VK Screenshots
14.2K subscribers
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Random screenshots from a few of Vincent Kennedy’s (VK) accounts on Twitter and AnonUp & Truth Social. I’m not VK, nor do I know him beyond our few interactions on Twitter.
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Sounds about right.

12:41pm Eastern
Maybe reclaiming memory space on the mainframe :)

12:44pm Eastern
Room for both.

12:44pm Eastern
When I reach 300k followers I will have a Spicy Margarita.

7:44pm Eastern
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VK RT - Kim Clement 6/17/07 prophecy
Master of Disguise Vibes
Generational mutilation kinda matters.

7;41pm Eastern
I tell a joke

7:47pm Eastern
Tanteo Jalapeño Tequila with a splash of Pineapple Juice and splash of Seltzer. Garnished with a fresh muddled Jalapeño and half sugar/salt rim.

7;53pm Eastern
1/2 of a spicy margarita and fell asleep at 8:45pm and woke up at 6am.

8:57am Eastern

8:58am Eastern
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I guess there are people that believe this stuff.

Those are clearly feds.

9:19am Eastern
Is he smiling or frowning?

9:22am Eastern
In Canada also.

9:23am Eastern
Only if you are a woman.

9;27am Eastern
All that and no bacon? That's cruel.

9:32am Eastern

10:10am Eastern
VK RT- The Babylon Bee

You've seen "What Is A Woman?"

Now watch our explosive, controversial documentary... "What Is A Man?"

Full movie now on Twitter:

Today's Frogs

1:23pm Eastern
How to Change Teams Background