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Forwarded from The End Of Everything
How can any British person read this without feeling a profound revulsion and rage? Here is an archetypal rootless globalist operative (with a hefty side-helping of racial resentment and loathing) engaged in breaking up our sovereign strength, making us a mere collection of small, easily-managed economic zones. Resist this and you're obviously a hateful racist scumbag.
51 illegal immigrants onboard one dinghy arrived on British soil yesterday
The irony - the country whose leader gave an open invitation to the world to enter Europe in 2015 is now debating offshoring ‘asylum seekers’
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Once they’re in - they stay.

A Syrian who came here in the back of a lorry and applied for asylum was given refugee status.

After 5 years this gave him the right to apply for Indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

This was granted.

Through his ‘settled status’ he was then able to apply for British citizenship.

This is another aspect of the immigration system that is purposely broken. We shouldn’t be allowing these people to stay here forever.

Asylum & refugee status should not mean British citizenship for all & the right to settle here forever.
Forwarded from Active Patriot
A man has been arrested on suspicion of ARSON with intent to endanger life, after a fire broke out at a hotel housing MIGRANTS in Hull

The fire broke out in a first-floor BEDROOM

A 24-year-old man, has been arrested and remains in police CUSTODY
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Look at this lot counterprotesting the demo against illegal immigrants being housed in the Muthu Glasgow River Hotel in Erskine.
The BBC are kicking off because the Home Office used some of their footage.
The story of Tarik Namik a Kurd who was the head of a crime gang that stretched across Europe and smuggled more than 20,000 migrants to the UK.

Namik arrived in the UK in the back of a lorry in 2001. He was granted asylum and later became a British citizen. Despite earning millions of pounds people smuggling he claimed working and child tax credits.

When he was finally caught the National Crime Agency recovered no money and all his family had left the country 🙄

Sentence - 8 years

Worth a read. Link
Forwarded from /GBG/ - Greek Borders General (V)
🔴 Another boat with illegal immigrants sank near the Greek island of Farmakonisi

🔸 The boat seemed to have 31 illegals on board and sank due to strong wind and bad weather conditions

‼️ 5 illegals died, 11 were rescued in Turkish territorial waters and some were found in-land already in the Greek island of Farmakonisi

/GBG/ 🗂

A Hungerford woman who fostered the Afghan who raped a 12 year old girl is still in contact with him & is begging him not to cross The Channel

“I told him not to get on a boat. I said don’t do it. I don’t want him to drown, he can’t swim.”

Emal Kochai was found guilty of raping a 12 year old girl & the court heard how other men had seen the child in his room. The retired teacher who fostered him when he was 17, went to see him in prison and remains in contact with him, does not believe he raped the child.

The do-gooder also said after he was deported Kochai married a woman in Afghanistan and they now have a young daughter. He would like to claim asylum in the UK and bring them over - I bet he does!
120 ‘asylum seekers’ are to be moved into Hereford's Three Counties Hotel. The first lot are due to be offloaded there today.

At the moment, Herefordshire Council said it does not know how long the hotel will be used.

But it said the Home Office has signed an initial 12-month contract with the owners.
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It’s Monday, the start of the working week for most of us.

But not for these lads! They’re currently sat in a 4* hotel digesting the breakfast they’ve just eaten - all paid for by you.

Work hard this week peasants, there’s currently 452 hotels with over 50,000 invaders in them, all to be paid for out of your hard earned taxes!

The BBC backs down & kowtows to Linekar.

In his tweets he clearly states & demonstrates his public support for the illegal invasion of our country will continue.
“Rishi Sunak is facing a revolt from senior moderate Tories over his hardline immigration policy to
wards Channel migrants ahead of a key Commons vote tonight.”

The party is riddled with liberals, orchestrated by Cameron, and has only a handful of genuine conservatives remaining.

The Tories ceased to be ‘conservative’ a long time ago. They are globalist liberals.
It's no wonder that the Home Office is consistently leaking quotes to the press over their opposition to any plans to curb immigration, legal or illegal
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From France in a dinghy to the comfort of a English hotel within 48 hours, cavorting around his taxpayer funded room draped in the Afghan flag for his audience back home.

All posted on social media for his friends back home to see. Let’s just say the comments are very interesting. You can see why the government want footage of crossings banned under their new draconian online safety bill. They want all this hidden.

To quote prophet Powell

“We must be mad, literally mad….. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre”
Lessons for life:

Never employ painters fresh out of college
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Rent-a-mob outside Parliament protesting against the second reading of the Illegal Migration Bill in the House of Commons which is happening now
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“migrants built the NHS” according to these imbeciles.

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“According to the opinion polls the British people back this governments Bill by more than two to one”

Shame you’re going to let them all down……..AGAIN!

They know they have made unworkable promises, next will come the usual excuses when it fails - blaming lefty lawyers etc. The lawyers work within the laws of the land, laws this government has the power to change.

They also choose to keep us under continued ECHR jurisdiction
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