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That’s 4 high ranking government officials in congressional testimony, within the past 2 months, confirming that the US funds labs in Ukraine and around the world. Meaning all the fact checkers and publications were LYING when claiming that “there are no Biolabs in Ukraine”.

41+ separate publications published articles directly citing my Twitter thread, and/or my government name, Jacob Creech, claiming my thread proposing that Russia was targeting US Biolabs in Ukraine, was a “conspiracy theory”,“Russian disinformation”, “QAnon”, “false”, etc. In which they all proceeded to smear me and with malicious intent and RACIALLY CHARGED discrimination from one of their contributors. They all aimed to defame my character and destroy my personal and professional life via a coordinated attack. All of which was based on a lie and THEIR OWN DISINFORMATION, backed by a political agenda to cover up the truth.

Everything I claimed in that thread was true. I claimed that the US is funding biolabs in Ukraine and the Russians were after said labs. What part of that is a conspiracy theory? And why was the entire left-wing media weaponized against me for pointing out a fact?

The actions caused by these publications have caused irreparable harm to my emotional state, personal life, professional life, and source of income.

When hiring managers do a background check on me, they google my name and the first 6 pages of Google has my name in an article claiming I’m a “Conspiracy Theorist”, yet my work they cite is confirmed fact, in document and testimony.

As a result of this workplace discrimination, I am maintaining income as an independent investigative journalist. Right now, my sole source of income is self generated and dependent on my reputation and validity as a journalist. These publications who spread lies about me and my work, are directly hindering my ability to get future employment and effecting how I currently generate income.

Now with ALL that being said, who knows conservative defamation lawyers not named Lin Wood? I’m going to take on the entire left-wing media complex.

(And P.S. to all the 41+ publications who wrote libelous statements about me, some of which are reading this right now, I already archived everything and have screenshots of it all with time stamps. Anything you delete only implies more guilt. It’s too late. I have it all.)

Let’s dance 😈
Okay, now I’m ready to talk about “2000 Mules”. At first I was skeptical and disinterested because I didn’t like the idea of a paywall. Im firm in the belief that if you have information that is beneficial to society, you disperse it for free so as many people as possible see it, and don’t hide behind a paywall. Which is exactly why all of my content is free and will always be free.

With that being said, Dinesh and his team did a phenomenal job, had a lot of production value, presented it visually in a clear and digestible manner, and then released the ability to watch for free. However, the overall effect of this rollout method and advertising campaign, resulted in more buzz, popularity, and overall eyes on. So I can’t fault them for this method because it’s still free for the public and now it’s the talk of the town. Even amongst the centrist crowd.

Now, the actual movie itself, CONFIRMS UNDOUBTEDLY that there was a National coordinated effort, in liberal
cities, to harvest, traffic, and illegally abuse the mail in ballots. At a rate that certainly could and did alter the outcome of the election. This is incontrovertible.

The mere fact that there were organizations scattered in liberal cities in swing states, and were slowly distributing ballots, over the course of months, via mules they paid per ballot, CONFIRMS that a higher entity was facilitating this entire scheme. It CONFIRMS that there were coordinated efforts to subvert and distort the outcome of the election.

Keep in mind that citizens had piece this together, while our government agencies spent their time and our money trying to cover this up. Instead using their technology and assets to track and hunt down parents who have questions about their children’s school curriculum.

How does this proof get presented in court? Can we overturn the election? Will anything come of this?

I have no idea. But what we as the citizen intelligence apparatus can do, is win the court of public opinion. By making sure every single American sees this data. Make sure that we command and dominate the airwaves. Our mission is arguably more important than the actual legal aspect. The court of public opinion is more powerful than the law.

If the election were to be overturned and the public don’t know why, it would be mass chaos and high civilian casualties. But if we can make it so the public themselves are demanding an investigation, and the majority of the public see that the evidence of fraud is incontrovertible, then the rollout of such information would be far more plausible and likely to succeed.

