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Patriot. Anon. Jesus is everything. Q
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Message to black pilled people:

I have sympathy for you, I really do. I wish I could give you my hope, but I can't. I wish I could have God hand you more faith to believe his narrative, but I can't.

God loves your freewill. He does not interfere when you continually question obvious things that are happening. He shows you many things and He nudges you along, but ultimately you make your decisions.

I am patient and understanding for you guys. I wish you would rejoin us. It's fun over here! πŸŽ‰πŸ™Œ
What's the point of bringing down the Cabal Control System if people we think are on our side are still waiting to stab us in the back?

How can we grasp the entirety of a global operation that is not only fighting against opponents seen, but opponents disguised as allies? How do you draw out hidden assets from the shadows? βŒ›οΈ

It isn't about people who disagree with Trump's character or policies, it's about good and evil. It isn't hard to discern that Trump has a calling to take down evil. βš–οΈπŸΊπŸ‘
You are crazy because you believe people in positions of power can be corrupted?

Or are you crazy because you believe forces of Darkness draw in desperate people seeking power, fame, and fortune?

Are you out of your mind if you believe God is helping us get out of this unimaginable mess?

They will call you a lunatic - they will discredit you for believing anything that threatens their fabricated power.
There is no return. Once awake, you cannot simply plug yourself back in to a fake truth! 🎭
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
I wrote a word of encouragement for our battle wounded anon family today.

Anons know more than almost any group how evil the giants we face are.

Now is the time to lift your heads up to God and find where He wants you to fight back, believe, and focus on.

This country is not lost until God says it is.

Your heart may be weary today, but weariness or temporary feelings does not determine the fate of our world.

God is on a mission and we get to be part of that beautiful story.

Rag tag group of wounded anon warriors and all.

Let's pump up the vibe!

Post Animal pictures/videos, Bible verses, and encouraging words. πŸ™Œ
God's Love is the most wonderful matter in existence. There is nothing like it, there is no comparison. Nothing comes close to being in His arms. Peace beyond measure. You are home.

"There is no one like You, You are Holy!"

Military is the only way because the system is so broken and corrupt. The system was formed to ensure our slavery. This was never about winning an election, it's about the destruction of the old guard and the shackles system.
My new substack is up: Persevering War.

I wrote this to encourage all of you. I know as a people we are being stretched. Hopefully my words can strengthen you amongst adversity.
God bless you warriors πŸ™

Just as I told everyone to temper expectations when it came to midterms - let's do the same here. We have no idea what he's going to announce.

Everything Trump does is strategic against the Cabal puppet masters. Many times in the past Trump has done similar things like this in order to get the Cabal to use ammunition, or make a terrible mistakes.

In the game of 5D chess, everything is planned many moves ahead. Let's remove our expectations, so we're not disappointed again. Protect yourself.
Kari Lake "lost" because the system is rigged.

The narrative keeps diving deeper - if public figures do not see and talk about the election fraud taking place - they are automatically suspect. A bright light is being shined on the swamp. Sleepers waiting for betrayal are being revealed. They think they are safe.

The stage is set for a mass migration of sleeping citizens to awaken from their slumber.

The people must see and feel. The system must be replaced.
Guys, I'm not going to lie - this last week has brought me to even deeper levels of peace and excitement.

I knew the fraud would be allowed to bring us deeper into awakening. The times where it was actually harder to stay in peace was when I looked around and saw sleeping people uncomfortable and not feeling the precipice. I knew we had to go further.

Each event happening right now I see clearly as pathways to the storm.

I am unapologetically full of optimism and peace. We're winning big! πŸ’―πŸ†
Trump is encouraging us. He wants us to know to hold on and hold the line.

He is comfy. Why shouldn't you be?
What will Trump announce?
Wrong answers only 😁
Blackpills are ghey
Let's see what Trump's got for us!

I have no expectations for what he's going to say besides that it will be something interesting and it will bring us closer to the storm! πŸ™
I stand with Trump no matter what he says.
Trump has a very serious vibe right now πŸ‘€
Yeah. Trump just admitted we're not at the precipice yet. That's how deep the Cabal's brainwashing is on our world.

Is his 2024 run bait?
Things can turn around quickly. White Hats are many chess moves ahead.

What still LIKELY needs to happen before the storm, from a logical standpoint? (God can change a nation in a day.)

-China invasion into Taiwan.
-Federal Reserve destruction (could also happen post storm possibly.)
-MSM destruction.

I love you guys, truly. I know most of you are frustrated. I understand, it's tough guys. It is not a simple task to get through this.

God woke you guys up for a reason. He gives mighty challenges to His warriors. He could have kept the veil over your eyes, but he did not. He set you on a path, knowing in the end you would come out tough and untouchable.

I will keep believing no matter what. No one will bring me down. I am full of joy because I have seen the victory. I know God Wins.
This is not about the battle of politics where we win fight to win elections.

This is about draining the swamp.
This is about the destruction of the old guard.
This is about changing the Earth as we know it.
This is about the world unifying against common oppressors.
This is about YOUR shackles being destroyed.
This is about the CHILDREN.
This is about GOD.
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