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This was kind of a joke, but it turned out that he was actually an angry gay guy. It was quickly propagated heavily as a MAGA extremist, without any due diligence. 😂

The radical left are getting slaughtered out there. It’s like God is firing lightning bolts down with a sniper rifle. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Forwarded from
JUST IN - Elon Musk: "Amnesty begins next week."

Eeesh…. My good friends Mum.
Pray. 🙏
Forwarded from Arizona Informer Channel

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisor intend to certify this election Monday morning before court proceedings can begin.

Please contact your board member & ask them to delay certification until the outstanding election issues are resolved.

The crooks are out in the open - pants down. Katie Gremlin Hobbs can’t be getting much sleep.

They’re going to try to get away with it all using legal tactics with no regard whatsoever about the masses who know exactly what they’re doing.

Fauci pushing the fauxxines as he departed was more evidence of this. They’re ignoring all of the science & public awareness of the danger & just doubling down on their lies.

They hope that the corrupt system will protect them as it always has done.

This was predictable to many & thus, will catch up with them in the end. The Plan wouldn’t be so naive as to not see this coming.

Time to put an end to the endless. 👎
The walls are closing in on the Biden Crime syndicate.
Was @jack captured?
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Follow the Money- Victims of Jeffrey Epstein are suing Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase, alleging they 'played an integral role' in the pedophile financier's campaign of sexual abuse.

Epstein victims sue JPMorgan and Deutsche for 'facilitating' abuse
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Satellite maps that show the extent of damage to the Ukrainian energy system after yesterday's strikes.

1st imagine from 27th January 2022

2nd imagine from 23rd November 2022
This might make the White House ears prick up.
These crumbs are not meant to scare anyone but merely inform. Resistance will be dealt with swiftly. The core focus is removing entrenched and fortified bad actors within our federal govt (past and present) as well as others. Simply be diligent - phone numbers will be provided if you witness an uprising or other domestic violence (in addition to 911). Any military seen is for your protection as well as to demonstrate our resolve. Watch for confirmations tomorrow.
I’m sure this is just a coincidence. 👀

h/t: AngelAura
Forwarded from Liz Crokin Channel (Liz Crokin)
I had a feeling there would be a Rachel Chandler-Balenciaga connection and there it is!👆🏻The models at Balenciaga and Midland, a “modeling & casting agency” founded by Chandler, look abused and like real trafficking victims!

Source connecting Chandler with Balenciaga:

This is Pizzagate!
There’s something of a cat-fight breaking out amongst the Anons.

MOSSAD infiltration or somebody shaking up the ant nest?

People like me are kept on the outside so that nobody nefarious infiltrates the inner sanctum, but that seems to put the focus on individuals & ego and creates paranoia & infighting.

Being a lone-wolf is a nice position to be in. Nobody accuses me of being compromised & I don’t need to rely on anyone else.

Battling to become the biggest swinging dk in town sounds like a nightmare to me. With huge audiences comes great responsibility & makes you vulnerable for attack.

Even if I post something that turns out to be inaccurate, it’s no big deal. Everyone makes mistakes & I never claimed to be professional at anything.

Let’s hope the ‘team’ sort out their differences & stay focused. It was Q’s last message after all.

Big love ya’ll.
I need to go to bed. 🐝
Crooks rips off public & funnels cash to Democrats, media covers for him, DoJ let him walk free, but then Elon Musk exposes the entire scam to the World.

I wonder why they hate Elon? 🤣
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