In conclusion, 2000 Mules confirms:

-fraud occurred in mass quantities
-it was coordinated from a national entity with intent to subvert the election
-we can prove it

Now it’s your job to truly know all the details. Get your verbiage, facts, and data down to a point, and truly know the subject matter here. Because your centrist and normie friends are going to ask you about this, and before you start speaking about it, it’s your duty to make sure you do the homework so you come off as intelligent and educated on the subject matter.

Now that we’ve all seen 2000 Mules from the ground level, let’s look at it from 40,000 feet. Let’s discuss how this piece fits into the overall puzzle, and how it is directly associated with C19 and Putin attacking the 30+ US biolabs in Ukraine.

What made this method of voter fraud possible? MAIL-IN VOTING. As a result of media generated fear over C19. We all remember the Dems foaming at the mouth over Trump’s pushback on mail-in voting. The only way their plan works, is if the Dems were able to abuse emergency powers to install mail-in voting, in the event of an emergency. So what did they do to ensure they won the election? They created an emergency.

As we all saw in my thread on the FOIA emails, the world’s top virologists, biologists and immunologists concluded that C19 was created in a lab. A lab that was run by the US NIH. And all of this was covered up by left-wing political bureaucrats Fauci and Collins.

So a leftist run agency in the US Government was circumventing congressional oversight to modify pathogens in foreign countries. One of these pathogens “got out”, which enabled the democrats to abuse emergency powers to implement mass mail-in voting, which allowed for them to subvert elections with the methods outlined in 2000 Mules.

Now does it make sense as to why Biden/Obama/DNC, using Hunter Biden as a proxy, via Rosemont Seneca, funneled US DoD money to Hunter Biden’s bio company Metabiota and other Biolabs in Ukraine? The DNC and globalists are all directly involved in biological gain of function research on pathogens. And the result of one getting out just so happened to benefit the DNC and Globalists on all fronts. And they just so happen to have a nationwide network of ballot harvesting and trafficking mules at the ready, in liberal cities, in key swing states. And the plan solely relies on mass mail-in voting in order to carry out.

Now does it make sense as to why Putin is attacking US biological facilities near his border? And why China, Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico and Gabon all voted at the UN Security Council, that the US biological network needs to be investigated…

This is why the media and the Dems are so worried about Ukraine. This is why the fact checkers and the left-wing media machine are still denying the existence of US labs in Ukraine at all. This is why the Dems wanted to send US troops to Ukraine to defend these labs. Because their bio capabilities are what allows them to retain power over the People. Stealing elections, implementing a police state, force vaccinating, censorship of political dissent under the guise of public health. C19 gave them the power to do whatever they wanted.

Did the DNC have another “variant” planned for release before the midterms so they could do it again? Did Putin know about it? Is that one of the reasons Russia targeted and attacked our Biolabs? Is that why Victoria Nuland and the rest of the DNC are terrified of their “research” falling into Russia’s hands?

Soon, they will start pushing for mass mail in voting again for the midterms. Watch. It’s their only way.

The Timeline:
-Hunter Biden funnels US DoD money to foreign biological facilities to modify pathogens
-A modified pathogen “escapes” a lab in a foreign country, which results in a global shutdown
-This “pandemic” results in the emergency implementation of mail-in voting by the DNC
-Mail-in voting opens the door for the DNC to utilize the methods outlined in 2000 Mules to commit mass voter fraud in swing states.
-Joe Biden “wins” election

The DNC created a biological weapon to win an election.

For those of you who cannot seem to find the good in anything, and refuse to see how 2000 Mules is highly impactful, this is for you. Think about this entire situation from the perspective of the mules.

The mules are SURELY going to catch wind of this documentary. Given their felonies are being broadcast for the world to see, they are probably terrified.

Think about how the majority of them will be hesitant to do this again. The people who carried out these deeds were mostly poor people who needed to make money. They aren’t political activists. They just wanted cash.

Now they know that they are being watched and tracked. A significant majority of the network of mules just got depleted.

Sure there will still be a few crazy blue haired psychopaths willing to risk going to jail for countless felonies, but the majority aren’t going to do this again, knowing they are under the spotlight and their entire plan known to the public. The ability for the Dems to traffic ballots just got hindered significantly.

