YumNaturals Emporium Amandha Vollmer
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Awareness over fear. Knowledge over illusion. We know their climate change hoax is a set up to restrict our travel, purchases and energy usage. They have been making major moves lately in this direction. Don't get caught in the dark. Continue to calmly prepare for the inevitable.
Soulshine Festival is here again! This year my workshops are focusing on detoxification and integration. I am looking forward to being with wonderful people, delicious food, dancing, sharing, bonfires and fun!

I will have books, crystals, mushrooms and other goodies with me on offer as well.


Here is why I don't support Ivermectin (part 1):

Ivermectin is basically an antibiotic = anti-life. It is suppressive, which means when you have DETOX symptoms aka a cold or flu, this type of drug STOPS the body from doing so, giving the ILLUSION you are "better" when really it buries the expression deeper into organ tissues causing long-term damage and shortening of life (if the person is lucky, it will express along the same pattern, which means the mechanism has not been broken). Then people claim it is "miraculous" because their symptoms went away, but really they just killed their own pleomorphic microbes (who arrived at the scene of the toxicity to clean it up and remove the wastes aka to help the body heal) and caused more damage.

The worst part about this drug currently is the propping up of FAKE COVID, and the FAKE COVID PANDEMIC: helping to support the lie of a virus that doesn't exist, the germ theory, which is false and supporting a pandemic that never happened while encouraging people into actually doing self-harm... staying in ignorance (and also supporting the Rockefeller medical cartel that persecuted natural practitioners who carried the knowledge of the methods of proper prevention, healing and cleansing with vibrational therapies, natural remedies and nutrition).

It kills parasites and heartworm, malaria, river blindness, which means it kills life. In Countries where people are starving and dying of malnutrition and exposed to greater amounts of parasites due to wastes in the environment and in their bodies, nor having the nutritional capacity to cleanse the body properly, suppressive, poisonous drug like ivermectin are often needed, as there is no education or support for proper healing or the use of the thousands of natural medicines available to us.

The trade off is a shorter life or other health losses (intelligence, coping skills, fertility, resilience, youthfulness, etc). This is why they use other suppressive antibiotics like methylene blue (originally designed as a dye for cotton), for example, which I found in most poor Countries when I was traveling. I was alarmed seeing young babies and children with dark blue tongues, my own intuition was telling me this was not the way. Ignorance is truly the greatest disease.

These are chloride based drugs that are pro-oxidant. If you want a gentle pro-oxidant for emergencies that will not suppress, try MMS/chloride dioxide therapy or hydrogen peroxide therapy, these methods support cellular communication via electron donation and do not kill per se, they upregulate the detox mechanisms to hasten the clean up, without killing everything in sight. If you want these to work even better, pair it with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide, to increase blood flow and manage run away inflammation aka further tissue damage).

Our goal is not to kill these organisms in the body who are only there because we have food inside of us for them, usually metals. The goal is to chelate the metals and upregulate the organs of elimination (emunctories). Of course ignorance and disease states plague this world, so suppressive drugs and antibiotics are considered "heroes" by those who are still wandering through the germ theory illusion, but when these life forms are killed, the toxins they were eating spill out into the body, increasing the toxic load. Ideally, you wish to starve them, so they leave with all the toxins they ate from you still inside them.

Again, the symptoms may temporarily decrease, but this is an illusion as the toxins are still present for "reinfection" of more parasites inviting new disease states that ignorant people and doctors seem unable to figure it out: there is nothing new, just deeper damage with a new constellation of symptoms.
Here is why I don't support Ivermectin (part 2):

I do understand the emergency need for suppression, but keep in mind, in these situations you have to then recover TWICE: once from the suppressed disease state that will re-emerge AND secondly from the drug damage...and as a holistic practitioner my oath is to first do no harm. So I must speak the truth of this situation, teach people how the body works so they can heal and thrive, stop supporting the imposed Rockefeller/NWO medical cartel false germ theory and associated killer vaccines, and rather than just "get by", truly thrive to produce the next generations of children that will also thrive and overcome the evils of this world.

With careful considerations,
Amandha D Vollmer
(Part 1) From Jeanice Barcelo:

Dear friends - I wanted to update you regarding the publication of my books.

As many of you already know, my books were banned by Amazon earlier this year so it is nearly impossible at this time to find any paperback copies of any of my books online. The copies that are available are being sold for many hundreds of dollars.

About 6 weeks ago, I had a publisher come forward with an offer to publish my books. I immediately said yes as I am anxious to get the books back on the market, but I had no idea what is involved in actually working with a publisher to get my books published. I had thought that publishing contracts involved the author receiving money from the publisher up front, and the publisher would receive a return on their investment when the books were sold. As it turns out, publishing books for people like you and me actually involves the author paying the publisher to have his/her work made available to the public. And the cost for publishing, I am now being told, can be upwards of $29,000 per book!!!! Naturally, I do not have this amount of money to invest in getting my books published, nor am I willing to do so unless I happen to receive a very large influx of money to make something like that possible.

So although I thought the ultrasound book (and all my books) would become available in the near future through publishing, this is not the case. It seems much more practical for me to simply have the paperback books printed by a printer and for people to then purchase the books directly through me. To have the books printed, I could really use your support in the form of donations.

