Vax Watch
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November 13th 2021
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The regime is banking on mass compliance in order to keep this regular vaccination system going. If a large section of the population is refusing to get the vaccine no matter what then that throws everything into disarray for the regime. The first and most important thing that needs to accomplished is to NOT take the vaccine.
Table shows latest data from Public Health England on cases and deaths with the Delta variant

70% of all deaths with the Delta variant have now been in those with one or both injections.

63% of all deaths with the Delta variant have now been in the “fully vaccinated” i.e. 14 days post the second dose

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There is no excuse to take the vaccine.
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JUST IN - U.S. Supreme Court blocks Biden's federal vaccine-or-test mandate for large businesses with a 6-3 vote.

The OSHA Act does not authorize such expansive powers, the highest court said.

However, SCOTUS allows a vaccine mandate for workers at federally funded health care facilities to take effect nationwide.

Singapore's health ministry reported 1,504 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the highest since the beginning of the pandemic.

With 82% of the population fully vaccinated against the virus, the country has had one of the longest on-going mask mandates in the world.

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Vaccine deaths are at an all-time high this year.

"That means its working."

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Study: Children born during the pandemic are "almost two full standard deviations" less intelligent than those born before.

For reference, two standard deviations is the difference between average European IQ and average African IQ.

Authors believe that mask mandates and lockdowns are impairing early childhood development: "our results seem to suggest that early development is impaired by the environmental conditions brought on by the pandemic"

Source: (

Lockdowns and face masks seem to cause a greater reduction in childhood intelligence than domestic violence (8 point reduction in IQ):
EU reported, accepted and Input Covid-19 Injection Related Fatalities by health system

The number of any adverse events for a specific manufacturers injection will be determined by factors such as the number of injections administered of that type in that geography, the age groups that a specific injection type is being administered to and the number of people who have received a second dose of that specific injection Lower numbers do not therefore mean the injection is “safer” or less likely to cause a particular condition.
For those that are thinking about taking the vaccine to keep their job so they don’t go hungry it is honestly better to starve than to take the vaccine. You can always find new ways to put food on the table but you physically can’t find any way to cleanse yourself of the poison that is in these vaccines.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, few nations have been lauded as much for their management of the disease as Taiwan has. Since the first cases of COVID-19 in the country were reported in February 2020, only 16,313 infections and 846 deaths have been recorded.
You can’t be de-vaccinated once you are vaccinated. There is no going back no matter what happens.
VAERS Reported Deaths by Vaccine Type

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All the people that are dropping dead from the vaccine are dying in the short term. We haven’t even gotten into seeing the long term side effects of the vaccine.
"Nearly 60 percent of all gravely ill patients in Israel are fully vaccinated".

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A lot of people really like to fancy themselves as revolutionary’s with deeply held convictions until minor discomfort and inconveniences start to result as a consequence of that. Once that happens many people jump ship and betray their beliefs. The best example of this is people who caved and took the vaccine so they could go to college or keep a job.
I’m shocked.

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