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I see other Anons posting blanket statements calling out people for being upset.

Just so everyone is clear, no where did I say I was giving up. I am merely pointing out his base are going to be pissed off and he is going to lose a lot of support with this untimely and overhyped announcement.

I’m not saying “it’s over”. I’m not giving up. I’m just pointing out the reality that he is telling us the elections are rigged and also asking us to vote for him.

Just a tad contradictory, no?

Trump said this about AZ yesterday… and then got up on stage today, didn’t mention Kari Lake or election fraud once, and spent an hour trying to hype us up to vote for him in 2024.

Can you see how the messaging doesn’t add up?

Is election fraud actually happening or not? If it is, then it needs to be convincingly corrected before they can expect us to get hyped up to vote after enduring another stolen election and another 2 years of Biden to look forward to.

Seems like a reasonable request.

All of these are from yesterday.

And then Trump thought it was a good idea to throw a massive party at Mar-a-Lago to ask for our vote in 2 years.

Are the elections rigged or not?

If they are, what is being done about it?

Quite frankly there is nothing else we should be focusing on if Trump is telling the truth that the elections are rigged.

And if the elections are not rigged, then we have an entirely new problem on our hands.

Either way, the People need answers and they need them now.

Many are throwing around the term “black pill” loosely/incorrectly.

I am not black-pilled. That would insinuate that I believe there is no plan/there is no hope. That’s not what I am saying AT ALL.

I still think the plan is intact, I’m just addressing that this segment of the plan is being executed poorly, the optics are terrible, and Trump’s support took a massive hit.

Addressing the elephant in the room is not taking the black pill.

I’m not giving up, I’m demanding better from leadership.

Yes. We want remedies. Now. No more “we’ll get em next time champ”.

It’s binary. Is there election fraud going on? Yes or no:

-If yes, we need to address it right now. Not after 2024…

-If no, we can’t continue to trust the leaders who have been preaching “election fraud” for 2 years…

That’s where we are at. Trump and his circle said that voter fraud is happening. We can see that voter fraud is happening. And now they want us to brain dump what we just witnessed and move on to 2024?

Q: “Question everything”

Me: “Okay. Trump said the vote will be different in 2024. What proof do we have to suggest that happens, after we JUST watched 2020 AND 2022 get stolen?”

The community: “… well you can’t question that. BURN THE WITCH!”
If you don’t question your own side, you are not a “citizen journalist”, you are a meme-sharing cheerleader. Which is fine, just don’t pretend to possess any objectivity or expect to be taken seriously.

The overarching Trump base are in agreement, that announcing 2024 in that manner, after the “historic” talk, was terrible optics and offensive to his supporters, who just watched another stolen election.

I still support Trump 100%, but ignoring the current reality is cowardly and petulant.

Well, we can take at least one positive out of the midterms. Jim Jordan is about to get let off his leash.

This is the energy I have been waiting for from GOP leadership. Sense of urgency and conviction. No more pulled punches. No more beating around the bush. The American People want accountability.

McCarthy felt timid. McConnell is… McConnell. Trump didn’t have the same gusto that he usually does.

Thank God for Jim Jordan. I needed to see some vigor from someone in the GOP.
The MSM talk shows won’t mention it, but normies are mildly aware of it. It’s making the rounds in the various echo chambers.

The Left are spinning the investigation as political theater. And even if substantial evidence is brought forth, they will find a way to spin it.

It’s certainly sparked some interest amongst centrists. Many are in the camp of “wake me up when someone gets arrested”, but it’s at least on their radar.

The stage can’t get much more set. Now it’s a matter of execution.
Call me crazy, but my initial reaction to this, is that it will end up benefiting us.

Yes, Garland said that “since Trump is a candidate”, but he also said “since Biden is a candidate”.

If this was about Trump’s crimes, what would Biden’s candidacy have ANYTHING to do with it?

And all the docs found at Mar-a-Lago were all the supposed DECLAS docs, like the Iran Deal, Uranium One, etc.

Whatever is going on, it’s 100% political theater. You’re welcome to decide who pulls the strings.

Tonight, Trump looked like himself again.

His body language was confident. His delivery was significantly better. He had some fervor. He addressed the issues his base actually wanted to hear about.

He sounded deliberate in his intentions to hold these corrupt people accountable and at least addressed election fraud to an extent. The crowd was much more engaged.

Optically, MUCH more appealing to the base.

Trump knew he had to strike back in a big way and he delivered. Good form.

Trump now says he “always liked Elon and always got along with him”.

Meaning all the theater between the two on social media, it was fake. Which confirms that Trump will engage in theater to create the illusion of distance between those he is coordinating with. Think Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, etc.

This also means all the people who stubbornly remain anti-Elon, its time to give it up and admit he’s an ally.

“Ye shall know them by their fruit”.

Well, Elon continues to produce.

White hat.

We have been ostracized and discriminated for YEARS for sounding the alarm on conservatives being censored on Twitter. I noticed it in 2017, but I imagine it was going on long before that.

The DNC went full 1984, weaponized Twitter to conduct Orwellian brainwashing activity via censoring wrongspeak and promoting the agenda of “the party” via disinformation.

The DNC levied mass psychological manipulation on their constituents via Twitter as a proxy.

This should warrant capital punishment.

It’s incontrovertible that Trump and his team are behind Q. Trump’s circle pretend like nobody knows what Q is, while the Left-wing media can’t shut up about them quoting it and Trump sharing Q memes 24/7.

There’s simply a 0% chance Trump is REPEATEDLY doing this on accident.

This is why the Left are not interested in reporting on who’s behind it. This is why the media attack Q and Trump with the same vitriol. They’re the same entity.

Yet so many choose to ignore this blatant reality.

Still waiting on a decision from Twitter Support on if it’s a crime to accurately report on the US Biological Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine.

In the meantime, I’ll do a little trolling 😂
The clock is ticking. Soon, the wrongfully silenced will return to the battlefield.

I hope the blue-check brigade have grown comfortable in their safe space, but their days of hiding behind propaganda and censorship are rapidly coming to a close.

It’s time to remind the normies of all the things their Left-wing overlords lied to them about. Let’s see how they fare on an even battlefield.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
This doesn’t feel like theater to me. I think Kanye is just crazy. This is why you never see me mention his name. He’s a complete wildcard that I want nothing to do with.

Trump saw Kanye as an opportunity to spread his message to other demographics, and it worked. Then Kanye proceeded to make an ass of himself, as he always does.

Kanye tried to say that because he is from Southside CHI that he is more mobster than Trump. Trump literally took down the NY mob in the 80’s-90's 😂

Ye is a clown.

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