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Patriot. Anon. Jesus is everything. Q
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Just for the record - I truly love debating. In another life I would have been a lawyer πŸ˜‚

When debate divulges into anger and argument is when the potential fruit of the conversation is lost. Debating someone full of hate is a useless endeavor.

When ideas go against our pride it offends. Be open. You could be wrong. You could be deceived. You could be limited. Leave pride at the door if you want to find truth.

I always come in love in any conversation. It's not personal, I speak my mind!

Hey Telegram frens! I did not have my telegram channel up and running when I posted my previous article - The Art of Spiritual Warfare. Take a look! And check out my other articles. God bless πŸ™

I've said this before, but I really need to say this again:
Any account with my name messaging you is NOT me.

Kind of flattered they make so many fake accounts of me 🐸 kek

If I do decide to message anyone, I will show proof.
All the scam accounts try and get people to buy crypto currency. I'm not even a crypto guy 🀣
The fog of war is thick. So many things we cannot know apart from revelation from God, or you are part of the ops.

Often times it's better to not think you must know everything right now. Be hungry, yet content with what God allows to reach your spirit.

He will show you what you need to know, when you need to know it, if you put your trust in his guidance.

We are being vindicated yet again.
We were right all along.
We've been holding the line.

The weight of believing things that the whole world deems insane has been heavy.

History will look kindly on us. The ones who held the line against the Cabal global power. It was no small task.

God will pay back the price of our faith many times over. #Q #GodWins

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Letter to MAGA country normies:

The anons are here with open arms. It's ok. Most of the world hasn't understood either. You were closer to the truth than most, and we love you.

You have a lot to catch up on. And we would love to show you as much as we can. The complexity of the Q operation is hard to fully convey. But it's never too late to jump on board.

What you need to know is that when Trump says the best is yet to come, he's not just saying it for fun. The corrupt elites are going down πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

Earlier I asked you guys if you would let me know if any mainstream outlets ever mention me in a hitpiece.

It habbened!!! Will Sommer wrote an article for the daily beast. Truly an honor to "indoctrinate mainstream Trump supporters." Join the movement friends πŸ™

He didn't mention me by name though, that's a shame. Maybe I struck a nerve with my comment earlier about him panicking? πŸ€”πŸ˜‚
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β€œBut we’re on a mission to rescue the America we love, and restore the republic to greatness. And we will not fail.”

Sounds shockingly similar to the Q op doesn’t it? πŸ˜‰

Yes, I have doubted in whether God comes through with his promises through my journey at some points. I went all in on God. My path has been one of reckless belief.

It was either God comes through for me or I wasted my life. When Moses crossed the red sea there was no turning back. He just had to put all his faith on God.

To wage your life on his goodness takes everything. Reckless love. God wants us to pick him not because of what he can give us, but for the rich love of our relationship.

If you seek to increase your faith in The Lord understand this: faith is received. Even the act of learning TO receive is something that must be received. This is the art of surrender.

Unlock the keys to your walk by coming to terms that our role is actually simple. It is not about our works. It is about surrender and permission.

Talk to God. Ask for faith like Abraham. Ask him to make your heart more childlike, so you can receive with bliss. Ask for the veils to be lifted from your eyes πŸ™βœοΈ

Why is permission important with God? Simple. God is not forceful. He loves free will. The most FREE being in all existence extends his freedom upon his children.

God is trying to get us on his perfect timeline. Give him permission to control. As humans we want to control EVERYTHING. A mature son or daughter learns to let go of control.

Give God permission to change your heart. Give permission to be radically transformed by his love. Give permission for HIS ways to be your ways.

The beauty of letting go of control is that his timeline for your life is PERFECT. He is conforming us to his image.

Jesus was directed in his steps. The Holy Spirit guided him. His words poured the heart of Father. Miracles were not done through his deity, but the Holy Spirit. He showed us the blueprint for our walk on Earth.

Let go. Let go of thinking you have to take on the weight of the world. Just receive and listen. His love will guide you to all things wonderful

Nothing you ever do will make God love you less. His Love is the breathe of life. We have been made to think we have to PERFORM in order to be "good Christians." Jesus has made it so simple for our sake.

The Truth is that Father views you as perfection because Jesus indwells your heart. This is the gospel. He released us from conditions and pressure through the sacrifice to cleanse sin.

He is in you. You are in Him. You are a new creation.
He is PROUD of you.

Jesus loves you so much. He wants to wrap you in his love. The depths of his Love are as endless as the Heavens.

Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. The world comes against this love. So much in our lives seeks to dismantle this holy union.

Lay down. Empty your mind. His Love is right here. It is within. It is all around us. His Love binds all things together. Look into your heart and you will see and feel the springs of his Love. You are in his arms.

Mark Dice is taking the beating of a lifetime on Truth Social. I was very nice compared to others πŸ˜‚

Liz Crokin eviscerates Mark Dice and Alex Jones πŸ”₯πŸ’₯

Mark Dice deleted his anti Q and Anons post. Couldn't handle the heat 🀣
He learned today. #InItTogether
Please open Telegram to view this post
Trump retruthing blatant Q pictures and videos, and upcoming midterms is bringing all the shills out of the closet.

All assets deployed. Whether they are just ignorant or corrupt doesn't matter. Being in a position of influence means taking what you release to the public seriously.

There is a line in the sand that was drawn. This is about Good verse Evil. It's not cliche, it's reality. If someone doesn't understand Q and hasn't done research - remain silent. Be wise with who you follow.

*Trump talks about precipice yesterday
*Pipeline is sabotaged today
Playbook is known

Europe is feeling the effects of the NWO system right now. Just as American Patriots are learning to unite against the system in order to break the shackles, so will the Europeans. They must find the will to break the Matrix simulation.

This energy crisis will affect the whole world. We cannot keep the Cabals systems, they must be replaced. White Hats will only allow Awakening til the precipice.

God never changes. We change. Seasons change. Times change.

How can perfection get any better? Even the cross didn't change Jesus, it changed the relational aspect of how God, Man, and Spirits interact and function.

Through your life you will encounter the limitless personalities of God. Each of The Trinity has a different role and relationship with us. This is a journey and life comes at us in so many different ways. But God is consistent. He is the foundation. He is the rock. True security πŸ™

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