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Avadhoota is an epitome of renouncement. He is a liberated soul(muktatma). He attains complete divinity in the arena of spirituality far from all the worldly pleasures and greed. There is no state higher than that of an Avadhoota.

Letters in the word Avadhoota have the meaning as under

A: This letter symbolizes Akshara. "Akshara" means imperishable. Avadhoota has realised Brahman in the form of letters (Akshara-brahman) Akshara-brahman also refers to the state of action

Va : This letter symbolizes varenyatva' which means supremacy

Dhoo :The letter dhū symbolizes one who is liberated andfree from all kinds of bondages.

Ta :This letter symbolizes the great quote 'tat tvam asi ' meaning' You are that (Brahman)'.

There was a disciple of Shirdi Sai Baba in Sakori near Shirdi. His name was Upasani Maharaj. His disciple Yogini Godavari Mata had been to Ganeshpuri to have darshan of Bhagawan Nityananda.

She requested Bhagawan to grace a Yajna, to be performed by her in Mumbai, with His auspicious presence. He replied that He could see the Yajna from Ganeshpuri.

Disappointed with His reply she pleaded Him again to be physically present in the Yajna ceremony. With all the serenity in the world Bhagawan Nityananda replied, "I have to go from here to Mumbai only if I am not present there. I am present everywhere."

His words are not different from what is stated in Avadhoota
Geeta - "I am everywhere I am everything. I am the presence and also the absence. In fact I am beyond the boundaries of presence or absence. I am the formless self. Have no doubts regarding this."

Sarpabhooshana Shivayogi has beautifully described the state of an Avadhoota in his book 'Kaivalya Kalpavallari' as under-

Whether an Avadhoota performs tapas in caves on the mountains, whether he enjoys life at home, whether he is kind or stern, whether he reprimands others with harsh words, whether he commands the kingdoms or begs people for food, whether he roams like an insane, whether he dances naked whether he sleeps in dirt, whether he sleeps on a posh bed, whether he wears a necklace of bones, whether he wears
flowers, whether he eats meat cooked in earthen pot or eat delicious saatvik food, whether he sits on a tiger or is scared of a cat, whether he talks a lot or stays silent, whether he renounces everything or enjoys the material comforts of life, whether he does yoga-sadhana or tends to cows - an Avadhoota will attain moksha because he is Nitya-mukta (ever-libearted).

However it has to be noted that the above mentioned things are applicable only for those yogis who have reached the pinnacle of sadhana and have all the qualities of an Avadhoota. If other seekers and sanyasis get entangled in these things then they are sure to be distracted from the path of mukti (salvation).

In other words, everything merges in this world, world in water, water in fire, fire in air, air in space, space in tanmātra sound, tanmātra sound in ego, ego in knowledge, knowledge in prakruti (nature), nature in vidyā (knowledge and learning) - which are born again and again taking the form of this universe and ultimately merge with Parabrahma and that Parabrahma is Avadhoota.

Pg No.6-8
From Avadhoota Bhagawan Nityananda Book
By Swami Vijayanand

Anandashram Bevinkoppa to purchase book in English or kannada
Compilation :
Pratyush Tomar

Nityam Shubham Anandam

There are five types of restlessness.

The first type of restlessness is due to the go place you are in. When you move away from that place, the street or the house, you immediately feel better. Chanting, singing, watching children playing, and laughing can change this atmospheric restlessness. If you chant and sing, the vibration in the place changes.

The second type of restlessness is in the body. Eating the wrong food or Vaata aggravating food, eating at odd times, not exercising, and overworking can all cause a physical restlessness. The remedy for this is exercise, moderation in work habit, and going on a vegetable or juice diet for one or two days.

The third type of restlessness is mental restlessness. It is caused by ambition, strong thoughts, likes or dislikes. Knowledge alone can cure this restlessness. Seeing life from a broader perspective, knowledge about the Self and the impermanence of everything. If you achieve everything, so what? After your achievement, you will die. Knowledge of your death or life, confidence in the Self, in the Divine, can all calm down the mental restlessness.

Then there is emotional restlessness. Any amount of knowledge does not help here. Only Kriya helps! All that emotional restlessness vanishes. Also the presence of the Guru, a wise person, or a saint will help to calm your emotional restlessness.

The fifth type of restlessness is rare. It is the restlessness of the soul. When everything feels empty and meaningless, know you are very fortunate. That longing and restlessness is the restlessness of the soul. Do not try to get rid of it. Embrace it! Welcome it! Usually, to get rid of it, people do all sorts of things - they change places, jobs or partners, do this, do that. It seems to help for some time, but it does not last.

This restlessness of the soul alone can bring authentic prayer in you. It brings perfection, Siddhis and miracles in life. It is so precious to get that innermost longing for the Divine. Satsang, the presence of the enlightened one, soothes the restlessness of the soul.
Finding Your Spiritual Path, a Community of Kindred Souls, and Guidance -- How A Formless Supreme Being Communicates With Souls Living in Realms of Time, Space, and Form -- An Introduction to Satsang, Sant Mat Satsang Podcast of Spiritual Awakening Radio

So many paths and religions, so little time. In the category of spiritual teachings and influences, the serious Sant Mat devotee must make the teachings of the Masters the top priority, the PRIMARY FOCUS. Otherwise, we just end up hopelessly distracted, pulled in various directions, not properly motivated to follow the guidance of the Masters or find success with our meditation. May we pay the most attention to the most advanced and wisest of voices, and leave the rest behind. Satsang! As Kabir says, "For we are influenced by the company we keep."

