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Patriot. Anon. Jesus is everything. Q
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The world is going to experience one glorious destiny together. That is why Q says "Where we go 1 we go all."
The White Hats know that we are all connected by the same vine. We are all God's creation. We are all witnessing God's plan unfold. Most don't know they are, but they will.
Unity. The Great Awakening.
This is all about freeing the people from their shackles.
Imagine a world without the oppressors...
Hard to do because that's all we've known.
The world will never be the same.

The Queen passing away is another significant marker to Justice coming.
Tick tock ⏱️
Queen down 1,776 days after first Q post.
Roe V Wade overturned 1,700 days after first Q post.
Looking glass.
White Hats in control.
Are you paying attention?
Checkmate ♟️

Beliefs matter.
If something you believe does not bring hope - it likely is a lie.
If any view you have on God does not paint him as Love - it is likely a lie.
Any opinion of yourself that makes you feel low and worthless - it IS a lie.
Live in the heart of God. Where hope and love flows unlimited. Nothing is bad news in the Kingdom, because with true perspective you can see everything God does, or allows, is to bring you further into intimacy with him and blessing over your life.
40k foot view.

Life is a gift. Wouldn't you like to know what The Father was thinking when he crafted you?
Some say there has been approximately 100 billion humans since Adam and Eve. That's a lot of people. What's so incredible about God is that he has never just viewed you as a number.
When he crafted you he poured things into your mold that are unique that no one else carries. He never makes duplicates.
When Jesus carried the cross he specifically thought of you. He endured all pain for you alone, and for all mankind. ✝️

One day they will call us the StormRiders.
The Storm is going to change all life as we know it. So many are unplugging from the system right now, but the storm will awaken so many all at once. They will be confused. We will be the guiding lights through the chaos. So many will have their entire world's turned upside down In a mere day. I am convinced that the storm will shock even the most prepared yet.. there are those of us who will take authority in the madness. Joy in the midst of chaos.

What can be said that hasn't already been said about 9/11 by anons?
Everything the Cabal does backfires against them. Their pride is their downfall. 9/11 was used to further the NWO plan. They truly believed that nothing they could do would lead to their defeat.
Their false flag attack was the true beginning of The Great Awakening. The people's mind control started to short circuit that day, as inside they could feel that things did not add up.
All will be revealed. God has not forgotten.

God's creation amazes me 🌊🌅
Look at where we are now.
On January 20th when Biden had his fake inauguration, we all felt the depths of pain. Many of us gave up. Many of us lost hope.
Many thought we had lost.
Reality is that it had to he that way. We had to walk through the dark in order to see the light.
Awakening was not far enough.
The precipice was not close enough.
It had to be this way.
But now we are warriors, we have learned to rise up. We have learned to trust the plan. Sheep no more. We are ready for victory 🇺🇲

White Hat comms are becoming more and more bold. Trump just retruthed a direct Q meme.
Why would he do this?
It's because victory is assured.
It's because he is comfy.
It's because he is afflicting pain on his enemies.
It's because he is validating anons that have held the line.
It's because we are in the end game. We are nearing the complete and utter destruction of the Cabal.
The tumbling of the great powers that have controlled the Earth is underway. There is no where to run. Decisive victory.

Your bones feel the weight of the unseen
The cogs of war turn through time unregarded
Ticking by, this is bigger than you and I
Flow with, or left to pass by
You've been waiting for this moment for all of your life
For when crafted to life, branded as 'soldier'
Generations cry out for this moment
Made new and forged in flame
This is for all put to blame
Condemned from systems built to enslave
The great sound of shackles released
There is only one more move from the chess piece

Do not let any people void of hope influence your fight.
The truth is that anons have been fighting every day for years.
Every day - for the mental and spiritual battle to believe something that is so at odds with society is a weight.
The fight never ceases despite what's happening.
We fought during our lowest moments when all felt lost.
It's because we have been able to break the programming. We recognize where The Spirit of The Lord is.
Hold the line. Keep your peace. You see the light. NCSWIC

We are the masterwork of the cross. God's testament to redemption and light. He shines through you. He does the work. He gets glory through your life. Not because of works, but his grace. 🙏
Corinthians 4: 6-7
“Because the God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine, is the One who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us.”

You are blessed. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are incredible. You are crafted in perfect love. You are a genius. You are special. You are wonderful. You are unique. You are loved.
I love all of you. You are my brothers and my sisters. You are my friends. God bless you my dearest frens. You mean the world to me. 🙏❤️✝️

The most important thing about you is your relationship with God. It is the reason you were created. To love and be loved by God.
The 2nd most important thing in this journey is your calling. To learn the specific tasks God ordained for you on Earth, they are written in your scrolls. Seek The Lord with all your heart to find what your call is.
Everything centers around your intimacy of relationship with The Trinity, even your calling. They are intertwined.
The 3rd is carrying God's love for all.

Live in humility. Understand that there is so much that we don't know.
We only know a small percentage to the depths of life's knowledge.
If this life is a a grain of sand in the grand scale of time, then what is the knowledge we learn in this life?
True humility is found within the understanding that everything that we are comes from God. That we cannot take credit for his work in our minds and spirits.
Moses was the meekest man, because he encountered God's glory. He saw how above all God is.

Being in California this week has strengthened my inclination that God is looking at this state in a powerful way.
I believe when The Storm comes we will see a huge reversal for this state. Not a Republican thing, but a restoration of what God envisioned this place to be.
I see God's great desire for this state to be a bastion of freedom and powerful movements of The Holy Spirit.
It will be normal one day for Hollywood to create profound works of God's Heart. His creativity will shine.

There's 51 days til midterms. I can promise you this - the Cabal is thinking of any possible way they can cheat, or stop the process all together.
They know the red wave is coming. They know their NWO plans are out in the open, and people don't want to live in their system.
They are trapped in their own web that they spun.
Expect things to heat up.

They know not that all pain and suffering they afflicted on the Earth will bring 7 fold blessing.
They mock the people. They mock Jesus. They mock the very thing that they so seek to conquer - creation.
In their game, we are nothing more than livestock to be controlled and abused at their will and amusement.
They will be in awe at the sheer size of God’s might.
He laughs at their plots and their struggle to hold onto fabricated power.
For their plans are but dust to the power of The Most High.

The Great Awakening is global. This isn't just about America. If the White Hats had rid this country of the swamp, but not dealt with the foreign swamp, it would have ended in disaster.
So many wonder why this process has taken so long, the White Hats have had to deal with the Goliath that is foreign and domestic enemies. It is no small task.
It is happening. Europe is being awakened rapidly right now as they feel the depths of the NWO plan.
Precipice. Global Awakening. It must be seen and felt.

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