YumNaturals Emporium Amandha Vollmer
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(Part 2): That is my update for today. I want to apologize to all those who have been enthusiastically waiting for my books to be published so that they might obtain copies for themselves. It is a sad reality to me that authors are required to first put in thousands of hours of research and writing in order to turn their books into something tangible, and then on top of this, they are required to pay large amounts of money in order to get the books out to the public. Surely it is time to create a new reality in this regard. In the meantime, printing the books seems a much more reasonable option for someone in my current situation, and so that is what I will do (barring an unforeseen avalanche of funding that makes publishing reasonable and do-able for me).

If you can help with the cost of book printing and/or hiring a publicist, I would be ever so grateful.


Thank you for your kind understanding and your support.


Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.
Author, Educator, Researcher
Author of "Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?" and "The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound"
Back from the incredible Soulshine Festival and wanted to toss out some memes I've been collecting. Much love to you all, Amandha ❤️
Ever heard of 'Reichenstein disease'?

Another 'mystery' disease that seems to have disappeared, but only in name.


From Seb Powell
I recently had a great chat with Patrick Daly that I am sure you will enjoy!

Video Overview
Problems In Science
In this video, Amandha Vollmer “ADV” shares the truth about what is missing within scientific studies today. She talks about how the studies are false more than 60% of the time. ADV talks about how science has been corrupted by the big pharma companies and how they are used to create fear by spreading misinformation. For example, ADV talks about the C-19 Isolation study and how there is so much information lacking in the studies to prove the existence of a virus.

Agendas and The Pandemic
ADV discusses the most recent roll out of these so called “pandemics” and what the real truth is. She explains her research of the world agenda and how these pandemics are all created as part of a bigger global ordeal. This agenda includes population control, fear mongering, money grabs, and more by corrupt corporations. ADV explains that the only way around it is to become your own person and seek out the real truth.

The Great Reset
In this Video ADV shares her thoughts on the ‘great reset’ that is starting to play out. She also talks about how it connects to the recent pandemic scams and what the end game looks like. Additionally, ADV talks about how we can rise up and build our own truth communities. She expresses that we need to work together to defund the lies and get away from the brainwashing and mindlessness of it all.

DMSO for Natural Healing
DMSO is an incredible substance and ADV explains how it can be used for natural healing. ADV shares how DMSO can be used as a preventative of heart attacks. She also talks about why DMSO is a suppressed substance and why the big pharma companies don’t want us to know about it.

More detox details in my talk here for Constitutional Conventions.

Video Overview
In this Holistic Healing video Amandha discusses vaccines with viewers. Amandha talks about the risks that come with taking the vaccine and the damages it can do to our bodies. Also, she explains how the vaccine is dangerous and why we should stay away from receiving the vaccine at all costs. Amandha and viewers discuss the issues they have faced In there lives being around people who have been vaccinated and why just being in the presence of a vaccinated person may harm you.

Amandha talks about many different natural ways one can detox their body such as Enemas, Urine Therapy, DMSO and healthy eating habits. In summary, the main focus in this video is detoxing to remove heavy metals from our bodies. The reason for this is that the vaccine is filled with heavy metals such as graphene oxide, which is not meant to be in our bodies. Amandha knows how to clean these substances out of the body the right way through a holistic healing approach.

Q&A With Viewers:
In this video Amandha takes on many questions from viewers and she explains how they can embrace Holistic Healing and remedy health issues the right way!

In this Q&A Amandha answers questions on:

– Vaccines
– Enemas
– Heavy Metal Detoxes
– Colon Heath
– Pet care
– Holistic Healing
– Supplementation

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We are teetering on the edge of a slippery slope into totalitarianism and instead of noticing the demise of freedom the masses pour water over the slip'n'slide. At least there are still a handful of logical thinkers trying to pull people back from the abyss.
#logic #foryou #shadows #think #video #debate #silence #cancelculture #mankind #insanity #opinions
An incestuous uber rich pedo protecting sack of shit has been decommissioned by her handlers, her many doppelgangers put into retirement and the hypnotized lemmings are mourning this baby eater. What a clown world we are living in.
Media is too big
This gives me some hope. Has anyone ever apologized to you for any of it? Is denial mankind's strongest trait? Isn't it so freeing to admit mistakes and own up to them?
How many had their wake up call to the agenda from the 9/11 dustification event?

They are still using the same destruction of life using fakery and fear to this day. Just one scam after another. It will end when enough of us see and cannot unsee...and teach our children well.

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