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Trump has remained completely silent on this subject.

Russian MIL just accused the DNC of creating and unleashing C19. There is an exactly 0% chance Trump and US MIL don't know about this. Same with Biden. Direct threat to NATSEC. They know.

I can clearly see why Biden would not want to talk about this, but why on Earth would Trump NOT talk about it?

My guess is he's maintaining his distance. Appearing uninvolved. Meaning there is a plan, and you're witnessing it.

Tensions between Russia and the Biden admin continue to rise. Talks appear to be going nowhere, and now Russia have been expressing doubt of the US compliance with not only the Biological Weapons Treaty, but now the US/Russian nuclear treaty, New START.

Nuclear treaties failing and proxy war with Russia. China threatening military intervention in Deep State proxy Taiwan. All of this is culminating to Trump’s statement the other night.

“America is on the edge of an abyss.”

So the FBI are raiding Mar-a-Lago.

My first reaction is, the optics are amazing. Biden appears to have weaponized the FBI and has now gone full-blown fascist dictator, and the Left are celebrating it.

Am I the least bit worried? No. Why? Because everything the DNC do, it always ends up backfiring on them.

Just like with Mueller, the Left are going to cheer for Trump’s exoneration.

The FBI, won’t find anything, Biden looks like Hitler, and the Trump base is about to fired up.

Media is too big
It’s been less than an hour and we already see Dan Bongino monologuing on Fox News, saying we live in a third world country.

The bad optics for Biden have already begun. Trump’s base and normies everywhere are about to be beyond pissed off.

Tensions rising with Russia and China, now we will be on the brink of civil unrest. We are getting closer and closer to the edge of the abyss. The precipice.

Also, if anyone believes Trump was unaware this was coming, I have multiple bridges to sell you.

You all think the FBI was planning to raid Trump, and he didn’t catch wind of it? The FBI leaks everything. Trump has a plethora of loyal holdovers in the IC. Trump is working with the US Military and therefore Military Intelligence. His Secret Service detail(s) surely would have had to have been notified.

Trump 100% knew this was coming.

This smells like a trap.

So now the Left are 100% in favor of weaponizing the DOJ/FBI to target political opponents.

So it’s been approximately 16 hours.

The FBI found nothing. Trump’s safe was empty. Trump’s Team knew the FBI were coming. Absolutely nothing negative has happened to Trump. The Biden admin appear as fascist, totalitarian, Gestapo, Orwellian, dictatorial, tyrannical, draconian, etc.

All net positives for Trump. All the optics are in our favor. The precedent has been established. And the normies just got a massive red pill, widely circulated in US and international media.

It happens every single time 😂

Trump suffered no losses, the Dems just went full Gestapo, and did so unsuccessfully, and now the precedent is established that this is acceptable behavior in the minds of the Left and their sheep.

Right as Hunter Biden is about to be indicted and Putin and Xi are calling for international military tribunals…

It’s like we hit the lottery. You shouldn’t be pissed, you should be popping bottles. The crazier shit gets, the closer we get to the finish line.

This is the #1 reason I have been advocating for everyone to relax, and take a calm and logical approach to the situation.

The media have already begun their campaign to get us deplatformed, AGAIN. Now our enemies in the media will define us by the ones who are advocating for non-peaceful means of retaliation.

I understand the frustration, but we as a community have to recognize the level of influence we have. And riling people up in this tense situation is the worst thing we could do.
Trump is calm.

Why is he calm?

Because he doesn't have anything to hide, but most importantly, he knew they were coming.

So even if he did have something to hide, you think he would leave it laying around in his safe or in Melania's wardrobe? KNOWING that the FBI were coming?

The FBI found nothing. All this will result in, is a justified backlash from the voters. Independents, Centrists, even a good number of Liberals are taking notice to this egregious abuse of power.

It was a trap.

According to Eric Trump via Daily Mail, the FBI refused to turn over the search warrant, approximately 30 agents were present, they kicked Trump’s lawyer off the property, but most importantly, he confirmed that they refused FBI direction to turn off security cameras.

Meaning any attempts to plant anything are neutralized.

Alright now that we have observed for a couple days and allowed the media narrative to settle in, it’s time to look at the optics of the the FBI raid at the Mar-a-Lago.

At first, this event enraged the overwhelming majority of the Trump base. But after the facts unfolded and the media narratives were established, we can see this event has not only caused ZERO net damage to Trump, its benefitting him immensely.


It's only been 2 days and the Dems are already trying to distance themselves from the DOJ/FBI after the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

Trump is calm, not in any real danger, and used this event to galvanize and motivate the base for the upcoming midterms.

Even the MSM are reporting on this gross abuse of power, making this is a mass normie-waking event.

Legitimate talks of abolishing the FBI as a result, and the precedent has been established for reciprocity.

I see this as an absolute win.

Side by sides are important.

The public are seeing the direct juxtaposition in how the establishment treated Trump, as opposed to Obama’s 30 million pages and Hillary’s 33,000 classified emails, bathroom servers, and bleach bit.

Not only are normies seeing the massive contrast between the two standards, this move by the DOJ/FBI paves the way to question past rulings due to the clear bias/weaponization.

All of Trump’s narratives are being confirmed in plain sight.

AG gives an absolute nothing burger of public statement. Doesn’t show any transparency and refuses to answer any questions.

Judging the posture and body language of Garland, it would appear he was rather uncomfortable. Walking with his tail between his legs.

The Biden admin have publicly separated themselves from the situation because the optics are disastrous and generating support for Trump.

Trump is unscathed and the DNC are getting massacred in the court of public opinion.


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