So for all of those crying “boo hoo, none of this matters until someone’s arrested!”, not only are you incredibly annoying, you’re also just flat out wrong.

The US MIL knows all this went down. But any sized element in the US MIL doesn’t engage in any skirmish of any size, without a significant advantage and near certainty of victory.
Public acceptance comes first. Arrests come afterwards. It’s that simple.

EDIT: I see people still being pessimistic trying to nullify the impact of this. Let me address all of your weak arguments.

1: “The mules just won’t bring phones next time so they can’t get tracked!”

-You expect these people to navigate to 100+ drop boxes in a night in highly congested liberal cities without GPS? You think they are using a paper map? 99% of people today couldn’t use a map if their lives depended on it. Also, they have to take pictures of their drops to get credit to get their money. Are they going to use a Polaroid or disposable camera?

2: “They will find replacements and Soros has unlimited money! We are doomed!”

-You fail to realize that it’s not just the Mules that are now under surveillance and the spotlight, the organizational locations that are supplying the ballots, their locations are known. Their entire network and scheme is exposed. They have to change the entire way they operate because their last method is known.

3: “They will just use burner phones!”

-And the burner phones also are able to be tracked, still show the path of the ballot boxes and organizational buildings they are picking up the ballots from. And the organizational buildings are the real target anyways. We don’t care about locking up the individual mules, we want the organization and the higher ups orchestrating the entire operation.

You wanna know how I know the US government created C19?

We have NIH emails proving the US government knew that C19 was man-made, all the way back in January, 2020. A virus the US government claims killed 6.26 million people, and they aren’t the least bit interested in finding out whose responsible.

Idk about you, but if another country made a biological weapon and released it on the world population, killing millions; I MIGHT be interested in knowing who’s responsible for it.

I’m going to break this one up into multiple posts with supporting docs and photos so you all can follow along. The Western world needs to see this.

Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US Biological weapons scheme… They claim the the 4 masterminds atop the biological weapons network are Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros. As well as 12 other NATO countries knew of and assisted the US in this operation to develop biological weapons. They also include the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and others.

It’s difficult to find legitimate western sources to share this information, as none of them are addressing this at all. Complete radio silence on Russia accusing the sitting president and past 3 Democrat president families of being responsible for C19 and the US biological weapons network in Ukraine. And the Chinese military are in agreement with Russia and their findings. Complete blackout on Western Media.
I am still trying to find translations of the entire briefing, but I can give you an overall synopsis while we wait on full translations.

THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THIS. This is why control of information is so important to them. Think control of Twitter. Think Disinformation Governance Board. They cannot have this information circulating. 2 nuclear superpowers just accused the Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and George Soros of facilitating a scheme to utilize US DoD funds to create biological weapons in Ukraine, funneled through Hunter Biden and Rosemont Seneca through Metabiota, to create the pathogens, and then reap the money from vaccines to fund their political campaigns via Pfizer and Moderna, to further their stranglehold on information and ultimately all human life.

Here is the first page outlining the US plan to utilize drones to facilitate the unleashing of pathogens in aerosol canisters. I was made aware of this via @RedPill78 and John Mark Dougan back in February.
Now here we see the actual receipts and photo evidence of a biological facility in Ukraine. Hiding stashed biological material.

Pics on the top, looks like official English documentation of some sort that I cannot make out on the bottom. I will need to wait for transcripts to get full understanding, but the Russians claim this is the proof of US biological weapons and they have a lot more.

You’ll also notice this facility does not look secure at all. It’s not a laboratory, is a black site stash house with highly suspect equipment. Far beyond negligence when the result of these pathogens getting out is what we just experienced the past 2 years and (allegedly) killed 6.26 million people.
Now, think about the absolute magnitude of this. Russia and China are directly accusing the last 3 US democratic presidential families, and George Soros, of conducting a multiple decades long plan to create an international biological weapons network, to create pathogens so they could unleash them on the public to gain world control, using their control of the media and use the BILLIONS from forced vaccination to supply their campaigns and maintain control of information, so their citizenry don’t find out about what is actually going on. Think about 2000 Mules and how the pathogens made way for this scheme and helps the DNC maintain control.

