Awakened Outlaw
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FACT: Trump has endorsed a whole bunch of #AmericaFirst/#MAGA candidates for the Nov. election.

But based on the larger conversation going on I guess some would have us believe that ALL OF THEM are being spotlighted by Trump because they're actually bad eggs and we shouldn't support/vote for them this Fall.

Does that make any f'ing sense?
No, of course it doesn't.

Now apply that logic across the board.
'Nuff said.

The Luciferian Cabal is super pissed that their iron grip on power, which they've long managed to conceal from the public for obvious reasons, is being exposed.

I say, good.
F*ck 'em!

"You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!" ~ Bachman–Turner Overdrive

Forwarded from Tucker Carlson
Media is too big
Ep. 88 Is Speaker of the House Mike Johnson being blackmailed to do the bidding of the left? It certainly seems that way. His colleague, Marjorie Taylor Greene, explains

Remember when Nikki Haley tried (and failed) to take on Trump.

Good times. 😁

A lot of people have opinions on who Trump should pick as his VP candidate.

I'm good with whoever he chooses because 1) I trust the guy implicitly, 2) I believe all of this is already worked out (and has been for a while) so it's basically pointless IMO, and 3) at this point in the 'game' we're definitely in the "all the marbles" stage of events.

All told, and because pattern recognition is a thing, I can't imagine that this won't work out exactly as it's supposed to.

Consider me an optimist if you like (guilty as charged) but the crazier things get the more peaceful and confident I feel about the ultimate resolution of this shit show.

George understood.

No deals!

What sucks is how accurate this meme is.

The globalist cabal, in this case via their wholly owned subsidiary the #WHO, is working overtime (in secret of course) to crush the international travel industry - as well as the rights of every human on the planet who dares to cross an international border.

Oh, and the measure they're drafting would allow foreign countries to forcibly vaccinate you if they see fit.

I wish I was kidding.

“So, the concern is that if you are traveling, they want to be able to make you take a test, and if you want to get off the cruise boat or plane, they may make you go into quarantine…It essentially says they can compel the traveler to undergo vaccination or other prophylaxis.”

Hey, look. The deep state cabal gave us another list of their operatives. How nice of them.

Same exact energy as the fifty-one former intel officials who signed that infamous letter alleging that Hunter's laptop was Russian operation - which we know now was an abject lie that was conveniently released JUST BEFORE the 2020 election.

[They] run the same tired plays from the same tired playbook.

Media is too big
Powerful new pro #Trump2024 ad.

NOTE: This especially powerful message speaks directly to the minority of Conservative voters who aren't necessarily thrilled with the prospect of supporting him. If you know any of them make sure they get to see it.

'Merica! 🫡🇺🇸🦅

#KlausSchwab is reported to have been admitted to a hospital.

Hope he doesn't get well soon!
No thoughts & prayers.
Precisely zero fucks.🫰👻

Every morning of his trial, Trump walks into the courtroom like...

Trump is daring (to the point of begging) the judge to have him arrested.

If true, I suspect that it's going to happen sooner rather than later.

Note that the left is the ones who always look to quash free speech...usually claiming they're doing so for the sake of "democracy".

The truth is they're tyrants at heart.

Fredrick Douglass understood.

The powers that be (Western interests) are assigning blame to Russia because OF COURSE, they are.

But since we're now well aware that the same folks have been lying to us about everything all of our lives it's MORE than fair to assume this was just another setup to curry sympathy for Zelensky & Ukraine to smooth the rails for the next massive outlay of cash.

I'd personally bet on the latter.


I've been waiting for women to start doing this (refusing to compete against men) and therefore making a mockery of the spectacle. This was, in my humble opinion, the only way this crap was ever going to change.

What's a damn shame is that it came down to some middle school girls having to have the guts to say, "ENOUGH!!". We aren't playing your reindeer games anymore

If we're lucky this brave stand against the lunacy of boys/men participating in girls/women's sports will be the spark that sets of set off a metaphorical wildfire nationwide.

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