Honor Your Present Lifetime: "My dear daughter, I will repeatedly ask you to honor your present lifetime and try your best to raise yourself toward your own home. As soon as you reach the first stage of your journey, you will notice the wonderful spiritual scenes there, which will fill your heart with happiness and gratefulness to the Holy Father... Those who accept His teachings, and act upon them with love, gradually return to the purely spiritual Region under His guidance. Therefore, you need not be anxious, and you should continually perform the spiritual practices with firm faith and trust in the mercy of the Holy Father, Who has kindly disclosed to you the secrets of the True Holy Name; and you will certainly reach the goal one day." (Hazur Baba Sawan Singh)

Today, an Introduction to the Three Levels of Satsang: 1) Association with God, 2) Association with a Living Master, and, 3) Association with the Writings of Sages and Saints, and a review of Kirpal Singh's original Instructions for Holding Satsang.

Spiritual Guidance, Learning, Inspiration, Motivation, Support For Those on the Path of the Masters -- The Soul or Spirit Should also be Given Nourishment and Pleasure just as is Done in the Case of the Body and Mind -- What are the Influences You Let Into Your Life? Still Not Making Any Progress? Still Not Meditating? Still Not Following the Path?

"It appears proper for everyone, whether a man or a woman, that as they work day and night for providing nourishment and enjoyment to their body, mind and senses, they must also work a little for securing sustenance and nourishment to their spirit... If they will do so with sincerity, they would themselves feel its beneficial effects after practicing Abhyas [the meditation practice] for a short time, and would then realize within themselves the presence of the Supreme Being and of His grace... The spirit can get the highest form of nourishment, pleasure, strength and freshness, if it is raised upwards by the practices of Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation] and brought into contact or merged with the Current of nectar which comes from above." (Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram, Prem Patra Radhasoami)

"We cannot do or listen to Satsang once in a fortnight or once a month because our love and affection in the world outside is drawing us all the time. And if we want to get that love and affection towards our Master and towards God Almighty, then we have to bring it into our everyday life... That is why we should do our Bhajan Simran every day and we should listen to Satsang every day and fulfill the purpose of the life that has been given to us... So, therefore, we should listen to Satsang every day. And we should do our Bhajan Simran every day. And this is what we have been given this precious life for." (Baba Ram Singh Ji)

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Forwarded from Subhasis Kar
Forwarded from Subhasis Kar
The Puranas are factual history.
A repost on Our Beloved Bhagwan by dear devotee Shivani Baker.
I want to share a story about Bade Baba that my dear sister Indu (from Ganeshpuri) told me. She was a child and was sitting near Bade Baba and a fly was buzzing around him and landed on his arm, he slapped it an killed the fly. Then Beloved Shyam picked it up an placed it on His palm, and with His finger drew a circle around the fly saying a mantra and the fly came alive a flew away. I asked Indu "why do you think HE did that?" She said to show us HE controls life and death.

Om Namoh Bhagavate Nityananda!!❤️❤️🙏
My Beloved Mahadeva ♥️🙏
Forwarded from Madhav Dasanudasa
"हे जीव! हरिकथा सर्वक्षण कीर्तन करो, त्याग पन्थी होकर , निर्जन भजन की छलना में चुप बैठे रहने पर अमंगल होगा । जो लोग हरि कीर्तन नहीं करते , उनका सर्वनाश होगा "

श्रील भक्तिसिद्धांत सरस्वती ठाकुर प्रभुपाद
The Hindu Science of Initiating Animals to replicate vedic sounds

The Great Siddha Bogar made a cat recite the 4 Vedas.

After having food, Bogar was in search of water and eventually entered a village. Upon seeing Him no one wanted to provide Him water. In addition, they were repelled by an odor from His body. So to teach them a lesson, He initiated a cat to recite all 4 Vedas. The villagers surrendered to Him upon witnessing this miracle.

Apta Pramana ~ Bogar Ezhaayiram ❤️ @AncientIndia1
People who do karmas enjoy the fruits of their karmas. As a result of karmas, they are endowed with varying degrees of knowledge, types of character, extent of wealth, and distribution of joys and sorrows. They dispense their karma in particular places, classes, families etc., and the cycle continues as new karmas are done. Very few realize this and aspire for liberation from this cycle. – Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamigal
Forwarded from Harish
Forwarded from Harish
Forwarded from Spiritual Universe (Rooh)

Those who have one-pointed devotion towards God, like the magnetic needle [of a ship's compass] which always stands facing towards the north, will never be perplexed and go astray in the ocean of attachment to this world.

🧭 Guru Vachaka Kovai ⚓️
(The Garland of Guru's Sayings)

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