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Biden mumbles that the US “will help defend Israel, and Iran will not succeed”.

He turns into a roomba mid-sentence, and then awkwardly shuffles off stage.

This is supposed to be the leader of the “free” world. Does this look like a Commander in Chief to you?

We are screwed 😂
Just hit half a million followers 👀

Shout out to those of you who stuck with me and gave me a chance.

And shout out to my enemies who desperately tried to stop me.

I look forward to continuing to use this platform to wake normies and defeat the MSM.

Who’s with me?
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Trump perfectly encapsulates our situation.

Trump speaks on Biden’s incompetence, his senility, and that we are on the verge of being dragged into a world war.

Say what you want about Trump, I have INFINITELY more confidence in him to handle this situation than Biden.
Don Lemon is not going to last much longer on X.

Every post, he gets EVISCERATED in the comments. The ratios are wild.

We are going to bully him until he quits, and then he will blame some combination of racism, homophobia, antisemitism, Trump, and Putin.

Book it. I
I’m in observation mode.

Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.

Let’s pray we as a world make it through the upcoming challenges.

Stay frosty.
I don’t care about Israel.

I don’t care about Ukraine.

I don’t care about Taiwan.

Stop sending our money to other countries and stop sending our troops to die in wars that have nothing to do with us.

If you come to the decision that war is the answer, you’ve been manipulated.
It didn’t take very long for the establishment to start demanding more money for Israel and Ukraine.

Regardless of the situation, anywhere on the globe, the Swamp’s solution is ALWAYS more of our money.

We are labor slaves for the global war machine. Nothing more.
I’ve quietly observed, and this is my take:

Congress wasted no time in capitalizing on the situation. They immediately tried to weaponize the public’s emotion (fear) to advance their agenda of reinvigorating public support for the war machine.

Our tax dollars should NOT be spent on any of these conflicts for any reason. Our tax dollars should ONLY be spent on the actual interests of the American People. We have a border that needs securing. We have corruption that needs eradicating. Our society is failing. We have PLENTY of our own problems.

Yet TRILLIONS of our tax dollars have been sent to fund these wars around the globe, that have absolutely nothing to do with us, and do not benefit us in any way. We are being stolen from on the largest scale imaginable. Our labor is used to fund nearly all conflict and war around the globe, while our once great nation continues to deteriorate, and our quality of life continues to plummet. We are slaves.

Our politicians are so eager to fund WW3, but cannot be bothered to fund anything that benefits their constituents. Until this mindset changes, the world will continue to fail, and full-scale global war will be our fate.
This conflict in the Middle East just seems off.

Both Iran and Israel are openly reporting their attacks before they make them. Why telegraph your attacks?

Iran’s attack also didn’t do much damage.

This doesn’t feel like war. It feels like a PR battle with drones and missiles.
Many who called this a “terrorist cyberattack” are now celebrating the FBI criminal probe as if it proves the vast spectrum of wild theories about this event.

The FBI are investigating the events leading up the ship’s departure from port, looking at criminal negligence, meaning they believe the crash itself was not intentional, but should have been avoided had the proper protocols been followed.

It appears someone along the chain of management ignored or failed to address the ship’s preexisting electrical problems, and approved the ship to leave port anyways, which could constitute criminal liability. The Dali never should have left port.

The act of letting this ship leave port was the crime, not the act of hitting the bridge. But that won’t stop the clickbait artists from milking this headline and moving the goalposts once again.
Did you pay your taxes?

Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, need your money.

You know how the cost of living has gone up, and you’ve had to settle for less to make ends meet? That money is being sent to fund death and destruction around the globe.

They call it “The American Dream”.
Life as an American citizen.
Americans: “Hey I can’t afford groceries or buy a house. The cities are crime ridden and drug infested. Our border is wide open. Politicians and celebrities are trafficking children. Someone released a bioweapon.

Can you all do something?”

Mike Johnson reportedly wants to introduce a $95.34 billion spending package to fund foreign conflict, of which includes:

$48.43 billion for Ukraine
$14.1 billion for Israel
$2.4 billion for the Red Sea
$2.58 billion for Indo-Pacific (Taiwan)

Zero dollars for the border.
The Founding Fathers told us what to do in this situation.

“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”.

-Declaration of Independence, 1776
The wheels in Washington turn slowly, when it comes to things the establishment don’t care about, like securing our border.

But when it comes to funding foreign conflict, they spring into action and have bills at the ready.

The People are not their priority.

This must change.
The way I see it, it doesn’t matter what Congress do between now and January 2025.

It doesn’t matter where they send our money. It’s already stolen. Once it’s in their hands, it’s gone. It’s not coming back to us.

Nothing changes until an unprecedented reckoning happens in DC.
Do you see what is happening?

Iran shot missiles at Israel, and the US government want to use that as an excuse to justify sending $50 billion more to Ukraine.

MAGA GOP just recently removed McCarthy as Speaker over funding for Ukraine.

Looks like it’s time to do it again.
I already see the narrative going around that the GOP “shouldn’t get rid of Johnson as Speaker, because then we risk the Dems getting the gavel”.

But if Johnson is working with Biden to send money to Ukraine, what difference does it make?

Might as well be a Dem.
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