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Patriot. Anon. Jesus is everything. Q
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Not every theory is correct.
Not every theory is incorrect.
White Hats don't know everything.
White Hats know the battlefield.
Not every famous person is DS.
Not every person on the internet is an infiltrater.
Many are infiltraters.
Not everyone's a clone.
Is some of this possible? Yes.
Do we need the sauce? Yes.
Be sober in your beliefs. Don't just take anything you hear and run with it. But also don't take anything you hear and dismiss it. Learn the balance of beliefs. Use your discernment!
"The best is yet to come" is a dangerous phrase. Can someone really deny the pessimism of the world so bluntly?
The wisdom of man is if I expect the worst to happen, I won't be disappointed.
The wisdom of God is to expect the best, and fight to live in that atmosphere.
Yeah I'm reckless. I've lived on the hill of world transformation for so long. I will happily die on that hill too. No one alive could convince me to move an inch. The best is yet to come is the truth!
By the end of this movie I hope and pray the inner workings of the plan to save the world are revealed to the public. I hope to hear the White Hats tell us their stories about the sacrifices they made for us, and how God lead them through the war every step of the way. How could they stay silent?
I truly believe we will be shocked in the end by who was actually playing roles, who was infiltrating the DS, and who was trying to infiltrate us. WH good actors are dismantling the DS from within β™ŸοΈπŸŽ­πŸŽ₯
The timing of John Podesta joining Biden is.. not a coincidence.
Biden gives the most significant hate-filled speech in American political history - the internet is flooded with patriots and normies alike calling him a pedo and Hitler.
The next day an infamous pedo (close to Hillary) is put on Bidens team. You can't make this stuff up.
The events of the last 24 hours just further proves how scripted this movie is for Awakening.
Watch closely.

The deepest darkness, the heaviest weights, The Lord is beside you through it all. He has never abandoned you.
Though the Spiritual War rages on - God gives peace.
Through the storm his voice of peace pierces the noise.
Only then do you realize the thunder sings his might over creation.
Your Spiritual ears hear the voice of life singing over you.
It is unveiled that your purpose is to love and be loved by Perfect Love.
For your trials can only bring you into greater depth of intimacy with Father

Thank you to all of you guys who take time out of your day to see what I have to say, and interact on my channel! I take your time seriously. I love all of you and you've blessed me beyond what I could express.
I've always been a leader type. God strategically put me into a position where I had to learn to serve for many years. It gives me great joy now to be in this position, where I know I'm serving part of my calling to showcase God's love to everyone.
Thank you for supporting me frens! πŸ™πŸΈπŸ’š
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Donald Trump revealing the truth of the battle we are in.
β€œThey think the Deep State, not the citizens, should be the true masters of this country. On our watch we will never let that happen.”

Trump speaks on the security of our Nation even after he’s completed his purpose. This is so important. White Hats are fighting on the behalf of all future generations. White Hats could not only save our country for our lifetime. The Deep State must be rooted out to never return. The best is yet to come #45

Has it sunk in yet that we are living through the most historical event since the cross?
Centuries from now they will speak of the things you are living through.
They will speak about us.
They will speak of our courage to believe something most dismissed as lunacy.
They will remember how we held the line.
They will say we were the digital soldiers that stood against evil.
The world will never be the same.

Americas destiny is only now being revealed. We are not like other countries.
This country was founded and dedicated to The Lord by the founding fathers. It is a sacred bond.
This is why the armies of darkness have targeted our great country so heavily.
God has a special purpose for us. We were made for greatness. We will not fall short.
The assault on our minds to come into alignment with a dark future has been relentless.
Ditch the gloom. Embrace the light of truth and the American Destiny πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

If you get a message from any account that has my name, know that it is not me. Unless I directly tell you in my chat or give you immediate proof - block and report as spam!
To anyone offended by the thought of a bright future:
You have been lied to by religious churches, and more importantly - the religious spirit. The religious spirit, or you could call "the anti-christ spirit," moves in the opposite light of Jesus.
Jesus came against religion and renewed Spirit.
Religion is the death of relationship.
I don't care if this offends people. Biblical prophecy is mostly symbolic. Most of it has already been fulfilled.
Babylon is being crushed. The Kingdom Age is here.

Going to write my next substack article today, I won't be around much.
It's going to be on The Great Awakening and the Big picture.
We'll see where God leads me in this!
I will take a break at some point to do a prayer request for Patel Patriot.
I would ask my prayer warriors to pray for our brother Patel Patriot!
The enemy has really moved against him in his personal life.
Tomorrow he has a very important custody battle court case over his two children.
Pray that justice prevails for Jon. Pray God puts his protection over him. Pray that God leads the court to do the right thing.
Jon is over the target and his enemies would do anything to hurt him. God bless you Jon. God will move on your behalf, he is faithful πŸ™βœοΈ
Lord I offer all of myself to you. Use me for your purpose. Use me for your glory. Use me for your kingdom. I give myself not for personal glory, but because I love my Father, and he loves me. Conform my heart and my soul to be in line with you. Make me like you. Give me the peace that passes all understanding. I give you permission to love me fully. I give you permission to show me who you are in your fullness. I ask to experience you. I give permission to take all the burdens I carry. Amen
God is love.
If every person knew the depths of holiness that indwell his endless love for us, we would fall flat on our faces and proclaim his goodness.
The Anti-Christ Spirit has made every attempt to block the knowledge of his goodness to the world. Alongside the effort to skew God's true nature to the world.
We are called to reveal God's warmth and grace back to the Earth. To carry God's heart of unconditional love to all areas of life.
It doesn't have to be earned. His love is unchanging ✝️
The world is going to experience one glorious destiny together. That is why Q says "Where we go 1 we go all."
The White Hats know that we are all connected by the same vine. We are all God's creation. We are all witnessing God's plan unfold. Most don't know they are, but they will.
Unity. The Great Awakening.
This is all about freeing the people from their shackles.
Imagine a world without the oppressors...
Hard to do because that's all we've known.
The world will never be the same.

The Queen passing away is another significant marker to Justice coming.
Tick tock ⏱️
Queen down 1,776 days after first Q post.
Roe V Wade overturned 1,700 days after first Q post.
Looking glass.
White Hats in control.
Are you paying attention?
Checkmate β™ŸοΈ

Beliefs matter.
If something you believe does not bring hope - it likely is a lie.
If any view you have on God does not paint him as Love - it is likely a lie.
Any opinion of yourself that makes you feel low and worthless - it IS a lie.
Live in the heart of God. Where hope and love flows unlimited. Nothing is bad news in the Kingdom, because with true perspective you can see everything God does, or allows, is to bring you further into intimacy with him and blessing over your life.
40k foot view.

Life is a gift. Wouldn't you like to know what The Father was thinking when he crafted you?
Some say there has been approximately 100 billion humans since Adam and Eve. That's a lot of people. What's so incredible about God is that he has never just viewed you as a number.
When he crafted you he poured things into your mold that are unique that no one else carries. He never makes duplicates.
When Jesus carried the cross he specifically thought of you. He endured all pain for you alone, and for all mankind. ✝️

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