We are in the middle of WW3, and all of Western media is complete blackout. Not a single shred of reporting on it. Anywhere. In a real world, the allegations themselves would be taken seriously and the world populace should know about it. Even if they aren’t true, we would still need to know that 2 world nuclear superpowers are accusing the US of creating bioweapons and might want to retaliate for slaughtering their citizens for political gain.

I said it back in February, this isn’t the beginning of WW3, we are in the middle of it. C19 was first weapon fired. And it claimed (allegedly) 6.26 million lives. And Russia and China have evidence suggesting the “US Democratic Party” are responsible for creating and releasing this weapon.

Feels like “the precipice” to me.
Let me put this diagram in a paragraph format exactly as the Russian military are portraying it.

US Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Research in Ukraine

Ideologues: The following entities were facilitating the operation:

-Democratic National Party

-Barack Obama: Launched Biological Threat Reduction Program in 2005

-Hilary Clinton: Spearheaded the adoption of US strategy to counter biological threats and promoted legalization of Dual Use Research

-Joe Biden: Coordinated the activity of the Executors of the military biological program, involved in financial fraud in Ukraine

-George Soros: Major sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and lobbyist for Big Pharma

Organized by the Executive Branch and Academic Centers: Aforementioned “ideologues” abused their positions to “set tasks” for Executive controlled agencies. Weaponizing these agencies to carryout the bidding of the ideologues. They are as follows:

-US Dept of State
-US Dept of Defense
-US Dept of Agriculture
-US Central Intelligence Agency
-US Threat Reduction Agency
-US Center for Disease and Control
-US International Development Agency
-US Army W. Reed Research Institute
-US Army Fort Detrick, Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases

Sponsors: Aforementioned US Agencies funneled their money through a series of Non-Government Foundations and Organizations, known as “Sponsors”. They were tasked with “Allocation of Funds” before directing them to the biological laboratories themselves. Otherwise known as “money laundering”. The Sponsors assisting in the money laundering scheme, are as follows:

-The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
-The Clinton Foundation
-Rosemont Seneca (Hunter Biden)
-Open Society
-Soros Fund Management
-Civil Research Development Fund
-The Rockefeller Foundation
-Ecohealth Alliance
-Pilot Growth

Executors in Ukraine: Aforementioned Sponsors “washed” the money being sent from US Executive Agencies, and sent them to the “Executors”. The actual biological facilities themselves. The labs were given “Funding for Dual Research”. They were tasked with:

-Creating elements of selective biological weapons
-Use of Ukraine as a bio-polygon
-Clinical Trials of New Medicine

The Executors involved are as follows:

-US Embassy in Ukraine
-Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center
-Ukraine Ministry of Defense
-Ukraine Ministry of Health
-Black and Veatch
-Metabiota (Hunter Biden)
-CH2M Hill Jacob’s Engineering
-Skymount Medical

Pharmaceutical Corporations (Big Pharma): Aforementioned Executors would then traffic biological material and research to pharmaceutical companies. Sometimes directly, sometimes via US Armed Forces. The pharmaceutical companies would then create the “cures” for the masses, because they have the research to know how to do it, resulting in billions in profit. The pharmaceutical companies who received trafficked bioweapons research and material are the following.

-Dynport Vaccine
-Eli Lilly and Co.
-Merck and Co.

Of the tens of billions in profit from all of the endless injections, some is then kicked back to the Ideologues responsible for formulating the plot. They use the funds to finance their campaigns and maintain their control.

Edit: Shoutout to August, one of my followers, sent me a link to fully English translated version of the entire slide show. I will post the pictures as well and will breakdown the full translation. Link here
For those wondering, the military briefing was presented by Russian Major General Igor Kirillov, Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense.

I am still looking for a full, translated video but no luck. Here is a quick snippet from the briefing where you can clearly hear him saying “Pfizer, Moderna” and the slides I referenced earlier are also shown on screen behind him.

This was all released by Russian MIL

Finally got my hands on an English translated version of the full brief from Russian Military, shout out to Yeeun Min.

