Alec Cave
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Muh international law.
Not even elected officials can dissent from the Globalist paradigm.
LIVE at 5:00PM | Don't Raise Your Children - Work Until You're Dead - Save The Migrants | Renew Britannia - 19/03/23

Forwarded from Joel Davis
As cucked as the One Nation Party are, they do still have an official policy of net-zero immigration.

However they have brought this Jewish woman into the party to lead One Nation in South Australia and now she's publicly claiming their stance has massively softened despite no official policy change. Funny that.
Forwarded from The End Of Everything
The Conservative Party must be smashed into a million pieces and those pieces cast into the wind. While this vile parasite still clings to the British state and its levers of power, we are in mortal danger.
Forwarded from Nativist Concern
Directions to Mecca have been added to an English National Park.
Forwarded from Claymore Books
The violence and lies of the extreme-Left are getting exposed in Erskine.
Flyers like these are awesome. Why should Nationalists be the only ones who are named and shamed for what they believe in?
Forwarded from Steve Laws

Clause 16 - “the UK will resettle a portion of Rwanda’s most vulnerable refugees in the UK”

Two thirds of refugees in Rwanda are from the Democratic Republic of Congo. A country whose average IQ is 64.92 - if you carry on voting for the mainstream parties I will assume you have a similar IQ level! - YOU ARE VOTING FOR YOUR OWN DEMISE AND THAT OF YOUR CHILDREN!
LIVE at 5:00PM | Judeo-America: Proud Exporter of Worldwide Homophilia | Renew Britannia - 26/03/23

Forwarded from
The Antifa member who threw tomato soup on Posie Parker in New Zealand, Eliana Rubashkyn, is Jewish:
Forwarded from Steve Laws
Media is too big
Precedent set! 🔥

A Pakistani child rapist in Rotherham has been ordered to pay £425,924 in damages to his victim.

Now start prosecuting the rape enablers - the police, local authorities, social workers etc - all those who covered it up which makes them facilitators of child rape.

The legal team secured a court order to freeze all of rapist Asghar Bostan's assets. They said that they intend to "take him for all that he has, including his house."
Forwarded from UNN
The Prime Minister of the UK is a Hindu of Indian Parents and the First Minister of Scotland is a Muslim of Pakistani parents. Would this be considered normal in any other country around the world?
Looks like the Anglo-Scottish border is going to become Britain's Kashmir.
Forwarded from Keith Woods
A Pakistani and an Indian in dispute over partitioning Britain
Forwarded from UNN
So he told his brother Philip he was a nonce and had abused a boy. What did Philip do? Absolutely NOTHING until questioned by Police.... tik tok...
Homosexuals are more likely to conceal and engage in child abuse. Just saying.
Forwarded from Dave Martel (Dave Martel)
The troon is a twisted creature. A spiteful mutant viscerally hateful towards themselves and the world around them.

They believe in their own persecution so fanatically that they're willing to bring it on themselves.

They purposely make their appearances so monstrous and dealing with them so confusingly bizarre that no society could ever accommodate them even if it wanted to.

This doomsday trannycide belief is evident in their arguments "You're trying to make our existence illegal" and "This will put our blood on your hands".

They fantasize about this in their dark, deranged and violent minds. The very existence of the beautiful, pure, innocent, strong and good is a constant reminder of their monstrous form.

Which is why they often target children for sexual crimes and violence.

You have to truly be a deranged monster to target children for violence. It goes against every healthy instinct.
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