support friends. It means so much to me. All of your feedback on my substack articles is just kind of overwhelming..

You guys are so awesome. You bless me greatly. You're my family πŸΈπŸ’š

The Lord is good!
Everyone involved in this fight wants to fix what has been broken.

The truth is that in order to really restore the world, we need to restore God's true nature to the people. Darkness has depicted God and people who follow Jesus in a bad light to the world. The lies must be brought down in order to move forward.

Knowledge of who God truly is, can be revealed again. We can do it. We can represent God's heart of love. We can bring down the lies against his nature. Shine light.

Thank you Lord that the opinions of man don't change who you are. You are the most free person in existence. And because we are conforming to your image it means we are learning to become truly free.

Flaws are only a piece of ourselves that is missing. When we are insecure and don't love ourselves, it is because we have not looked through God's eye's.

If you feel unworthy, if you feel shame, just know those lies come straight from the gates of hell. You have been made clean in his sight ✝️

My opinion on the scare event:
One of the reasons we've been through what we have over the last 7 or so years, is because White Hats wanted to prevent nuclear and civil war.

I don't believe people are awake enough at this moment for arrests to take place. More needs to happen to get us to the precipice. This is not doom prophesying, this is reality for what needs to happen to complete The Great Awakening.

I do not believe we will see visible WW3. Events will likely appear very close though.

If you want to support me I just set this up! God bless πŸ™
Remember why you are fighting.

You are fighting for your children, and your children's children. You are fighting for the one's who don't know they are in shackles. You are fighting for the one's who have lost hope. You are fighting for the one's who no longer have the will to fight. You are fighting for freedom and justice to be restored to this beautiful Earth.

Do not forget your oath! You are living through the most important time on the Earth in thousands of years. You are Warriors πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

While I appreciate this person with a huge following who I will not say their name, telling people that is their right to vote at least. I truly do not understand this logic.

In order to stand by your principles, you will just hand the deep state the election.. if everyone had this mentality we would never fix the election fraud problem.

Yes the elections are rigged, yes they've been doing this since before we were born. But not voting is playing into the DS's hand.

Overwhelm the fraud.
Seek your role. Seek your involvement in the fight. Do not compare yourself to others in this time, they are not you. They were not given the same calling as you.

If I were to just replicate what others have succeeded on, I would not allow my expression to shine. The same applies to you. Do not think for even a moment your voice has no meaning.

But remember that we stand on the shoulder of giants. The pioneers before us paved ways. We can push their ways further. We can create a new path too!πŸ™

I believe there are more good guys than bad guys. I believe there are more patriots than America haters. I believe people are generally good and not evil.

A lot of people would say that sin has been running rampant in America. A lot of those same people don't understand that these things have been programmed into the people by the Cabal.

Would our young generations really believe it is ok to become the opposite gender if it had not been pushed onto them? The people need to be freed from lies! 🌎

What we are involved with here is the most complex movement in the world, it only makes sense considering we are following the most complex operation in the history of the world πŸ˜‚

We deal with constant infiltraters and people who hate us. We deal with the world thinking we are crazy (I wouldn't want to be viewed any other way 🐸.)

We are a movement that needs unity yet we are like the wild west because of the deep levels of infiltration. Use your discernment with who you follow. It's important!

I know everyone is exhausted. We've all been in the trenches for a long time. Right now is tough for people because fear is rising up as talks of WW3 continue.

I can't sit here and promise you what is or isn't going to happen. All I can say is that whatever we are going through and will go through is necessary to bring is into the new Era of the world - a world without the Babylon System.

Remember who your rock is. Jesus is the light in the dark. He is the calm in the storm. Rest in his love ✝️

God gives purpose to us all in our lives. This purpose you are walking in is something that can never be taken away from you. You will be rewarded for your faith and accomplishments in Heaven.

The fight we are in right now is part of your purpose! There's no question about it. You were born to live through this era. And here's the best part: You were born to WIN in this era. There is no turning back. Only onward to victory. #NCSWIC

The Deep State has no other path forward other then to double down on their WW3 push. They continue to send money to Ukraine. The people are seeing the corruption.

Look at the big picture, our government keeps exposing themselves as being anti-America. We just had a horrendous hurricane in Florida. Imagine what all this money would do to help the aftermath there.

You are watching the Cabal self sabotage themselves. The precipice is in sight as Awakening amps up. Stay strong patriots. Things are always heavier when victory is in sight.

I don't mind being controversial. I really believe what I'm speaking about here is very important to God. God bless πŸ™
Forwarded from Jon Herold

Eugene Yu, CEO OF Konnech Inc. has been arrested by the LA County District Attorney

Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
The arrest of Konnech's CEO is significant for a couple of reasons:

The DA didn't go after a low-level data geek within the company. Doing so would allow the media and the company to claim this was the work of a lone wolf and not a company sponsored policy. Taking down the CEO suggests that the practice of illegally mining data on poll workers came from the top.

LA County is not the only place where Konnech is an election software provider. They have contracts with about two dozen other cities, counties and states. The arrest in LA County puts pressure on other law enforcement agencies to take action. If Konnech has a contract in a jurisdiction and the local police don't investigate, they'll appear to be complicit.

If other jurisdictions bring charges against Konnech or its CEO, the timing of the November election becomes problematic.
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