Now this is a translation of the dialogue from Igor Kirillov, and I don’t speak Russian myself so I can’t confirm it, but you can find it attached at to this post.

You need to read the ENTIRE thing, it’s not that long, but the big points are:

-Biological Threat Reduction Program were creating and trafficking biological weapons

-Special Russian Military Operation revealed biological weapons via pathogens, and they confiscated drones equipped with 30 Litre aerosol containers for spraying pathogens. Not only is that creating the pathogen, but they created a vessel to use as a weapon.

-The Biological weapons as well as Pharmaceutical activities were all held in Ukraine, and the ideologues behind the scheme are the ruling families of the DNC.

-Not only are AMERICANS conducting this kind of research, but so are Germany and Poland.

-Dissemination of pathogens on Ukraine was done so on their civilians, in the form of disseminating biological material by handing out counterfeit money contaminated with pathogens.

-Russia finds evidence of Pentagon inhumane experimentation on psychiatric patients in Ukraine.

-Veterinary laboratories like in Mariupol were being used as stash houses for pathogens to circumvent oversight.

-US shipped mass amounts of biological protective gear to Ukraine, proving their knowledge of bio activity.

-The US DNC was facilitating an OFFENSIVE biological weapons program.

-Russia claims they put an end to all criminal experimentation on civilians (think Nuremberg).

You guys, there is so much here. Please read it.
Now that you all have had some time to digest the initial wave, let me go into the rest of the details on the slides, and how it pertains to the greater global situation.

I first want to look at this translated slide. Russian Military alleges this is a veterinary clinic in Mariupol, Ukraine. Used as a means for stashing and transporting “microbial cultures”, meaning they were GROWING and forcing pathogens to reproduce.

If true, this would make a lot of sense as to why the Nazi forces in Ukraine were so desperately trying to hold on to Mariupol, and why it has been such a focus of Russian Military for some time.

Russian Military has been speaking specifically about a veterinary facility for months, and it turns out this is why.

After Russia took Mariupol and gathered this intel, they claimed the Special Military Operation is complete and Putin put on a celebratory military parade.

You all said you wanted proof, and Russia gave it to you. The only question is, whose going to hold the US accountable?
Today, at the UN Security Council, Russia presented further evidence of their accusations that the US DNC created a secret bioweapons program in Ukraine. They have accused the US, multiple times in the past year, of breaching the International Biological Weapons Treaty. And the US just cries “Disinformation” and vetos any movement for investigations.

People have been asking me, what’s next? What would punishment look like?
And to be honest with you, I don’t know for certain because this has never happened before. The 1972 International Biological Weapons Treaty has never been breached. No nation has ever even been formally accused, until now. Article I never been invoked.

Theoretically, in a political-free vacuum, what SHOULD happen, as per the treaty, would be invoking Article VI and Article VII. Article summaries are as follows: (I copy pasted from Wiki)

Article VI: Right to request the United Nations Security Council to investigate alleged breaches of the BWC and undertaking to cooperate in carrying out any investigation initiated by the Security Council.

-Complaint about an alleged BWC violation
Article VI allows States Parties to lodge a complaint with the United Nations Security Council if they suspect a breach of treaty obligations by another state. Moreover, the article requires states to cooperate with any investigation which the Security Council may launch. As of January 2022, no state has ever used Article VI to file a formal complaint, despite several states having been accused in other fora of maintaining offensive biological weapons capabilities. The unwillingness to invoke Article VI may be explained by the highly political nature of the Security Council, where the five permanent members—China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States—hold veto power, including over investigations for alleged treaty violations.

Article VII: To assist States which have been exposed to danger as a result of a violation of the BWC.

-Assistance after a BWC violation
Article VII obliges States Parties to provide assistance to states that so request it if the UN Security Council decides they have been exposed to danger as a result of a violation of the BWC. In addition to helping victims in the event of a biological weapons attack, the purpose of the article is to deter such attacks from occurring in the first place by reducing their potential for harm through international solidarity and assistance. Despite no state ever having invoked Article VII, the article has drawn more attention in recent years, in part due to increasing evidence of terrorist organizations being interested in acquiring biological weapons and also following various naturally occurring epidemics. In 2018, the BWC's Implementation Support Unit issued a background document describing a number of additional understandings and agreements on Article VII that have been reached at past Review Conferences.”

