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Patriot. Anon. Jesus is everything. Q
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Optimism is something you have to choose. There's this notion that we are born either an optimist, or a pessimist. Being optimistic mostly stems from choosing to see and live in hope.

Hope is always in front of us, Jesus ensures this. The question becomes can we see past the barrage of designed pessimism from society, and demonic influence?

Even if it's hard, choose to live in joyful expectation. God has wonderful plans for you. Ask The Lord to make you as optimistic as Jesus, and believe it!πŸ™
Lord of the Rings comms.. brilliant.
These comms might go over some heads who don't understand what happened in the movie.

Who is Grima Wormtongue?
Saruman (corrupted wizard) and Grima (slimy liar) overtook an important stronghold of good forces by possessing and corrupting the King of Rohan.

These comms show that Fauci/Twitter were intentional in deceiving masses. They also show that they were only the puppet mouthpiece to the real villain - someone bigger.
Comms end in evil being defeated!
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LotR Elon Comms Pt 2

"Your staff is broken."
Staff = Source of power (possibly the puppet masters sphere of influence)

Chain of puppets - Wormtongue ➑️ Saruman ➑️ (Higher ups)
What is depicted in this scene posted by Elon? The lower puppet betrays the higher puppet. What has Elon equated wormtongue as? Twitter and Fauci.

Is Elon painting the story of coming events? Enemies cornered and betray one another. Is Fauci ready to backstab those above him to save his own skin?
When does a bird sing? -Q
Here's a dream I had about Anthony Fauci earlier this year. God confirms to me that Fauci will pay dearly for what he and his friends did in regards to Covid, and probably many other things.

While he will pay the price for his actions, God is the redeemer, and His gift of salvation is not just for those who "sinned less" during their Earthly journey. Justice is The Lord's. Fauci will feel his world crumbling down on him, yet we should still pray for his heart to be tendered to God's love!
Channel photo updated
This journey was never meant to be a sprint. It takes faith to endure through a marathon of patience. We are living through a period of deep trust building between us and The Creator.

Trusting that Jesus has already won over the persecutors and oppressors is central. When in war it's easy to feel you are fighting uphill, in reality we are in the position of Victory at the top of the hill!

The Most High has already crushed the Cabal under His feet. The visible Victory flags will form in time πŸŽ‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
It's hard to believe we're gearing up for 2023.. time moves so quickly.

When you look at 2022 as a whole, you can see that The Great Awakening moved exactly in the direction required. I feel very optimistic about 23
I hate to burst some people's bubbles, but White Hats would absolutely never confirm devolution.
Why? Same reason Trump doesn't say he's Q+, same reason Trump had to pretend to be pro Ukraine, same reason Trump had to pretend Jeff Sessions was a traitor. It's an operation.

White Hats weren't going to fully give control to the DS, only enough control so The Great Awakening could move forward IMO.

Kash saying OFF to devolution doesn't disprove it in any way.
Optics means shaping the narrative.
The Elon and Trump parallel is undeniable.

Billionaires who can't be bought, they love shitposting memes as a form of warfare, and they both are exposing the deep state on a massive scale.
Elon Musk is hitting normies with massive red pills. He is someone who has gained credibility with the public.

The beautiful thing about what Elon is doing is that he doesn't even have to give the Cabal a name to the masses. All he does is reveal the truth and then makes fun of them to their faces.

The Awakening he is pushing on Twitter right now is central to the people being tired of [their] crap.

Sit back and enjoy the show, it looks like he's just getting started! 🍿
Media is too big
Kek of the day! Best Biden impression I’ve seen. Too funny πŸ˜‚
Media is too big
All evidence points to Hitler being half Rothschild. The Cabal used Hitler like a puppet to do their bidding, while funding both sides of the war. The fake Jews wanted to destroy the real Jews. Evil.

A major tactic the Cabal deploys against the Q movement is to take our established distrust of history and narratives and push it too far. They aim to discredit the truth with their fabrications.

This video is from the Fall Cabal Sequel Series. Link:
I see a lot of people saying stuff like "you are the storm" or "you are the plan." I would say it's more complicated than that.

Years ago the amount of people awake to the system was so miniscule that an attempt for Patriots to stage a takeover would have ended in failure. The people would have rejected the notion. We would've defended the very people that enslaved us.

Reality is that White Hats need us just as much as we need them. Both would fail independent of eachother.
MIL-CIV Alliance!
At some point in the maturing of being a son or daughter of God it's not about what God can do for you, but about the treasure of who He is.

The riches of knowing Him far outweigh any blessing He can give to you, He's that good! πŸ™βœοΈ
JustLikeGizmo with an excellent decode to shed some light on the Trump card announcement!

If people think Trump's announcement today was just for fun, think again. We don't know all that's happening behind the scenes.

Trump is in a war. This isn't a game to him, he put everything on the line.

This is confirmation that the Trump card is coming, and no, not just a fun trading card but a Trump card against the Cabal! πŸ’―πŸ’₯ We don't know when this will happen. It's best to not put time frames on anything moving forward.
Post your favorite Christmas song! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…
The Twitter files keep confirming what we already know..
The 3 letter agencies are deeply corrupt, regardless of some good people in the midst.

This is one of those situations where you can't fix a rotten fruit, you need to just throw it away.

When the people see that these agencies were used to assist in pedophile rings, picking nations leaders, drug distribution, and so much more, they will demand that they be removed and never brought back.
An identity in The Lord means you are adopted into the kingdom as a Son or Daughter. The spirit of rejection and people-pleasing isn't removed overnight. Jesus proves His unconditional love to us throughout our lives.

We are new creations because Jesus within our hearts transforms us. Made in Their image, and Their home placed in us means we have access to the living water of Jesus always.

The world aims to bring us down, but the Kingdom aims to lift us up into powerful places with Jesus βœοΈπŸ‘‘
Many people dislike the saying "trust the plan." I believe the dislike comes from certain moments during this movie when patriots intentionally appear weak and lost to trap their opponents.

Trusting the plan is the 40k foot view. When you view things with the big picture in mind, it can be seen that the Cabal has very little power. Any power they appear to have is allowed in order to awaken the masses.

I truly trust the plan.
I know with my entire being that #NCSWIC
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