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In God We Trust - The Great Awakening

VIncit Omnia Veritas Semper Fidelis 
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Forwarded from SGAnon
That's interesting.
POTUS misspelling (has to be intentional, CIC can't go around causing insult to another foreign leader like that, just unintentionally.)

Isolated "O"(bracketed) appears in only 1 drop.
Isn't today's Gregorian calendar date 5-2-4?
Do you believe in coincidences?

#WWG1WGA #DarktoLight

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Forwarded from SGAnon
You just Can’t. Make. It. Up.

β€”> Would you like that RedPill horse-sized, or elephant-sized? <β€”

Please Note:
Sizes are now ~increasing~ to accommodate the vast spectrum of human_brain comatose β€œstates of consciousness”.

We are ALL waking up.
Coordinated. Counterintelligence. Operations.
#DarktoLight #WWG1WGA #thegreatawakening #Truth


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Forwarded from SGAnon
Russia-Belarus Alliance Deepening > Trump/Biden/ Melania Comms Pointing to Exact Same Q Drop > US [DS] Begging Xi to Avoid Taiwan Reclamation > Russian Mil Formally Accuses US DNC/DOD of Creating C19 in Ukraine > US Mil Deploying Domestically // Possible Missile Threat to US Homeland > The Storm is Coming Quickly >>>
WWG1WGA >>> https://rumble.com/v2v9i3w-djt-storm-is-coming-putinxi-next-phases-ready-missile-threat-to-us-homeland.html

#WWG1WGA #darktolight #blackoutnecessary #wethepeople

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Forwarded from SGAnon
Russia-Belarus Alliance Deepening > Trump/Biden/ Melania Comms Pointing to Exact Same Q Drop > US [DS] Begging Xi to Avoid Taiwan Reclamation > Russian Mil Formally Accuses US DNC/DOD of Creating C19 in Ukraine > US Mil Deploying Domestically // Possible Missile Threat to US Homeland > The Storm is Coming Quickly >>>
WWG1WGA >>> https://rumble.com/v2v9i3w-djt-storm-is-coming-putinxi-next-phases-ready-missile-threat-to-us-homeland.html

#WWG1WGA #darktolight #blackoutnecessary #wethepeople

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Remember why we Fight.
Remember why we will win.
Power back to the People.
#WWG1WGA #DarktoLight #savethechildren #EndChildTrafficking #FallofTheCabal

Forwarded from HIDDEN TRUTH
Did you know the 1968 Israeli shekel had a picture of an airplane flying near 2 vertical(tower)-oriented scrolls, w/ a tank on one side?

Did you also know 1968 was the year:
*The USA’s Emergency dialing code became β€œ911”
*Construction began on World Trade Centers in NYC, New York.
*The NY Jets won their only Super Bowl.
*GW Bush graduated Yale.

They always tell us.
Their religion demands it.
There is nowhere left to hide.
We are Awake. We are Coming.

#DarktoLight #Truth #WWG1WGA #NeverForget

πŸ‘‰ https://teleg.eu/hiddentruth_q
Forwarded from HIDDEN TRUTH
Did you know the 1968 Israeli shekel had a picture of an airplane flying near 2 vertical(tower)-oriented scrolls, w/ a tank on one side?

Did you also know 1968 was the year:
*The USA’s Emergency dialing code became β€œ911”
*Construction began on World Trade Centers in NYC, New York.
*The NY Jets won their only Super Bowl.
*GW Bush graduated Yale.

They always tell us.
Their religion demands it.
There is nowhere left to hide.
We are Awake. We are Coming.

#DarktoLight #Truth #WWG1WGA #NeverForget

πŸ‘‰ https://teleg.eu/hiddentruth_q

With the clear level of open, unabashed fraud occurring in US elections, most recently w/ multiple governors races on 11/7/2023 … is it logical, or intellectually mature, to think that Hamas, Likud, various Green Parties, Labour, and many more, were not cheated into office in their respective localities as well? It's happening again right here, right now. Think USSF.

Large_scale, coordinated electronic cheating/ballot manipulation has been occurring since year 2000 for the USA (Bush v Gore).
If they’ve been doing it for 23 years in the great USA, how many decades have [THEY] been cheating [THEIR] preferred leaders (and not #WETHEPEOPLE chosen ones) into office worldwide?
How long has it been since We The People have had a true choice?

β€œThis is not just another 4-year election”

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #DarktoLight #Treason #electionfraud #DraintheSwamp #deepstate #FallofTheCabal

β€œDrain the swamp does not just refer to DC”

Forwarded from WhipLash347
Stellar Corona - EMP > Into Stellar.

Basically NYSE and many other places are gonna blow up.
Cover Story EMP - Stellar Corona.
All the wealth transferred into Stellar INDUS Assets


So I can not think of any other more important days in American History together.

April 16 The Day Abe Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation ACT ending Slavery

Just so happens April 17 1961 is the 3 Day War known as the Bay Of Pigs.

April 18 1983 was the Bombing on U.S Embassy in Beirut killing 63 people.

Also a very big uprising from Bostonians.

April 19 Patriots Day(Lexington & Concord).

Isn't this also Boston Marathon?
Isn't this where they run near the Boston Shipyards?

Wasn't Mr Pool showing this too?

Boston Naval Yards
Bunker Hill
USS "Constitution"

April 20 - 150th anniversary of the 1871 Act of England. This has been reversed.

Since the Act of 1871 which established the District Of Colombia, we have been living under The UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain International Bankers and aristocacy of Europe & Britain.

We dont know exactly what is going to happen in these days because so much is happening, but with the riots/protests beginning all over the world, and now here in the US, in particular within the known 17 #demoFRAUD controlled US cities, this has to be it. NG deployed.

All the lessons in the US Constitution and Constitutional law seriously highlighting the willingness of the traitors in congress, the #Mockingbird, the FAKE SCAM TRIALS perpetrated by the useful idiots in NY, and again over the STORMY Daniel's case that was already tried and lost by these traitorous scum back in 2019, again, this has to be it it.

Remember, and most of you have seen it. The size of his motorcades.....and Trump commands tremendous presence wherever he goes, his rallies are attended by 10's of thousands in most cases, and most are held in smaller towns and venues. Although he didn't do a rally yesterday in Harlem, NY, did you see the presence? What does that tell you?

Lastly, I personally believe that Trump is goading this pathetic judge merchon (?) in NYC to arrest him. An unlawful arrest of the Commander in Chief would queue up the Military who has really been in control since Dec15, 2020.....and, as Q told us, "the timing was left up to the President"...

~T edit: And remember, Trump told us the other day, China -Taiwan is next.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Either way, all this MUST and WILL go down prior to November 5th. You cannot have another illegal and fraudulent election because it would validate 2020.....

I believe The Storm Is Upon Us, Patriots. The 34 sites (larger number now), Dams, Buildings, The Systematic Destruction Of The Old Guard. Quantum Systems etc. #DarkToLight

Hold on.

Forwarded from WhipLash347
Stellar Corona - EMP > Into Stellar.

Basically NYSE and many other places are gonna blow up.
Cover Story EMP - Stellar Corona.
All the wealth transferred into Stellar INDUS Assets
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