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💥💥💥💥Phil is at 8 central, so my update will be late. I do not have Locals. I will have to wait for the replay.
💀💀💀💀💀👉ChipChat: I am hearing that within 24 hours we may be under a FF nuclear attack from Russia staged to look like it really is happening. That is why there is so much military activity. Putin, of course, is working with Trump. It is the Intel I am receiving and passing it on. Not verified, but came from a fairly good source. I don’t know if this is part of disinformation. Time will tell. Let’s see what Phil has to say. Chiplitfam17chat
💥💥👉Telegram is going to start melting!
💀💀💀Bear with me, I am swamped.
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🔥🔥🔥🔥 I turned off all links for awhile.
🔥🔥👀👀 I need someone on Locals to write down the Q and A. It will not be recorded. Thanks
👉💀💀I can’t control the bots. Sorry.
OK, Heading to the keyboard. I have my three granddaughters with me tonight that I just got to bed. They are 10, 9 and 8. They are awesome! I hope someone got the Q and A.
Part 1 of 5
ChipChat on Phil’s Live
“Black” Ten Days of Darkness/The Day the Music Died

This was the first time there was complete silence before the Live. The Day the Music Died. I was reminded of Don McLean’s groundbreaking song “American Pie” where it symbolizes the loss of innocence and the further deterioration of America in the 60’s. We were living the lie enforced upon us by the Cabal. The unnecessary Vietnam War initiated by the Cabal and the introduction on a mass scale of the drug culture for profit. When Phil appeared he was Anonymous in full mask attire in silence. He began to move his arms gently back and forth signifying smooth flowing movements. He was back home in PA. He started by saying how sorry he was having been absent for quite some time and that it was very frustrating for him but that it was for the greater good. He began by telling us that what is happening is so great he has no words to describe it. It is incomprehensible. It is all coming to an end. It will not be all happy go lucky nor rainbows. It is going to be a rough couple of weeks. Clarity is coming. Vindication. He said something very evil took place last night that tried to thwart the Plan, but that it was weak. They have lost their power. It was some sort of Cyber attack. They are no longer in control. We have faith, commitment, and God, Phil said. It has always been about the children. The children are not even aware of what is happening. But it is all for them, and it is up to us. Most people still stuck in the Matrix are so lost they do not even know they are alive. That is a very good analogy, because the people I run into each day have no clue whatsoever. Not one. They are still living in the old world which is quite normal to them enjoying their shopping, their dining, their sports, their exercise workouts, and going through their daily routines. I still wonder how they are going to react when their entire world is turned upside down.

We have already won, Phil stated. Then he said something very interesting. The few of you that think you are untouchable (the Cabal) are not. The remaining evil, this great evil, and here Phil unleashed a very harsh curse word. Phil was displaying righteous anger and said they will not escape. He told us that the Phil we have seen these last two years is only one side of his persona. There is another version we have not yet known, one he said we would not be able to comprehend. I imagine this persona is the one that drove Phil to do what we are learning about that he has done in the past and continues to do. There is war going on. There are casualties. Then he mentioned that a rocket had been fired off today from Space X and that they and Space Force are being used strategically in this battle. I did know about the rocket today. Phil then told us that censorship will be increasing drastically on the Social Platforms. The DS is desperate. We have already seen that with what happened to Derek on FB. The people are finally going to be awakened by these attacks from the Social Media giants.
Part 2 of 5
The life we have lived has been like a child’s play. They created our world. They were playing with us like the Truman Show. It was a facade. Now to awaken the American people, these scenarios we have now lived through were necessary. There was no other alternative. Just think, for generations the world has lived under the power of this Cabal controlling every aspect of our lives. We sent our kids off to school never realizing the damage that was being done to them. They kept us from seeing it through sports, entertainment, Television programming, and the MEDIA news. They infected every institution from education, sports, Hollywood, the courts, and the political process both at the federal , State, and local levels. They created the Two Party system that led you to believe there were two ideals. But there was only one. They controlled both Parties. There was no real distinction. As you have heard before, you did not elect your representatives, they were selected. The entire voting process was controlled from the beginning, and this was global.

