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Understand what is about to be UNLEASHED.
Even the fairy penguins in Antarctica get GESARA.
1.9 Trillion Covid bill announced + announcement of a GLOBAL CYBER CRISIS.
Basically a Declarance of War by Chyna.
1 + 1 = a Window.
When do you play the TRUMP CARD?
Paris shooting the arrow into Achilles.
Achilles = 3GD.
Activation of ALL MILITARIES on EARTH to a World War Status without a World War.
GESARA inbound.
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
NEW - Chinese government-backed hacking group has compromised at least 60,000 known victims globally - using Microsoft's business email software - including banks, electricity providers, and government computer networks (Bloomberg) @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat
💚God Wins.
I am the grey writing.
Q500 Right [34]
Write that number down.
Forwarded from Toronto🇨🇦 Dark2Light
Forwarded from Daniëlle (Danielle Stotijn)
How do you dismantle the matrix?

Think of the earth grid ley lines.
Back in ancient times like Lemurian and Egytian, these grides where used to create healing magnetic fields via temples.

Ancient technology that was common knowledge back then used in combination with astrology and numerology under universal laws. Stonehedge, Macha pichu and the other eart chakra,s all still there. But we forgot how to use them.

The ley lines were hacked centuries a go. By the masonic ans satanic elite via the catholic churches, palaces and government buildings.
Mason technology that was once used to alter the frequency of the earth grid into the field of humans on that area, then turned dark and evil.

This technology was abused to create the 3D matrix around this planet.
With buildings on the grid and later satellites in the sky a low frequency field was created.
A field that interferes and effects the human field connected to it.


A field of vibration that keeps you stuck in the loop of reincarnation in fear, shame, guilt and pain. Dependend on outside systems like religion, government, education, pharmaceutical and entertainment. The same systems that feed you the low vibration of fear, shame, guilt.

Via Mind Body and Spirit manipulation we were prisoners living the free life illusion.
Dumb down like sheep living a 9-5 linear life.
Unaware of our true divine highly evolved spiritual self.

If we get our earth grid back.
Our frequency on the planet rises.
We can transmute and ascend from dark to light.
We can evolve as human beings.
We can reintegrate ancient technology with inate quantum abilities to prosper this planet to heaven on earth.

How do you dismantle the matrix?
Think of buildings and satellites....

Forwarded from Daniëlle (Danielle Stotijn)
Forwarded from Daniëlle (Danielle Stotijn)
What about the ankle?

The “vulnerable” achilles heel is metafor for the 3G dam and the river Styx of the underworld.

The war in this myth is metafor for the war between Light and evil/underworld.

In the myths Achilles was said to have died from a wound to his heel, ankle, which was the result of an arrow—possibly poisoned—shot by Paris.
Paris is JFK jr.
He will metaforically shoot the arrow in the ankle and finish the underworld Cabal.
Returning after being considered death just like Paris is the greek mythology.

Paris was a child of Priam and Hecuba. Just before his birth, his mother dreamed that she gave birth to a flaming torch. This dream was interpreted by the seer Aesacus as a foretelling of the downfall of Troy (the Cabal), and he declared that the child would be the ruin of his homeland. On the day of Paris's birth, it was further announced by Aesacus that the child born of a royal Trojan that day would have to be killed to spare the kingdom, being the child that would bring about the prophecy.

Though Paris was indeed born before nightfall, he was spared by Priam. Hecuba was also unable to kill the child, despite the urging of the priestess of Apollo, one Herophile. Instead, Paris's father prevailed upon his chief herdsman, Agelaus, to remove the child and kill him. The herdsman, unable to use a weapon against the infant, left him exposed on Mount Ida, hoping he would perish there (cf. Oedipus). He was, however, suckled by a she-bear. Returning after nine days, Agelaus was astonished to find the child still alive and brought him home in a backpack (Greek pḗra, hence by folk etymology Paris’s name) to rear as his own. He returned to Priam bearing a dog's tongue as evidence of the deed's completion.
MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know