In short, the UN Security Council is supposed to do a joint investigation, and all assist to the nation(s) who have been exposed to the biological weapon(s). But I just don’t think it’s going to happen because of the structure of the UN. The US can just simply veto any investigation.

The only other world event similar to this situation was Nuremberg. With which the US, UK, France and Russia, each provided 1 Military Judge and a team of military prosecutors, and joint-prosecuted the Nazi officials that were still alive, in an “International Military Tribunal”.

Given this whole biological weapons situation is unprecedented, I can’t really project what the next steps will be. Especially considering one of the names directly accused of being an Ideologue of this bioweapons plot is the current Commander in Chief of the most powerful military force on the planet…

The only way this is resolved is if the US MIL is disobedient to Biden, i.e. “Devolution”, and assists the Russians and Chinese in holding these people accountable. It would require a treaty between the militaries of Russia, China, and the US. That’s the only way.
Any other scenario and we are stuck in a biological Orwellian dystopia on the verge of nuclear fallout until the status quo changes.

While I’ve been locked in on the biological situation in Ukraine, I haven’t provided any recent updates on what is happening with Twitter.

I’ve said it since the beginning, Elon’s moves and counter moves are too highly calculated and methodical to be a happy coincidence. Not only is he taking over the machine, he’s exposing it on a global stage.

For those who are unaware, the Twitter deal is on hold, as Elon is is demanding proof on the amount of bot activity on the site, as this will lower the amount of true human engagement and therefore the amount of possible/target revenue. Which would lower the value of twitter and therefore lower the offer from Elon.

What Elon did was genius, and also further confirms this is about more than money. He offered a number so outrageous, knowing full well that there was heavy bot activity, knowing he could make them agree to terms, and then later get the buying price lowered while simultaneously exposing Twitter for using false accounts to manipulate public opinion.

A conventional businessman would have made them prove the bot activity before the offer price, but Elon is not in this for profit. This move he just made CONFIRMS he is looking to expose a greater conspiracy here. His moves and counter moves are calculated 10 steps ahead of the enemy. Sounds a lot like US MIL to me. I mean, Elon is quite literally their highest paid contractor.

Twitter’s most recent claim is the site has less than 5% bots. Elon is not so sure about that. Different bot-monitoring entities estimate anywhere up to 15% of all Twitter activity is from bots.

Now let’s just middle it and take the 10% for simplicity’s sake. Google alleges Twitters user count is around 290 million users. Meaning roughly 29 million accounts are fake. 29 million accounts, being used by entities looking to sway public perception and drive narratives.

This is how they fool sheep into supporting their insanity. They prey on natural human emotional group-think tendencies. Monkey see, monkey do.

A human, and most animals, naturally aims to be accepted and in the “group”. They are terrified of being ostracized. So when weak minded sheep see a post with 10k likes, they are naturally inclined to WANT to be on the side with the majority, regardless of their actual views.

With 30+ million bots out there, the public could be manipulated into; giving away all their freedoms, ignoring natural immunity, believing men can have children, supporting nazis, slaughtering unborn children, vote for Joe Biden…

Get the picture?
Also, a lot of people asking for my input on the the WHO Treaty vote coming up. To be honest, I couldn’t care less. In fact, I hope they do it. Here’s why.

Firstly, I could not give two shits what the WHO says. Nor what the US government says. Why should we care that a bunch of corrupt diplomats want to FORMALLY sign our sovereignty away? They already took it without our permission with C19. We already gave our freedom to the unelected members of the health community. What does signing a piece of paper change?

Secondly, we as a planet are at a crossroads. Russia and China are accusing the US DNC and a network of corrupt bureaucrats, of developing and utilizing biological weapons. The same people involved in the WHO, are implicated in this crime. War has already broken out to expose the labs creating the weapons. Either this is resolved and the people responsible are held accountable, or the people in power remain in power and we continue to live in this biological Orwellian nightmare forever.

Either the WHO and all corrupt diplomats and bureaucrats involved with C19, are tried for crimes against humanity, or we are all fucked anyways. Whether they write it in stone or don’t write it at all, they are going to do whatever they want, regardless of how we feel about it.

So that’s why I hope they go ahead and do it. So we have it signed in ink, of all those who agreed to impede the sovereignty of every single human on the planet. That way, we are that much more justified when we put them to death for their crimes. Allow them to exude the war-like posture and say the quiet part out loud.

As all Infantryman do, I’ve met some seriously bad-ass people in my life. I also met a lot of people who liked to think they were bad-ass, myself included. But the REAL bad-asses, the true killers, they all have the same look in their eye. The same demeanor. It’s all business, no small talk, no ra-ra, no bullshit. Get the fuck out of my way, I got shit to do.

That’s what John Durham looks like. He looks like he’s seen some shit and he has already had enough of everyone’s shit. I can hear the Darth Vader Theme when he walks.

This dude is a stone-cold killer and all I know is I’m glad I’m not on his shit list.
Intriguing confirmations about Twitter. Elon estimating the bot activity is 20% or higher, and his $44 billion bid was assuming that the bot activity was at the 5% or lower Twitter formally reported.

He is forcing them to prove their actual bot activity, causing them to expose themselves. While pissing off all of their advertisers and shareholders in the process, for falsifying numbers and therefore significantly lowering the value of Twitter. Elon baited them with $44 billion, knowing full well the bot activity was not what they reported, knowing he could get a better deal, while simultaneously exposing them.

But the most genius aspect of this plan, is as a CITIZEN, he’s exposing Twitter at warp speed, on the world stage. As opposed to a government intervention and a years long investigation with a snail’s pace Justice System. Elon got them on the hook with too much money to refuse, then made them admit all their deepest darkest secrets within a month. The government could never do what Elon is doing at the speed he is doing it.

Most importantly, it appears to be organic. If the US MIL directly intervened, it would be bad optics and the left-wing media would cause mass turmoil and claim it’s a military coup, so and so forth. So maybe the US MIL and white hats found a workaround? A path of least resistance.

I cant assume it’s a coincidence that the US MIL’s highest paid contractor is flawlessly carrying out a highly calculated plan, with militaristic precision, that just so happens to dismantle an enemy of the US MIL, at lightning speed, in the middle of a propaganda/information war.

Yes, I’m suggesting the US MIL is utilizing Elon as a proxy/asset to conduct operations as a citizen that the US MIL would not be unable to do from their government position.

The civilian route was exponentially faster, highly effective, appears organic, easy for the public to digest, and the mission is accomplished with relative ease and little resistance.

Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.”

-Sun Tzu
🚨🚨Disinformation Governance Board shut down!!! 🚨🚨

Well that didn’t take long. I was kind of looking forward to seeing what challenges they presented to disrupt the spread of information. I was looking forward to the opportunity to prove that We the People would just adapt and outmaneuver them, again.

I should be elated due to their incompetence, but I’m not. In fact, I’m insulted. Billions at their disposal, and this is the best they could muster? The Dems thought they could stop us with a crazy-eyed theater kid… Pathetic.

Their plan was a colossal failure. They accomplished nothing, and managed to severely expose themselves in the process. All the Biden admin did was admit they are Orwellian, Unconstitutional, and Fascist. Which amplified their own malfeasance, helped spread truth and awareness more, and now are stuck with egg on their faces.

Their incompetence is SOOO bad, I’m more inclined to believe this is a controlled internal demolition of the DNC, rather than believe they are this inept and self destructive.

Either scenario, we win. But holy hell I have a hard time believing these people are THIS stupid.

Quick Admin Update

Welcome to all my new followers! Many of you have been commenting with questions about where to find me on Truth Social, access to the BioClandestine Newsletter, as well as questions about if I DM people about Bitcoin…

All contact information and details about my channel can be found in my pinned message, linked below.

Thanks for the support!
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