Phil mentioned the ten days of darkness. We have been waiting for them to begin. They have already occurred! The financial changes have gone into effect. This will be the final blow that cripples once and for all the power structure of the Cabal that has kept us in bondage. Here is the Intel for tonight. All the major banks and all the financial big institutions are now insolvent! Chase and Wells Fargo and many more. They will be receiving no more fiat dollars from the Federal Reserve. Their head has been cut off. They are broke. You were warned about getting your money out of the banks. Do not focus on debt relief from NESARA. That is not the end game. Far more important is what you are going to do in this new QFS financial system. Do not be self-focused. We will need to live in a way where our priorities shift from serving ourselves to helping our neighbor. It must change from the bottom up. The old ways need to be erased. We need a redo as Phil put it, a clean slate.
Part 3 of 5
I understand man’s sinful nature so I am not deceiving myself into the thinking that has permeated the Movement of 1000 years of peace. That is not realistic nor is it Biblical. Man’s nature has not changed. But I will be grateful that God be merciful and grant a reprieve from the evil that has wrecked havoc on our world, especially in regards to the children. We just have not contemplated the depth of evil the Cabal has had controlling us through corrupt financial systems. Remember, Satan is the ruler of this world. Phil told us years ago about the value of precious metals. The truth of that will be seen shortly. Here is how he explained it. The Comex has been corrupt. It is the primary futures and options market for trading metals such as gold, silver, copper, and aluminum. The prices and daily activities of global traders on the exchange impact the precious metals around the world. They have been manipulated and controlled. The stock market is gambling, pure and simple. You invest in a corporation hoping it becomes profitable and you make money on that investment. If the company falters you lose money, so you watch it closely and see if it is going up or down, and therefore move your money to other profitable companies. It is a mind game. The problem is that insiders know what is coming, so they get the jump on the investments. You can also work the market in what is known as shorting. You bet the stock is going to go lower, and if it does you make money. That is what the bankers are doing with silver. They are keeping the values low in order to protect the Federal Reserve’s fiat dollars. I am not sure I understand this completely. So if you have more information I would appreciate it.

The banks want you stay in this Federal Reserve currency, because they control it. They control the interest rates. They loan the money out at high interest rates will paying you little to nothing on your own money. Since the Federal Reserve is now apparently broke, the banks are not going to be getting more cash making it more difficult for you to get your money. You will begin to feel the effects of this within a a very short time, maybe even next week. Some are already seeing this. I told you last week I had a rider who I took to several Wells Fargo Banks in Houston where they told her she could not get her money out! They just said sorry, our system is down. They are cheating you. Phil has repeatedly told us to get our money out of the banks.
Part 4 of 5
The doubters and unbelievers are in for the shock of their lives. PANIC is coming. The Cabal is known as the Deep State in the US, the CCP in China, Ukraine in Russia, the Vatican/Royals in Europe, and Israel in the Middle East. It is all the same. In 2017 Putin, Xi, and Trump came together. This was symbolized by the soccer ball Putin gave Trump. They have been ridding the world of the Cabal. The Reveal s coming. Very soon your credit cards may not work. ATM’s not functioning. And no cash reserves at your bank. It is going to be rough for some time. But do not forget, the White Hats are in control. It had to be this way. Then Phil did something which I am not sure some of you caught. He talked about how he loved to look at his wooden framed American Flag with a big Q over the stars. Then a very quiet enigmatic statement. Where it all started! WOW! Once it hits the main stream which won’t be much longer that the big banks are now insolvent, we may see suicide weekend. The ill gotten gains from these corrupt traders losing everything will set into motion panic.

More fascinating Intel tonight was that we learned that Vanguard and Black Rock have filed for bankruptcy. That is huge. The evil monster is going down. They have interests in almost every corporation in existence. The global currency change is coming. The world is about to change. Some interesting history Phil mentioned tonight is that for the last 100 years we have lived an illusion of truth. No truth to be exact. We were simply fed a diet of lies. No one spoke up. There were no heroes. The very few that even attempted to speak the truth were immediately murdered. Then we had the beginnings of the “Truther Movement.” Julian Assange, Snowden, and the sheep who had been controlled for ages living in the Matrix were starting to wake up. And now we have an influx of people sharing these truths to further awaken the people. We have Truthers and Digital Soldiers. We are the News!
Part 5 of 5
The next new Intel tonight was that we will begin to see new leaks coming in the form of audio and video recordings captured by the NSA which will be leaked to the MEDIA which also will soon be transformed to telling the truth. Phil mentioned at this point Anonymous again! Interesting. There was silence. Many prominent people in high positions of power all the way to the White House will be exposed and stepping down. Many politicians as well. The outcry from the American people will be so overwhelming there will be no escape. Special elections will be held to replace those now gone. They will not be getting off he hook. We won’t need election fraud to be revealed. The recordings will condemn them on the spot. Remember, fraud vitiates everything. The election has already been overturned by SCOTUS. It will erase fake Biden’s term completely as if it never existed. Trump is and has been President running a shadow government, a President in exile. Tribunals involving the death penalty have been conducted for quite some time. The American Flag with the black stars was broadcasting a surrender for the enemy. It’s over. It was the most significant comm yet. We made it guys, was Phil’s response. Don’t panic. We have been prepared. Phil said all the support I have given you I hope was enough to keep you grounded.

So many have given up. Too many never believed. Be strong. The military is ready, The QFS is ready, the world leaders are ready. And tonight the mystery of the one down and three to go, two down and two to go, and three down and one to go was explained. The three were the military, Putin, and Xi with the fourth being Trump. The three are ready for their orders from Trump. That is the ONLY thing remaining, Trump’s go ahead. Trump is carrying a heavy weight. Xi has Asia, Putin has Europe, and Trump North and South America. The technology that has been kept hidden is about to be revealed. We have been promised a lot. We have been patient. We have done our job. Now it is time, and that time is upon us. It will be spectacular, more than we imagined. We will be awestruck. The men on Mt Rushmore are waiting. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Chiplitfam17chat
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