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Gab: anon_fa_mous
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Forwarded from Brenda Mickey
Morning frens!
YouTube said they got rid of the Project Veritas Pfizer video because it was misinformation and contradicted Covid-19 experts.....

....but the person that said it was an expert that works directly inside Pfizer. YouTube / Google are contradicting themselves. Google is ghey
Twitter brought back Bioclandestine and his Biolabs in Ukraine account yesterday. It's just a matter of time before they let everyone back on.

IMO I think Twitter is selecting certain anons on first and if you try and get on before your turn, they will suspend you. So just be patient and wait until your original account gets reinstated.
I have a bunch of scammers imitating me on Telegram. If you get a direct message from an account that looks like me, it’s not me.
When Gregg Phillips made the Freedom Hospital post on Truth Social, he showed a woman wearing a patch that included Stepan Bandera.

Stepan Bandera is idolized by the Azov Battalion, who are modern day Nazis.
So I posted the Azov Battalion info above onto Truth Social and got attacked by Punisher and the Rebb army for 4 hours tonight. Thank you for those who had my back while I was just presenting facts.
Forwarded from Brenda Mickey
Morning frens!
I'm glad Elon is aware of the. This is the cabal's plan to enslave the world through central banks.

1. Increase a countries expenses (Social Security / Medicaid) until they become in debt.
2. Force countries to borrow money from the Central Bank.
3. Central Banks charge interest on debt of country.
4. The bigger the debt of a country, the bigger the profit for central banks through interest.
5. The bigger the interest, the bigger the debt
6. Endless debt cycle.

This process increases inflation, forcing citizens to buy less and less and less until they can't afford anything. It would eventually get to the point where citizens would need the government to survive.

I wrote about this 4 months ago in ORIGINS OF THE CABAL - PART 5.
Forwarded from Rosalie Martin
That Elon is aware, and bringing it to the masses in a way they can understand so they are aware is the key. It's like getting having some basic knowledge of how a car runs so that when you take your car to the mechanic they can't rob you because you don't have a clue. Knowledge is power as they say. The more the better!
So if you haven’t been reinstated on Twitter yet, it looks like you have to appeal starting February 1st.

This is when their new criteria will go into effect.
Be careful who you idolize
Texas blocked Gregg's business from being able to do business in the state so is this where Catherine comes in?

Gregg registered businesses in other states with a Texas address and it looks like Catherine registered one in Texas for him. They have so many businesses interconnected and one is even listed as a government contractor.

Source -

Not only that, Gregg/Catherine have had their businesses give both personal and business loans to themselves, along with awarding contracts to themselves - OPSEC was funded by True the Vote.

Source -

OPSEC source -

Forwarded from Brenda Mickey
Morning frens!
I found this funny.

Trump says check the past of Jeb Bush right after I did a Bush family history thread.
Masonic symbolism for upcoming Tomorrowland in Belgium.

Tomorrowland and pretty much all of these mainstream EDM festivals are literally massive MK Ultra mind control rituals.

You go there tripping balls on psychedelics and ecstasy, your subconscious is wide open, your minds eye is wide open. You create open doorways to demons to influence you with these drugs. Certain frequencies are played to amplify these effects, it's very demonic.

You can even see this satanic influence in the underground Techno/Trance scene now with festivals like "Possession." (truth in plain sight)

Turn to Christ.
Telegram and Truth Social are functioning like garbage while a fellow anon's thread on Twitter is getting 5 Million + views. Coincidence?
MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know