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Fighting propaganda, media lies and swamp rats with pithy comments and a few dank memes on the daily. Come join me! AU = Auburn University. War Eagle! 🦅
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Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
Media is too big
We are forever grateful for the man who will go down in history as the one who saved America from the brink of destruction.

#WeThePeople collectively say thank you, President Trump, for standing in their way.

Happy Birthday 🇺🇸
General Flynn - So very true @realdefender45 citizen journalists or digital soldiers or whatever you like are a major part of why we know what we know today.

#WeThePeople need to keep the pressure on the streets, the trains, the school board meetings, the election system, all politicians, etc…get answers to the tough questions. Strong language, but very real.

DOTR: That's why citizen journalists are so important. None of these opinions would be shared by fake news. Real people, real opinions, a real President.
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
So much has been exposed in only the past two weeks yet the media and this WH wants us to fall for their PSYOP Propaganda campaign to keep at least half of America in the dark. It has been effective to be sure!

However, this has to stop.

Impeachment of the occupant of the WH is clearly warranted and proceedings should start immediately. But I bet the @HouseGOP all goes on their upcoming Independence Day break instead of doing the hard work of good government where holding themselves and others responsible for bribery, high crimes and even misdemeanors is very evident.

There should be consideration of potentially even removal for health reasons, especially given another of Biden’s embarrassing appearances, this time with India’s PM Modi where he spewed out “state secrets” nonsense because it has become apparent he no longer possesses all his mental faculties.

Hey media, do you think we are that stupid!?

I guess you do because you fail to cover this or any of the serious alleged crimes committed by Biden.

When does this nightmare of a presidency end?

It is more clear now the main stream media is also growing weary of Biden. And Congress, you are clearly not doing enough and come your primaries and your elections, #WeThePeople will seek others who are willing to do the job.

We’re six months into your leadership and, to date, not one of those responsible for all the various “gates” (Russia-gate, etc) has been held accountable…NOT ONE!!! You have yet to even subpoena any of them…WTH are you waiting for!?

Do your job and do it as relentlessly as your Marxist “colleagues” went after the J6ers. They may be in jail for trespassing, but we have a POTUS in the Oval Office who has potentially committed treason.

Try to explain this when you head back home for your summer break!

Face it, we’re in serious trouble.
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
I’m not an “election denier.” So to the lame, fake news media, quit using that label on those of us who want honest elections. It’s getting old and very candidly, doesn’t work.

I simply disagree that we have fair elections. I’m not certain if we have ever had “fair” elections since we started using all the technology that was suppose to make our lives easier. I’ve even heard that AI might determine the outcome of the 2024 election!

I know, throughout US history, that many good, and mainly young, lives have been sacrificed so we can live in a free country. And that is my point to anyone listening.

“Elections” don’t adhere to a code of moral values, only people can do that.

All those of us arguing for fair elections are stating to those currently running our elections (elected and unelected bureaucrats) is that you are suppose to adhere to a code of moral values (sorry, but many of you do not).

I don’t believe this is asking too much?

I know from my military experience, what gets checked is what gets done…so #WeThePeople are going to be checking on all of you and the entire election system from top to bottom, start to finish, sunup to sundown…we simply want each of you to adhere to a code of moral values as well as your constitutional and lawful duties.

When you hear me say;


This is what I’m talking about.

God Bless and continue to Protect the USofA 🔥🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸
General Flynn - Gov Kemp is so FOS and so full of himself. He is like all the other establishment RINOs who despise #wethepeople

If you believe this Kemp, why don’t you do something about it 😡???

Our country is being destroyed by tyrants and you are enabling this destructive behavior. Put your damn ego and political future (which is non-existent) aside and demonstrate some leadership before it’s too late for our country.

@realDonaldTrump Kemp should be the first witness you call to the stand in the false case against you in Georgia.
General Flynn - Missouri is truly the “SHOW ME STATE” and @AGAndrewBailey is lighting a bright and constitutional lantern shining the path of FREE SPEECH for all Americans 🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸

Congratulations and #WeThePeople appreciate your perseverance.
General Flynn - You know what I’m sick and tired of?

The ZERO accountability of anyone involved in the outrageous and blatant criminal and corrupt enterprise that our Nation’s Capitol has become. People in government, especially career politicians, have criminalized government service.

The DEMs, the Republicans, the establishment, the bureaucracy, etc…it’s that deep and that bad.

From the article: “The request for the briefing escaped public and media notice for two years and is now the earliest known evidence of intervention by Biden DOJ officials into the Hunter Biden case.”

Trust me, it gets much worse!

Just The News this is more great reporting, but it is accountability #WeThePeople seek.

General Flynn - #DigitalSoldiers are on the march

#Freedom is in my DNA


#MAGA2024 is coming

#WeThePeople will prevail over the globalists and their transhumanist agenda.

Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
💥🫡continued… Enough of the incompetency and failure. #WeThePeople have simply had enough!

THIS complete LACK of Leadership in the United States administration must end now!

Lives are at stake, the economy & debt will only get worse, AND America will be the ultimate loser while China only gets stronger!

I don’t hate anyone, I love our country. I’ve stood watch for most of my life in some of the worst places on the planet.


And Congress, do something, anything, but the time is now to act!
-General Flynn
General Flynn - The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker of #WeThePeople ‘s House of Representatives!

No more behind closed doors.

No more inside, compromising deals.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

There is already enough distrust in our federal government.

Debate in public and Vote in public! No more hiding!
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