It would also be extremely helpful for me to be able to hire a publicist in order to promote my books and my work to a wider audience who I think are now ripe for accepting the information I share because of how obvious it has become that the medical establishment is trying to hurt people. Publicists work to promote the books and to get me (the author) radio and TV show interviews in order to help spread the word about my books. A publicist costs approximately $100 per hour and if you are willing and able to assist with this financially, donations can be made here: donations.

The good news is that my birth trauma book is currently in stock. Someone was kind enough to come forward with a donation large enough to cover the cost of printing 100 copies and this is how these books hve become possible. I currently have about 50 paperback copies of the birth trauma book left, so if you would like a copy of this book, I encourage you to purchase it now as I don't know how long these copies will be available. You can purchase the birth trauma book here. Price is $30 plus shipping.

For those who are interested to obtain a copy of the ultrasound book, the manuscript for the second edition of the book is ready for printing. However, the funds are needed to print 100 copies and donations are needed to help make this possible. If you are able to make a donation toward the printing of the ultrasound book, I would be so grateful. Donations can be made here: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/04/your-donations-help-make-my-work-possible/

The wireless radiation book is the third book I am needing to have printed. And I am currently working on my fourth book, which concerns the ultrasound-autism connection. This coming book is going to be extremely important in terms of people understanding the full extent of the damage that has been done, and is currently being done, to our children by the medical establishment. In my opinion, the entire medical house of cards needs to collapse and burn to the ground in order for our people survive. I will do whatever I can to help people see the Truth of what they are doing in the hopes that at least a few our bloodlines will survive.
(Part 2): That is my update for today. I want to apologize to all those who have been enthusiastically waiting for my books to be published so that they might obtain copies for themselves. It is a sad reality to me that authors are required to first put in thousands of hours of research and writing in order to turn their books into something tangible, and then on top of this, they are required to pay large amounts of money in order to get the books out to the public. Surely it is time to create a new reality in this regard. In the meantime, printing the books seems a much more reasonable option for someone in my current situation, and so that is what I will do (barring an unforeseen avalanche of funding that makes publishing reasonable and do-able for me).

If you can help with the cost of book printing and/or hiring a publicist, I would be ever so grateful.


Thank you for your kind understanding and your support.


Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.
Author, Educator, Researcher
Author of "Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?" and "The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound"
Back from the incredible Soulshine Festival and wanted to toss out some memes I've been collecting. Much love to you all, Amandha ❤️
Ever heard of 'Reichenstein disease'?

Another 'mystery' disease that seems to have disappeared, but only in name.


From Seb Powell
I recently had a great chat with Patrick Daly that I am sure you will enjoy!

Video Overview
Problems In Science
In this video, Amandha Vollmer “ADV” shares the truth about what is missing within scientific studies today. She talks about how the studies are false more than 60% of the time. ADV talks about how science has been corrupted by the big pharma companies and how they are used to create fear by spreading misinformation. For example, ADV talks about the C-19 Isolation study and how there is so much information lacking in the studies to prove the existence of a virus.

Agendas and The Pandemic
ADV discusses the most recent roll out of these so called “pandemics” and what the real truth is. She explains her research of the world agenda and how these pandemics are all created as part of a bigger global ordeal. This agenda includes population control, fear mongering, money grabs, and more by corrupt corporations. ADV explains that the only way around it is to become your own person and seek out the real truth.

The Great Reset
In this Video ADV shares her thoughts on the ‘great reset’ that is starting to play out. She also talks about how it connects to the recent pandemic scams and what the end game looks like. Additionally, ADV talks about how we can rise up and build our own truth communities. She expresses that we need to work together to defund the lies and get away from the brainwashing and mindlessness of it all.

DMSO for Natural Healing
DMSO is an incredible substance and ADV explains how it can be used for natural healing. ADV shares how DMSO can be used as a preventative of heart attacks. She also talks about why DMSO is a suppressed substance and why the big pharma companies don’t want us to know about it.

More detox details in my talk here for Constitutional Conventions.

Video Overview
In this Holistic Healing video Amandha discusses vaccines with viewers. Amandha talks about the risks that come with taking the vaccine and the damages it can do to our bodies. Also, she explains how the vaccine is dangerous and why we should stay away from receiving the vaccine at all costs. Amandha and viewers discuss the issues they have faced In there lives being around people who have been vaccinated and why just being in the presence of a vaccinated person may harm you.

Amandha talks about many different natural ways one can detox their body such as Enemas, Urine Therapy, DMSO and healthy eating habits. In summary, the main focus in this video is detoxing to remove heavy metals from our bodies. The reason for this is that the vaccine is filled with heavy metals such as graphene oxide, which is not meant to be in our bodies. Amandha knows how to clean these substances out of the body the right way through a holistic healing approach.

Q&A With Viewers:
In this video Amandha takes on many questions from viewers and she explains how they can embrace Holistic Healing and remedy health issues the right way!

In this Q&A Amandha answers questions on:

– Vaccines
– Enemas
– Heavy Metal Detoxes
– Colon Heath
– Pet care
– Holistic Healing
– Supplementation

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