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Scott Adams: "Jonathan Greenblatt, I believe... Doesn't he get paid to complain about stuff like this?

If you get paid to look for injustice, how much are you gonna find?"
Wesley's Pragmatic Take On The Potential TikTok Ban

TikTok may well get banned in the U.S. however this isn't a particularly positive development, if at all. America's capitalism means some other firm will fill the void that TikTok would leave. Rather than the Chinese harvesting Westerner's data it will be some anti-White big tech firm instead.

The Chinese may well be less likely to remove anti-woke content than American firms thus Chinese ownership could be preferable from the perspective of right-wingers. As Fuentes' points out, anti-woke content often goes viral on TikTok. It is the best platform for disseminating red pills to millions.

TikTok won't become overwhelmingly based though and if it did it would be forced to regulate its content or be outright banned by the mobile app stores.

We also have to ask whether the Chinese would even want their app to become more based than not? China is a geopolitical adversary to the West after all and wokeness is tearing the West apart from within. The Chinese may not want to facilitate the antidotes to their enemy's own poison.

In conclusion neither Chinese or American ownership of TikTok-esque apps is more preferable than the other so the potential ban would be moot.
Wesley's Reactionary Take On The Potential TikTok Ban

The number one contention with TiKTok, or similar apps, is the dire fact that it completely fries the brains of the youth; scrambling their neurotransmission system and inducing attention span disorders.

The second contention is that it incentivises the creation and consumption of vapid and insipid content which dumbs down its users and likely turns more people into sexual perverts than based Nationalist chads.

The problem isn't who owns TikTok but instead that the app even exists in the first place.
Forwarded from Keith Woods
Whenever people criticise Jews spearheading various social ills Gavin McInnes always pulls his deceitful deflection trope that 'they're just liberal Whites and most of them are atheists'.

His antics on No Chance's channel tonight is a further reminder that he is an immature, spiteful and unscrupulous gatekeeper.
The Tories could ban this... but then they wouldn't be conserving the sexual revolution.
Gavin McInnes would never be this disrespectful to an Israeli, for whom he says he's prepared to commit genocide. But a fellow Scotsman who wants to attempt a sincere conversation in good faith? Well that's just all in a days work for this shitbag.
Forwarded from Steve Laws
Asylum seekers’ in a Greenwich hotel are refusing to be relocated to a hotel Dunstable because of ‘far right’ activity. They say the hotel in Dunstable was named in leaflets by Patriotic Alternative inciting protests outside.

37 men, from countries including Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Eritrea, have been resisting the move since early February, when they staged a protest inside the hotel after being told they had to leave with just a few hours notice.

I bet if a protest was held outside the hotel they’re staying in now at Greenwich they’d still stay. This is about wanting to stay in London and sod all to do with a few leaflets and the odd person filming.

And the audacity to refuse to be moved, they should be served with deportation orders immediately
Jews promote mass migration with total disregard of the native Brits' views and welfare because it suits them. Some of them even do it out of spite.
Utter joke!
Forwarded from Paul Joseph Watson
PJW's Summit News site is rubbish these days. Barely any coverage of British affairs. It's all American populist 'look what this powerful person said today' monotony.
LIVE at 5:05PM | Rule of Law For Thee But Not For Me | Renew Britannia - 05/03/23

It's all political fraud, if anyone still believes them, get help
Us lot on the far-right are indeed hateful. WE HATE TREACHEROUS TORIES!
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This is how a Nationalist politician would react to such a queer question.
Kate Middleton 👎🏻
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