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A Democrat Congressman, Ro Khanna, reached out to question Twitter on their adherence to the principles of the 1st Amendment.

Essentially, Congressman Khanna was onto Twitter’s shit, and called them out for it, but also said he approved of their censorship of “Qanon”.

Twitter were censoring so egregiously, that it made fellow Democrats question Twitter’s activity.

Anyone with a pulse can see this is a violation of the 1st Amendment, and there needs to be punishment. STAT!
Democrat Lawmakers expressed their feelings to Twitter as to why they should moderate content. Their justification for this blatant act of Fascism:

-"Biden and Hillary were innocent" and "did nothing wrong".

-"If companies moderated more, conservatives wouldn't even think to use social media"

-"The First Amendment isn't absolute"

You are witnessing the destruction of the DNC in real time. The #TwitterFiles are proving the DNC are an organized crime syndicate and a threat to the Constitution.
I am in absolute shock right now.

The main body of the Q drops revolved around a grand conspiracy, known as the Deep State, comprised of the top seats in the DNC, the media, the DOJ/FBI/Intel Community, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Academia, etc.

The #TwitterFiles lay out a paper trail that confirms there was malevolent coordination from these entities to carry out operations that assist the DNC in elections.

The Twitter Files confirm Q’s entire main narrative.

Balenciaga confirms the rest.

The entire reason Twitter was able to get away with censoring conservatives at will was because they were operating under the guise of “private company”.

But when the orders to censor were coming from the Biden Campaign and the FBI/DHS, that means government entities were violating the Constitution via Twitter as proxy.

And this act was part of a larger scheme to defraud federal elections, thus committing seditious conspiracy and treason against POTUS Trump and We the People.
Quick reminder to the DNC:

There are nearly 20 million people in America who swore an Oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

So when you conspire with private enterprise to violate the Constitution, you put us in a bit of a predicament.

When you say “The 1st Amendment is not absolute”, you prove that you’re a domestic enemy to the Constitution, and thus We the People.

Military intervention necessary.
We the People’s List of Demands:

-Articles of impeachment for Biden and Kamala waiting on the table Monday morning, for wittingly violating the Constitution.

-The 2022 and 2020 elections should be nullified now that we have incontrovertible evidence that the DNC conspired to, and succeeded in, defrauding and interfering in those federal elections.

-The DNC need to be treated as a terrorist organization as they are a direct threat to NATSEC, the Constitution, and therefore We the People.
I had a lot of people say they liked my list of demands, and wanted to sign it.

So I drafted a petition with We the People’s demands of the US Military, to address a direct domestic threat to the Constitution.

I aim to get 100,000 signatures on this petition in the next 30 days, so we can force the Biden White House and our Representatives to address it.

Please read the petition, and if you support it, please digitally sign it and share!

Let’s make some noise!
Are you tired of sitting around, waiting for someone to be held accountable?

It’s time to utilize our Right to Petition as a vessel to usher about corrective Military action against the domestic enemies of the Constitution.

Read about my plan of action for this petition in the article attached.

We have already reached 10,000 signatures in the first 12 hours!

First goal is 100k. Then a million.

This is how we fight back.
Trump is pretty much echoing my sentiments.

This is an unprecedented event, and therefore requires unprecedented action.

The only action that would make sense to establish order, would be the US Military, by letter of their Oath to defend the Constitution, which the Deep State have incontrovertibly attacked and violated.

Trump is right. Unprecedented action is required, and now our eyes look to the US MIL to fulfill their Oath.

We are waiting. shut my petition down.

We had 13k signatures in the first 16 hours. It was in the top 1% of petitions on the site in half of a day.

They are refusing to address what rules I broke to warrant taking down the fastest growing petition on their site.

Freedom of Speech, Assembly, Religion, Press, and Petition have been violated by the DNC via the private sector.

We tried diplomacy. The enemy refused. Now to explore other options.
The reason it took Twitter forever to police child exploitation in the past is because they secretly support child exploitation, and the tool they allegedly designed to moderate child pornography was weaponized to censor conservatives instead. By direct order from the Biden campaign, as well as the DHS/FBI.

They literally stopped policing for child pornography to make sure people didn’t hear about the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election.

Twitter was the “Ministry of Truth”.
Elon confirms what Q and Anons have been echoing since 2017, that Twitter (and a myriad of other entities) were “acting as an arm of the DNC”.

How many times have we said that about the MSM and Big Tech?

The Twitter Files are essentially a form of DECLAS.

The Deep State is real. A coordinated conspiracy to subvert and obstruct the Trump administration is real. The DNC’s violations of the Constitution are real.

Hold your heads high, Anons. Today, marks the beginning of our vindication.
Remember when the normies and MSM were fully convinced that the layoffs would lead to the end of Twitter?

Remember when every single “expert” said Elon was out of his element and didn’t know what he was doing?

Remember when the the Biden admin said they were monitoring Elon and Twitter for possible criminality?

Remember when the Left and foreign entities like the EU panicking because Elon had the keys to the machine?

All of it makes sense now doesn’t it?

They knew what was coming.

Elon addresses Neuralink, and says exactly what I have been telling you all the entire time! This was dangerously apparent to anyone who did the slightest bit of research, but no, all the anti-Elon people were fooled by mislabeled Facebook memes… I TOLD YOU!

It’s not about brain control, or mapping consciousness… it’s about restoring movement and vision to people with severe neurological damage.

“Muh brain-chip” and anti-Elon people, it’s time for you to be quiet.
For those who haven't figured it out, “Muh brain-chips” was a narrative fueled by THE LEFT to get you to not trust Elon.

The Left pushed this psyop to try and deter the MAGA community from giving validity to Elon, because they knew he was about to expose them via the Twitter files.

The Left took a philanthropic venture by Elon to help paraplegic people regain movement and help blind people to see, and fooled much of the community to believe it was a nefarious plot for world domination.
The Left brainwashed and gaslit the American People about “Russian election interference” in the 2016 election, for upwards of 4 years.

The Left’s entire platform revolved around “election interference”. They threw the biggest temper tantrum in history and obstructed Trump’s presidency in the name of “election interference”.

All of it was a lie.

And now we have incontrovertible evidence that the DNC WITTINGLY interfered in federal elections, and violated the Constitution to do so.

Jack Posobiec blocked me for calling him out on fueling the Left-wing “brain-chip” psyop.

Let us not forget that Posobiec mocked Q and Anons countless times in the past

His entire MO is to generate as many clicks as possible, regardless of validity, making him just as bad as the the left-wing propagandists.

Posobiec is not a journalist, he is an opportunist, who pushes anything without verification.

Careful who you follow.
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