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Net Zero is just a version of Mao’s Great Leap Forward.

However the pursuit of Net Zero, driven by a fanatical cult of green extremists will be an even greater disaster.
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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

Dr. William Bay takes a stand.

Dr. Bay is only saying what thousands of doctors are thinking - but they are too frightened to say themselves.

NB: Dr Bay filmed
himself at the AMA Conference at Darling Harbour, Sydney.
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Dr. Mike Yeadon: "STOP pretending everything is OK, that it’s just a virus, government has got this & soon everything will return to normal. Not going to happen. We’re under attack by the 0.0001% everywhere. If not stopped, we will sleepwalk through the gates of hell, a one-way trip to digital dystopia."
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Injecting 6 month babies with an experimental mRNA substance (with zero long term safety data) that we know causes them to produce the Wuhan spike protein throughout their bodies, has to be one of the most evil acts ever perpetuated upon humanity.

Dr. Chris Shaw : Injecting 6 month old babies with covid shots is creating customers for life (assuming they live) We’re going to raise a generation of very sick kids.
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Those that engaged in human rights abuses & pushed the mandates - that coerced young people to inject this toxic experimental agent into their body, knowing the spike protein would travel throughout the body with all the potential adverse events that could result - have murdered this boy.

Every single person in the media that endorsed the mandates & ridiculed those standing up for human rights as ‘’anti-vaxers” - has blood on their hands

Every single politician that sat in silence or thought that the mandates would win them votes - has blood on their hands

The government ‘health’ bureaucrats that endorsed these mandates, especially of young boys (whom the data shows have the greatest risk of myocarditis from the vaccines) - have blood on their hands.

Big Tech, that censored information as to the adverse & are now covering it up - have blood on their hands.

They are all jointly responsible for the death of this young boy.

They all deserve to rot in hell for their crimes.

Many Australians vote for The Greens because they believed that the Greens were about protecting the cuddly kolas.

While the Greens may have been about the environment in the past, today they are nothing but an extreme radical Marxist organisation.

Don’t be fooled again.

Primate tribes would sacrifice children in the belief this would ward off evil spirits.

What’s the difference between that and today where we inject children with an experimental & toxic substance that tricks all parts body the body to produce the Wuhan Spike Protein - knowing full well it will kill at least some children ?

Given ‘Net Zero’ means the end of beef for the average citizen, how long until McDonalds is forced to introduce the McBug Burger ?

Warning if you receive a message from this account -it’s not mine - it’s an imposter.

And a warning for this imposter - you may think you are funny and/or clever.

But please be aware - that we are in the process of obtaining your IP address, we will then find out your identity - and we will sue you. There will be nowhere for you to hide.
The "IT” Dr. James Olsson is referring to - and deaths & injuries from the experimental Covid injections.
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Alberta Canada 🇨🇦🍁 This is absolutely astounding 💣...The leading cause of death in 2021 was "𝙐𝙣𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝘾𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚"...It has jumped from 522 in 2019 to 3622 in 2021, a staggering 593.87% increase...𝙄 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚....🧐🤔
RECORD CORAL COVER - but only a few years ago they said the reef was ‘’gone’’ and would never recover.

The globalists and their two brainwashed cults, the Covid Cult and the Climate Cult - lie about everything.

Everything done under the name of Climate & Covid to hand the globalists more control over our lives is based upon a lie.

"The Endless Drought "- just look out the window
"The dams would never fill again" - they are currently overflowing
"The Polar Bears are going extinct" - their numbers are increasing
"Wildfires are more common" - the annual land area burnt is declining
"Insurance claims are up"- data shows a slight decline in the $ insurance claims from extreme weather’
"Arctic Sea Ice is melting away’’ - more ice today than the 1940’s.
‘’People are dying’’ - deaths from extreme weather at record low in human history
"Crop yields are declining" - we have record crop yields & production
"More cyclones’’ - we are getting less
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Unsafe & Defective - Stop the Shots

1. Most Australians will become poorer.

2. A few wealthy elites will pocket even more in subsidies.

3. We’ve locked in a massive transfer of wealth from Australia to China.

4. We’ll need to send $ billions off to China to buy their solar panels & wind turbines.

5. Industrial production in Australia will relocate to China, where they will not face these restrictions.

6. They’ll very soon targeting the farmers, and our food supply.
MORE CLIMATE PROPAGANDA & LIES - all designed to brainwash gullible children.

Today’s co-ordinated climate propaganda claims that ‘’extreme heat waves may be our new normal’’ and quotes an alarmist "I can’t imagine what these heatwaves will be like in the future’’.

‘’Can’t imagine’’ ?

If you want to know about extreme heat waves, how about going and reading some history books, or newspapers from the 1930’s and you’ll find out what heatwaves are really like.

The facts are, using offical data, that heatwaves in the USA peaked in the 1930’s.

Well done Albo, Chris, the Greens & Teals - by legislating a 43% CO2 reduction target, you have succeed in making Klaus very happy !!

As we ‘Build Back Better’ to the New World Order, we will make the average Australian happy, because they will own nothing.
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Great to see Lake George full again after so many years.

While the alarmists have used Lake George as a pin-up boy for ‘’climate change’’ with predictions it would ‘’never fill again’’ - the current levels on the lake remind us of how cyclical our climate is and has always been.

For if you study our nation’s climate history - back in 1820, Lake George was described by Governor Macquarie (who named the lake after the king) as ‘a splendid sheet of water’, but by 1839 it was dry enough to ‘drive a team across the middle’.

202 years after Lachlan Macquarie named that lake after King George, the lake again is a ‘splendid sheet of water’.

But you can bet money that in the years to come it will once again be dry enough to ‘drive a team across the middle’ - and you can also bet, that when this happens the globalists will ignore history and scream ‘’climate change’’ in attempt to brainwash gullible children into their cult.
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