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Forwarded from European Insider
🇱🇾🇮🇹 A newly-released intelligence report from the Italian government warns that there are around 680,000 migrants waiting in Libya for the opportunity to cross the Mediterranean and land on Italian shores.

🌍 @European_Insider | 🕊 Retweet
I'm sure based Giorgia Meloni will stop the boats...
Britain First, disband for the sake of the country so we, Nationalists, can use 'Britian first' as a slogan again!
According to the Labour MP Apsana Begum it's outrageous that the Tories haven't provided a safe and legal route to the UK for Turkish people to flee...


I guess Turkey doesn't have a welfare system... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Oh wait, it does!

These people exploit the slightest discomfort of literally anybody world over as justification to bring them here.

No more guilt!
Democracy is when you give locals less than 24 hours notice of a public meeting where they can raise their concerns to councillors and MPs, their supposed 'representatives'.
Forwarded from Steve Laws
Former Labour peer Lord Ahmed Of Rotherham was jailed in February 2022 for 5 years and 6 months for these sickening offences:

⁃ 2 counts of the attempted rape of a young girl

⁃ buggery against a boy under the age of 11

At the Court of Appeal 3 paedophile sympathising judges (Lord Burnett, Lord Justice Holroyde & Lord Justice Davis) have cut his term to two and a half years

MPs of darker complexion don't seem as skilled at concealing their child molesting habits as their paler peers.
Muh international law.
Not even elected officials can dissent from the Globalist paradigm.
LIVE at 5:00PM | Don't Raise Your Children - Work Until You're Dead - Save The Migrants | Renew Britannia - 19/03/23

Forwarded from Joel Davis
As cucked as the One Nation Party are, they do still have an official policy of net-zero immigration.

However they have brought this Jewish woman into the party to lead One Nation in South Australia and now she's publicly claiming their stance has massively softened despite no official policy change. Funny that.
Forwarded from The End Of Everything
The Conservative Party must be smashed into a million pieces and those pieces cast into the wind. While this vile parasite still clings to the British state and its levers of power, we are in mortal danger.
Forwarded from Nativist Concern
Directions to Mecca have been added to an English National Park.
Forwarded from Claymore Books
The violence and lies of the extreme-Left are getting exposed in Erskine.
Flyers like these are awesome. Why should Nationalists be the only ones who are named and shamed for what they believe in?
Forwarded from Steve Laws

Clause 16 - “the UK will resettle a portion of Rwanda’s most vulnerable refugees in the UK”

Two thirds of refugees in Rwanda are from the Democratic Republic of Congo. A country whose average IQ is 64.92 - if you carry on voting for the mainstream parties I will assume you have a similar IQ level! - YOU ARE VOTING FOR YOUR OWN DEMISE AND THAT OF YOUR CHILDREN!
LIVE at 5:00PM | Judeo-America: Proud Exporter of Worldwide Homophilia | Renew Britannia - 26/03/23

TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform