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Okay it’s time to address an issue I see every single time I post something about the DNC and their international biological network.

Every time a handful of people say:
-“it’s not the DNC it’s the Uniparty!”
-“dont forget McCain and Romney!”
-“make sure to add the GOP!”

Firstly, my posts are long enough as it is, so every time I talk about who runs the biological network you expect me to say: “the upper echelons of the DNC, and Mitt Romney, and John McCain, and Marco Rubio, and Lindsay Graham, and George Soros, and Bill Gates, and Pfizer, and Moderna, and Rockefellers, and Rothschilds, …. etc etc and a whole lot more.”

I’m not doing all that every single time. So when I say “DNC” that’s because the Russian Military, the people who went to war and lost lives over these allegations of a US biological weapons network, said it themselves that this entire biological network was formulated and run by, and I quote, “The US Democratic Party”. See the photo above.

So when I say “DNC” that’s not my bias, that’s what the Russian Military said and printed, verbatim, a plethora of times. And the Chinese Military agreed with the findings. So if you have an issue with the terminology of “DNC” don’t tell me, tell Putin and Xi because I’m not the one who came up with it.

Also, for clarity I’m not a Republican, I’m a Libertarian, so I am not trying to save face for the GOP. In fact, I think the GOP are largely useless and spineless scum. But just because McCain and Romney have (R) next to their names, doesn’t make them Republicans. These people vowed their servitude to the DNC, the DNC agenda, and the global entity that controls them, the Deep State.

Say for example a Chinese spy infiltrated the US. Is he US now? No, he’s still a Chinese spy just acting as if he’s American, taking orders from China. Such is the case with Romney and McCain. They worked for the DNC and the plan was carried out by the DNC. Just because they had agents working within the GOP, doesn’t mean the GOP is going to share some of this blame for a plan facilitated by Obama, Hillary, Biden and Soros. Absolutely fucking not.

Not to mention the media, our number 1 enemy, who controls them? It’s certainly not the GOP. All the people who went great lengths to cover up this biological network, shame and censor any and everyone who talked about it; they are all bought and owned by the DNC. Surely at this point no one needs a lesson on the DNC infection of MSM.

Also look at it culturally. The brainwashed libs who support the DNC, these people have been proudly shaming and ostracizing anyone who talks about anything they don’t like. All of those people who feel justified in their malice towards us, THEIR LEADERS, are the ones responsible for worldwide genocide and bioterrorism. The libs aren’t footing any of the bill on us Conservatives. Our leader tried to tell everyone these people were psychotic war criminals and they called us nazis and banned us from speaking or going in public.

So all of you saying the “GOP/Uniparty” are also to blame for this… miss me with that bullshit. The messiahs of the DNC, the most powerful DNC families, the last 3 DNC presidents/last 4 candidates, all of them are the main ideologues behind a plot to engage in worldwide genocide via bioterrorism, as per the Russian and Chinese Governments/Militaries.

The DNC aren’t going to weasel their way out of taking full blame for their crimes against humanity. Not a fucking chance.


Link to slides from Russian Military Briefing
I stumbled upon this today in a dig. I don’t remember seeing this statement from the State Dept back on 03/09/22.

The State Dept were pushing disinformation. They stated the following:

The United States does not own or operate any chemical or biological laboratories in Ukraine, it is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention, and it does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere.”

But just a few days ago the DoD contradicted this statement from the State Dept, admitting that we do in fact have 46 labs in Ukraine. A day after this, Undersecretary of State, Victoria Nuland, admitted under Oath that we do have biolabs in Ukraine, and the State Dept are worried Russia might find our research.

It makes more sense as to why she was worried because the State Department are one of the Executive entities accused by Russia of engagement in the Biological network in Ukraine (think Hilary).

So here’s direct proof the government openly lies to you without consequence. Not that we needed any more of it. But I will say, the DoD turning on the State Dept and the White House, coming out with contradictory statements, is rather peculiar. Not often do you catch the government making this blatant of a mistake.

What’s wild, is the State Dept hasn’t taken this down yet… almost as if they are begging to get caught. They have no shame in their lies.


Heads up, I’m about to drop a massive story. It will be in 5 parts here on Telegram, and I will put it all together in one article Substack for easy sharing.


This is from CBS on Saturday, Nicaragua gives Russia permission for Russian troops to enter the country?!?

For those who don’t know geography, Nicaragua is in Central America, which is on the Continent of North America, 1600 miles from the Texas border.

Nicaraguan President, Daniel Ortega, signed a decree on 06/08/22, allowing Russian troops to carry out law enforcement duties, "humanitarian aid, rescue and search missions in emergencies or natural disasters."

Russian spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, made the following statement on the activities in Nicaragua:

"We are talking about a routine — twice a year — procedure for the adoption of a Nicaraguan law on the temporary admission of foreign military personnel to its territory in order to develop cooperation in various areas, including humanitarian and emergency responses, combatting organized crime and drug trafficking,".

So the Russian Military are moving into North America, looking for organized crime? My first reaction was… “DO WE HAVE BIOLABS IN NICARAGUA?!”.

Lo and behold, we do. And it’s worse than I imagined. Meet me on the next post.
2) So I started digging on US bio activity in Nicaragua.

As it turns out, not only do we have a BSL-3 Veterinary biolab in Nicaragua, the Biden STATE DEPT added the Nicaraguan government officials to the “Corrupt and Undemocratic List” on 03/09/22, barring them from entering the country.

Keep in mind that’s the same day the State Dept put out their disinformation statement claiming there are no biolabs in Ukraine, right after Victoria Nuland from the State Dept just admitted there were Biolabs in Ukraine the day before in congressional testimony.

Ten days later, the Nicaraguan government would publicly call for the UN to investigate the US for its biological activity in Ukraine.

Here’s the Reuters article on State Dept banning Nicaraguan lawmakers. Then meet me on the next post.
3) After the Biden State Dept declared their displeasure with the Nicaraguan government, Nicaragua responded by calling for the investigation of US biological activity due to the findings from Russia in Ukraine.

This was from Adolfo Pastran, from the Sandinista National Liberation Front party:

"It is not only the United States who is has the obligation and responsibility to provide an explanation. The UN and Europe have a duty to take action on this issue rather than turn a blind eye. This discovery (of US biolabs in Ukraine) confirms Russian discourse and gives grounds for its position. The time is right to clear things up, because the world needs a peaceful life without threats,".

There are more similar statements from Nicaraguan lawmakers in the article, calling out the US to be investigated by the international UN Security Council.

So Nicaragua joins Russia and calls out the US for biological activity in Ukraine. Russia takes out US biological activity in Ukraine. Then Russian Military moves into Nicaragua (North America) for “support”. While still in ongoing missions in Ukraine, which is actually a US proxy.

To see where I found the BSL-3 Veterinary Lab in Nicaragua, in addition to EVERY SINGLE US LAB in “Low Resource Countries” as per the US NIH, meet me on the next post.
4) Here is the page of labs in “Low Resource Countries”.

Click on the link, then click on the table to see all the labs around the world AND WHO PRIMARILY FUNDS THEM.. There are a lot of them. Hold on to this page, I have a feeling we will be referencing it a lot in the coming months.

For this practice, scroll down to Nicaragua, and you’ll notice there is a listed 1 BSL-3 Veterinary Lab, and the Donors are the US, the EU and El Salvador.

This why Russia is in Nicaragua. DO NOT FORGET, the main target for the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine was the Veterinary Lab in Mariupol. This was the one the Nazi forces protected so heavily. Remember the big presentation from Russian Military on the evidence they found? The one where they accused the DNC of facilitating the whole plot. That was the Veterinary Lab in Mariupol.

If you want a little more juicy information, you’ll remember my thread back a few days ago on Russia and their concerns with Nigeria’s Biolabs in Ukraine… scroll right beneath Nicaragua and there is Nigeria and you will see Nigeria has 10 BSL-3 with numerous BSAT (EBOLA).

And the main kicker here… the main country funding the US NIH Nigerian labs is… CANADA!?! For those wondering how that fascist femboy Trudeau was involved, looks like I found it.

So Russia wages a war to take over a US funded Veterinary lab in Mariupol, Ukraine, and claims they found biological weapons created by the US DNC Party. While that’s going on, Russian forces move into Nicaragua at their request, where the US funds a BSL-3 Veterinary Lab.

It’s pretty safe to conclude that Russia is targeting US/Deep State biological activity WORLDWIDE.

Meet me on the next post for the conclusion.!po=25.0000
5) To sum it up, the Nicaraguans are letting Russian Military into their country to root out US biological activity.

From an American standpoint, this could potentially be really, REALLY bad. I mean Russian is at war with the US proxy Ukraine. Openly declaring they are at war with nazis and biological activity from the US/NATO. And now they are nonchalantly moving their military onto North America, 1600 miles from our border.

You guys remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? Where we almost went into Nuclear fallout with Russia for looking to move into Cuba… which is very close to Nicaragua… this could be a potentially hostile situation.

Now, I don’t think it will be, because I think the US MIL are acting with Russian MIL, or at the very least not stopping them from uprooting this biological network. But given that Russian Military is moving onto our continent, don’t you think this would be bigger news? I’ve seen a few articles on Russian MIL moving in, but no outrage machine from the left? No wall to wall coverage and Breaking News Headlines?

The reason it’s not… is because it’s about the biolabs. The media doesn’t want any attention drawn to it. The same media that said this was WW3 and Putin is going to take over the world, well now they aren’t concerned about Russian military in Nicaragua now, because it leads to more US biological activity which they claimed didn’t exist.

This is undoubtedly the most volatile story on the planet… And every single person needs to see it.

Guys… Nicaragua is on the Continent of North America. Central America is merely a section of North America.

Please, before you barge into my comments saying Nicaragua is in South America, or that Central America is a Continent, get on Google and look it up before you make yourself look stupid.

It’s clear many of us don’t know our geography.

Now that I’ve had some time to digest my dig on Nicaragua, I went back and looked at the Appendix on biolabs in “Lower Resource Countries”.

And oh man there is some JUICE in this document. I’m going to list all the countries I found interesting other than Nicaragua and Nigeria that I covered earlier.

Bangladesh- there are 4 BSL-2 labs listed. One funded by the US CDC, 2 funded by the USAID, on funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and one is also funded by the OIE which is the World Organization for Animal Health. Keep in mind the focus of the Russian Military on Veterinary labs. Deep State using animals as vectors to spread pathogens.

Democratic Republic of the Congo- there is 1 BSL-3 lab funded by the US GOV via the Presidential Malaria Initiative.

Egypt- there is 1 BSL-2 and 1 BSL-3 lab listed, the BSL-3 is directly funded by the US DoD via US Navy Medical Research. Keep in mind Russia accused elements of US Navy research of being implicated in the biological network in Ukraine. Think Walter Reed and Fort Detrick.

Ethiopia- there are 5 BSL-3 labs listed. One is funded by the US GOV, in is funded by the World Bank, and the others are funded by other countries or unknown funding. My question is, why the hell does the World Bank have a BSL-3 biolab in Ethiopia?

Georgia- there is 1 BSL-3 listed that is funded by the US GOV. Another whopping 8 BSL-3 labs with no data listed. Georgia has been the source of many accusations from Russia in the past about the US creating bioweapons, dating back to 2014.

Ghana- there are 5 BSL-3 labs in Ghana. With a high presence of US and Canadian funding.

Haiti- there are 3 BSL-3 labs, all of which are completely funded by the US GOV. The CDC, NIH, Armed Forces. Huge American presence in Haiti. Think Clinton Foundation.

India- there are 44 BSL-3 labs in India and 1 BSL-4 lab, which is funded by the WHO. There’s no nefarious details to report on here. India has 1.4 billion people so this many labs is not as wild as you might think. But I would like to point out that India did a much better job stopping the spread of C19 and has a vastly different approach than the Western Hemisphere. They prescribed a cocktail of preventative medicine which included Ivermectin. Funny how there is no US involvement and India was logical and successful. Imagine that.

Indonesia- there are 22 listed BSL-3 labs, 8 Veterinary labs, and 10 unknowns. Many of these are funded by US GOV, Japanese GOV, and Indonesian GOV.

Kenya- there are 9 BSL-3 labs, funded by the US Army Medical Research Unit.

Ukraine- there 4 listed BSL-3 labs in Ukraine part of the FSU (Former Soviet Union Thread Reduction). According to the NIH, “No funding described”. Think Hunter Biden.

There are a lot more countries than what I listed. Please look for yourselves. This is just a snapshot of the type of network we are dealing with and the overall scale of the US biological capabilities worldwide.

I don’t know how this gets cleaned up, if it gets cleaned up, or if it will be bloody or not. But I can assure you, humanity will not survive on our current path. The world needs correction, and I can sense it’s coming soon.

I’ve had many questions about how we can still have faith in the US MIL, when the DoD are caught up in this entire international biological network. Simply put, this situation is heavily nuanced. Certain elements of certain entities have been compromised. Not necessarily entire entities themselves.

For example the DoD; 99.999% of the DoD had absolutely no idea any of this was going on. The top echelon get orders to allocate X amount of money to a non-government foundation (Clinton, Gates, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros), they write the check, the money is sent off, and then the non-government entities send the money to the privately owned biolabs and the research is conducted by contractors, in most cases not even Americans.

So a tiny percentage out of 3 million people working for the DoD knew about this allocation of funds, and this handful of people didn’t really have a choice but to obey because they are orders, and if you don’t follow orders they will just discharge/jail you, take away your pay and retirement pension and put someone in who will obey the orders.

In all likelihood, the DoD wasn’t complicit in this plot. It was just business as usual and nobody thought to question it. The Ideologues were just using the DoD to send money to their own foundations so they could then do what they want with it, off the books.

From there, it was the non-government foundations that were sending the money to labs in low resource countries, with little regulations and outside the scope of congressional or executive oversight. Whatever research the labs did with the money was well outside of the jurisdiction of the DoD. It was being carried out by non-government entities using contractors with US funds stolen from the American taxpayer.

It’s high level espionage and infiltration. So it’s difficult to label who’s directly responsible, because this entity doesn’t have an official name. This isn’t a uniformed enemy. These are insurgents. This is infiltration. But unfortunately, the infiltrators were able to weaponized the DoD and many other entities for their nefarious deeds. So without knowledge of this nuance, one might think the entire DoD are evil, when in reality it’s just bad actors in the White House abusing the DoD for their own malevolent agenda.

Thankfully, Russia seems very aware of this, otherwise things would potentially be very, VERY different. It would also appear that the DoD are not happy about all of this, via their release statement the other day exposing the 46 labs their money was shipped to, and their lack of involvement in any alleged biological weapons production. Given they are the ones footing blame from the public, and are also responsible for dealing with the repercussions should Russia directly retaliate on the US, you might understand why the DoD are displeased.

You’ll notice the US MIL haven’t lifted a finger during this entire Ukraine debacle. They aren’t risking their skin for the black site biolabs. It’s not their problem.

In fact I believe the US MIL are heavily involved in this whole thing, but they are working with Russia. Let’s face it, the US MIL are involved in EVERYTHING around the globe. Our Navy and Air Force dwarfs the rest of the world forces combined and are marginally advanced technologically. We own the seas, the skies, the night, space, and we have 750 military bases spanning every continent, across 80 countries all over the world. And those are just the ones they tell you about, not counting the secret ones. So you think the US MIL are not involved in this to some extent, you are mistaken.

Every day, multiple people ask me when the US MIL are going to step in. I’d argue that you’re already seeing it unfold. They are clearly giving Russia the okay to go take care of these labs, as they haven’t tried to stop them in any way, shape, or form. The US MIL have proven to us they have no interest in protecting Biden’s labs or assisting the Deep State media in their messaging about the biolabs in Ukraine.

There’s not gonna be any headlines letting you know when things officially “start”. The Revolution won’t be televised. It looks like it’s already habbening.

Another incoming bombshell report in multiple pieces. Be ready

1) Ukrainian document released to Russian media outlet @izvestia, showing decree from Zelensky to destroy all files on Ukrainian defense service members, employees and staff of the state, and any involvement with Hunter Biden’s biolab METABIOTA, on 02/24/22, the same day the air strikes on Ukraine began.

See original document above on the left and then translated in English on the right. Holy shit is this a doozy. But wait, there’s a lot more.
2) Remember that infamous video of Ukrainian MIL burning documents RIGHT IN FRONT of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense building in Kyiv, Ukraine? On 02/24/22 THE SAME DAY OF THE DECREE FROM ZELENSKY.

Yup. The MSM broadcasted a video of Ukrainian MIL destroying evidence of Ukrainian State involvement with HUNTER BIDEN’S BIOLAB in Ukraine, right as Russia was beginning its missile strikes.

You guys… we caught them all. We caught them in broad daylight on MSM. Check it out.
3) So yeah digest that for a moment, and then there’s more.

This Ukrainian document release came at the same time as an official press release from Russia via the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, this morning, demanding the US comply with the investigation into their biological activity in the post-Soviet space.

In the article, Zakharova lays out a response to the US DoD response from 06/09/22 in which the US deny any such nefarious US DoD activity in Ukraine. Zakharova stated, “We call on American colleagues to show professionalism and instead of propaganda information stuffing to urgently engage in substantive work to correct the situation related to their military and biological activities in the countries of the former USSR.”

Here are a couple of important excerpt from the interview:

Will the Russian side take any measures to increase control over U.S. activities in biolaboratories in the post-Soviet space?

“Yes, we intend to use mechanisms in the near future, in accordance with articles V and VI of the Convention, which provide for consultations between States parties to the BTWC in resolving any issues regarding the purpose of the Convention or in connection with the implementation of its provisions, as well as cooperation in any investigations into possible violations of obligations under the BTWC.”

How, in your opinion, should the interaction between Moscow and Washington be built to build confidence and comply with the provisions of this Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons?

“We call on the United States, as the depositary of the BTWC, to take a responsible approach to fulfillment of its obligations under the Convention, in fact, to contribute to strengthening the regime of this important disarmament mechanism for international security. We expect to provide not general information, but substantive explanations on specific issues raised by the Russian side in connection with U.S. military and biological activities in the post-Soviet space.”

So essentially Russia is saying the US has to comply with the UN and that they have been stonewalling any investigation for decades. Russia is demanding the US cooperate and answer any concerns about their biological activity in post-Soviet states, like Ukraine, Georgia, etc.

Here’s the article, there’s an option for english translation.
4) So Russia just released the little snippet that Zelensky was actively covering up Ukrainian involvement with Metabiota specifically, which confirms Zelensky knew what was going on, knew this was why Russia was moving in, knew that the labs exist, etc etc. This proves the Ukrainians are more than complicit and proves they knew that Biden was directly engaged in nefarious activity at this lab.

Russia is slowly letting evidence slip out and they claim to have a whole lot more. They are asking for US cooperation so we can clean it up together, but Biden also happens to be directly responsible for the biological crimes against humanity.

Can we depend on the UN to do their part and demand the US comply? I’m not sure. But Russia is going to keep releasing information and evidence until they do. Russia is attempting diplomacy, and if the leaders of the US had any intention of world peace, they would agree.

For those asking where they can get this information in one thread, you can always find it on my Substack.

All important posts of mine are available there, or you can follow my on Truth Social, my username is @Clandestine
I always put a truth out of my important threads with a link to my Substack.

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Respectfully, Clandestine
Check out today’s episode from Zak Paine over at Red Pill News!

He goes over my article on the docs about Zelensky and the Russian response to US DoD statement!

Really well done. If you don’t follow Red Pill News I would highly recommend it. Just this past week, he had high profile guests such as Peter Ticktin Trump’s attorney and lifelong friend, Greg Phillips, and Kash Patel.

He does amazing work and if you are looking for real news, I highly recommend the follow.
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