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Fighting propaganda, media lies and swamp rats with pithy comments and a few dank memes on the daily. Come join me! AU = Auburn University. War Eagle! 🦅
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Forwarded from Lynz Piper-Loomis
The vote and the voice of the American people was stolen. There was election fraud. President Trump is the legitimate President. The US Constitution continues to be dismissed by sitting leaders of BOTH parties as well as an intentional choice to allow our nation to fall into the hands of communism. The voice of the American people continues to be stolen, our flag trampled, and our Constitution dismantled.

I had a beautiful meeting this afternoon in my office and something resonated from the conversation to the core of my spirit.

I would take the same pledge that our Founding Fathers made in 1776 if I could travel back to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

I pledge the same pledge,
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

I am of no reputation. My vessel is the Lord’s. I am His servant and yours.

The line has been drawn. #AmericaFirst or #AmericaLast

How many of our leaders serving now would have signed the Declaration of Independence and taken the same vows? Not many.

God is flipping the tables and His red tsunami will spread like wildfire across this land.

There is a sanctified line of separation. Good from evil. Truth from lies.

I will not be silent and I am not afraid.

We the People must move and walk fearlessly into the days ahead. Many will crumble to the fear. I will not. I was born for such a time as this. As you have been too. Step out unafraid! We have a nation to save!

It does not matter what anyone thinks, how they act towards Us, or even what is spoken about us. Let people bicker and fight amongst themselves. They will either come around and unite for America First or they won’t. We must keep charging forward.

Join the movement! We must unite! A house divided against itself will not stand. We are ONE nation under God!

God bless you! God bless the United States of America!


“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?””
Esther 4:14 NKJV
Sure Jill - just ignore the homeless, the rampant Fentanyl Crisis your Derp husband created with open borders, bare shelves, high gas prices, and a toxic chemical spill we Americans are facing. Go help other countries. Your husband agrees. #AmericaLast

Media is too big
Ben Bergquam - Happening now in East Palestine, Ohio. The messages is simple, “Too Little Too Late Joe!” The people of East Palestine want Trump back in office; somebody who actually puts #AmericaFirst, not Joe Biden, who puts foreign countries and illegal aliens above American citizens! No more #AmericaLast Joe, it’s #Trump2024. And to US Senator Sherrod Brown, bringing Joe Biden out here isn’t going to help you!
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