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More Antifa abortion rallies today and tomorrow
It is being rumored that Shawnna Bolick and Matt Gress will have a few others join them to betray the #ProLife cause this Wednesday.

TJ Shope, David Livingston, Tim Dunn, David Cook, and Justin Wilmeth will do the cowardly thing and vote with Democrats on HB2677 to murder babies, just so they can be more electable --- to Leftists.

The fact is, they will lose their souls AND lose their positions. The Dems will have a trifecta in November - AZ House, Senate, and Gov.

Well. With "Republicans" like these, there is no reason to vote GOP this November.
Jose/AZ People's Lobbyist is in favor of expanding the dismemberment and killing of babies in Arizona.👇
As leaders of the grassroots pro-life movement in Arizona, we stand in support of ALL life, in supporting A.R.S. § 13-3603. It is imperative that you contact your state legislators and tell them to protect this existing law with fidelity!

Praying for Arizona,

The Decline to Sign Team:
Christine Sawhill Accurso
Adrienne Johnson
Peggy McClain
Linda Rizzo
Ed Steele

Link to find House Members’ Email Address:

Link to find Senate Members’ Email Address:

Join AZRTL for a special event at the Capitol on Wednesday to stand for the protection of the unborn and advocate for the sanctity of life.


Wednesday, April 17th

8:00 am-12:00 pm

AZ State Capitol
1700 W Washington St

Event page:
🛑 STOP calling it the ”territorial ban” and the “1865 abortion ban”

After Roe, AZ recodified the criminal code which included 13-3603, prohibiting abortion. That was in 1977 and it was signed off by then Governor Raul Castro — A DEMOCRAT!

It’s the #1977DemocratBan
Forwarded from Tracy Beanz (Sharon Black)
Read this thread if you have an X account. We will also be publishing on UncoverDC shortly.

Please, if you do nothing else for me today, dedicate the time to watch this thread. It’s important.
Forwarded from Tracy Beanz (Sharon Black)
Tax Payer Funded Gender Reassignment Surgeries Prompt Questions About Military Readiness
By: Tracy Beanz

"The US Government is providing gender reassignment surgery for active-duty military, and this article will detail our military readiness. Everything in this article should be viewed through the lens of military readiness."
🗣 TOMORROW Wednesday 4/17!

Please join AZ Right to Life, Decline to Sign, and other pro-life advocates at the Capitol at 8am. Read all about this AZRTL call to action here:

After the Arizona House of Representatives narrowly defeated an attempt to repeal Arizona's strong pro-life laws, the abortion lobby is furiously lobbying your State Representative to flip their vote and to support destroying this life-saving law.

If only ONE Republican flips to the other side, Arizona could re-legalize abortion and innocent babies will lose their lives.

Please use Students For Life's simple form below to email your Representative immediately and URGE him or her to stand strong against the abortion lobby.

Via Students For Life

• DECLINE TO SIGN the abortion petition
• Use RTS to 👎 HB2677
• Use RTS to 👎 SB1734
• Email legislators asking them NOT to repeal our current abortion law
• Go to the capitol on Wed 4/24 by 8am to support Pro-Life legislators.This is VITAL and made an huge impact last week
House baby killers 👉 Gress, Dunn & Wilmeth

And we're hearing that a lot of these clown electeds (that voted NO) showboated with their fake ass speeches.

Moral of the story - don't trust any politician - EVER.
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content