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Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Trump didn't just post some random video with a few Q references.
He retruthed a video FILLED to the brim with everything Q.
Including plainly suggesting that Trump is Q plus, military justice is coming, and that the storm is coming.
There has been a monumental shift. Trump is openly embracing Q.
The mainstream media must be panicking.
Imagine what stage in the Game we need to be at for Trump to openly endorse Q?

Be calm & be ready you beautiful autists. 🦋
Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
Yes. The docs that Trump had a Mar-a-Lago were, as Trump said himself, documents that he feared the Deep State would “bury or destroy”.

Folks, the docs in question that the FBI were after, are literally ALL of the DECLAS docs.

All of the proof of crimes by Deep State players. U1, Iran Deal, Crossfire Hurricane, Hunter Laptop, Hillary’s emails, Benghazi, Libya, Haiti.


I covered this in an article a couple weeks back, (see article in previous post). This feels like the legal and public introduction to DECLAS.

Fuckin fruitloop… 🔥
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
The Writing's on the Wall: "The Regulatory Agencies Have Nowhere to Hide"

Dr. Peter McCullough: "Every country now is trying to figure out — by saving face — how to get out of this failed vaccine program. It's obvious; the writing's on the wall here. The animal studies failed. There are no human studies. So you can imagine [when] we start to accumulate more safety events, people are going to immediately point to the absence of human studies. And the regulatory agencies have nowhere to hide."

Full Video:

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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Whoah thank you @realx22report !!!
This is buzzing around TS like crazy 😁
(Of course YouTube viewcount has actually gone DOWN!) 🤡🤡🤡)
Holy crap..! This song is really making a splash.

I was having a terrible day too!
Thanks Patriots. I hope it brings ppl hope. I know how tough it can be being aware of the horrid reality we expose ourselves to.

WWG1WGA!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Forwarded from Paul Serran's Signal to Noise (Paul Serran)
This complete synchronicity between new King/new Prime Minister was a bit too 'coincidental'. 👾
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Why is Trump choosing this time to openly embrace Q?
My thoughts:
The plan regarding Q is to awaken the public to the realities of institutional corruption.
Although the operation began with subtle hints that Trump was coordinating with Q, as we move closer to the public exposure and prosecution of bad actors, Trump's involvement is being shown more overtly. This lends support to the messages found in Q posts, the research of anons, and signals to his base (and his enemies) that the storm is imminent.
The present trajectory suggests that at a future time, Trump will openly admit that he is the originator of Q.
Question everything.
Even your own beliefs.

I’ve researched state-level crime & cover-ups for many years, but some things still elude me. I offer my take on things based on the work I’ve put in, but I’m ALWAYS willing to be corrected.

It’s okay not to know something. This is about finding the TRUTH, not being right or the first to figure something out.

I make predictions only to verify the accuracy of our movement. [We are often correct way ahead of the news].

I don’t know exactly who is a white or black hat. I don’t know the inner workings & complexities of the shadow war either. I don’t know ‘The Plan’ or what the World & the financial system will look like in a few years.

A popular belief within the truth community does not make something factual or even remotely true. There are layers of disinformation, which take time & scrutiny to conclude upon.

This is why I will never report on subject like:


In my opinion, they are all disinfo psy-ops or scams designed to confuse & discredit the truth community, or exciting rumours which have gained traction.
[RV has been claimed by self-acclaimed insiders for maybe 20 years].

Most of these are very recent ‘theories’ which were rapidly circulated by a new generation of personalities. They all apparently get their information about these from anonymous insiders.

Maybe they’re real, maybe they’re not? But I’ve personally seen NOWHERE NEAR enough evidence to project these as FACT.

We collectively already know infinitely more about the World’s underbelly than your average pleb, but that doesn’t mean every theory automatically becomes WISDOM.

We should by now, be automatically skeptical of any bold claims which fail to provide an increasing stream of verification. Believing rather than knowing is why normies are so clueless.

They trust whoever is telling & they believe what they’re told. Evidence can pile up against them, but that’s often not enough to break their belief. They just can’t let it go. Their reality is comforting & being wrong can feel shameful.

We will all learn many lessons as this story unfolds, but perhaps one of the most important of all is - STOP THINKING LIKE A NORMIE. Don’t be ‘wrong & strong.’

We’ve grown past that.

I think it’s crucial to constantly reevaluate what we think we know, and always be prepared to let go of a belief.

Being wrong about something means you learned something new. Finding out you’ve been mislead in the past, only makes you more savvy in the future.

If we can’t do this, how can we expect others to do so?

Its great that our community can disagree & discuss topics openly, but make sure you keep an open & logical mind.

Forwarded from ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø***ULTRA2QQQ🇺🇸 (₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø***ULTRA2QQQ🐴)
Something big seems to be going on in China.

Mass cancelation of flights. Allegedly 6,000 according to some -- Epoch Times is reporting 60% cancelation. Major military movements toward Beijing. Rumors coming out of Asia of either house arrest / coup against Xi Jinping (I doubt that) some saying he’s consolidating power. All just before a big CCP meeting confirming his third term.

Let's see what happens.

“PLA military vehicles heading to Beijing on Sep 22. Starting from Huanlai County near Beijing & ending in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, entire procession as long as 80 KM. Meanwhile, rumor has it that Xi Jinping was under arrest after CCP seniors removed him as head of PLA”
I say this to my wife a lot..! ⬆️
Learning to ignore somebody you disagree with is a real turning point.
It needn’t be frustrating that you don’t agree. Let them believe what they want. Who cares?
Our objective is mass-awakening, which takes time & a lot of evidence to emerge. Fighting with an individual is something I haven’t done for years. I wouldn’t waste my time.

Ppl in our position are certainly turning out to be correct far more than we are wrong. It might sound arrogant, but it’s a fact.

Disagreeing with the vast majority has been my life & I know I’m not alone here, but if ppl chose to differ, it’s their right. It’s damaging to the World to consist of so many misled opinions, but we must all be getting used to that by now.

We’re getting things done despite the lack of endorsement from so-called Normies - although they won’t be the majority forever.

We’re just blessed with a head-start & a clarity of the World which some lack. Followers gonna follow. 😁
But at the same time, I’m truly sorry that you all had to live through this ordeal.

They say that ignorance is bliss. When I see Jayna blissfully unaware, that certainly seems to be true. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just potter around without a care - and without a bunch of Nazi psychopaths trying to ruin the World around us?

But here we are. And I feel bad for you all. Most of you are probably surrounded by people who don’t understand the magnitude of the situation. It’s a heavy burden to carry - even for the most battle-hardened.

God bless you for caring enough to discover the ‘glitches’ that humanity has acquired by letting despotic lunatics carry on unchecked.

If you didn’t bother, nobody would be the wiser. Nothing would change - not for the better anyway.

Hold on beautiful people. This education into the underbelly of the World, is giving the World a new breed of Guardians who don’t fall for their bullshit any longer.

Your sacrifice is everything. This movement will give humanity the stability to survive in the future. 🔥🔥🔥
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