Brunobarking ️️️BrunoBarks
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Digging for clues and barking out a lot of patriot stuff. God is Sovereign.
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Does EO 13848 now kick in? Does This seem to be much more than just foreign interference in our elections? Does it look more like control?
Of the 10 house rhinos that voted to impeach Trump?
8 have been fired.

is [X]JAILED next?
Don’t kid yourself that the IRS is “going after the Rich” to “make them pay their fair share”.
Lower and middle class America has bought into that LIE for too long. The fact is? The lower 50% of wage-earners pay in 50% of all taxes. They’re coming after the average Joe.
WHY are these underutilized schools open? Why not merge ? The COSTS to keep each building open and staffed with teachers and admin and support personnel mixture behind YUGE on a per student basis . And this is PRE-COVID 2019!! (Chart h/t @awakenedoutlaw)
Biden and the West are playing checkers. Putin and Iran? Chess. Biden and the West are playing Checkers.
Putin and Iran? Chess.
When Sharran Sutherland miscarried her son, Miran, at 14 weeks, she says her doctor offered to throw him out with “medical waste.” The UK Mirror quotes Sharran as saying:
The doctor said we can either dispose of it as medical waste, or you can call a funeral home.
I was so angered by her calling my baby a ‘fetus’. I couldn’t believe she would insinuate he was medical waste….
But I also felt like a funeral seemed extreme. I didn’t know what to do….

This living tribute has awoken many , to the sacredness of precious human life.
In and out of the womb .

Some day I will go to him, but he cannot come back to me.”
2 Samuel 12:23
1918= End of World war War I . Just after the Balfour 1917 declaration paving the way for Israel to RETURN to the Biblical homeland promised by God to Abraham in Genesis 15
Forwarded from Hananya Naftali - Israel News (Hananya Naftali)
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A rare film of Jerusalem 100 years ago, In 1918
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