David Avocado Wolfe
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🎙Uncensored Meme News 😷 Medical Freedom 📲Exposing the Beast System 🥑 Fresh☀️Foods, 🌴Superfoods🍈, Superherbs🍄, Living💦Water, Health💫Technology, and#TheBestDayEver! ⬇️MyWorld🌳 & 📲Favorite Links and Memes⬇️
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How Death Certificates are wildly inaccurate and inflated to make CoVID-19 death numbers higher/ From a Doctor who has filled out Death Certificates for 30 years (15 min): https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-0rg8ljU9k/?igshid=rx4hrqbtb7xp
Good Video: The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand. More on how Death Certificates are tampered with. Evidence that the CDC is a for-profit criminal enterprise. Phoney panic. More on RFK Jr. going after Vaccine maniac Bill Gates (of Hell) for causing polio with his vaccines amongst other scientism experiments on innocent children (41 min 44 seconds). https://youtu.be/JR8gw6GLwug
Trump surrounded on all sides by the Deep State. Check out the background on these characters. (5 min 21 sec) https://banned.video/watch?id=5e90f64db6024f0088761911
Have The Best Easter Sunday Ever!!
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Here is My Letter on the Corona Virus that is found inside the Immunity Summit (http://bit.ly/ImmunitySummit) with an hour-long video that is unlike anything you have heard before. Because of past years of low-vibrational trolling, being deleted off of Pinterest and YouTube for no reason with no strikes or warnings and because of the general medical scientism "know-it-all mentality" that pervades in our culture, you actually have to participate in the Immunity Summit and receive the previous 8 presentations before you get to mine on the subject. I need a way to weed out the medical scientism religious fanatics. And this is a way, where only those who want it, will get it. Thanks for your patience and understanding! Again, here is the Letter:
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
You have gotten this far into the Immunity Summit and I thought it would be an ideal time to release my thoughts on the subject of viruses, the current corona virus crisis and more on what we can do to protect ourselves.
Most people have never heard me speak on the subject of viruses, nor my long history of research on the subject stretching back 30 years to when I met UC Berkeley Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology Dr. Peter Duesberg (the discoverer of retro-viruses, like HIV) in 1990. Back then he told me unequivocally, that HIV cannot be the sole causative agent of AIDS.
In this next instalment of the Immunity Summit, I condense into approximately 1 hour my thoughts on viral diseases. Please click the video to watch!

* More on the Corona Virus You may or may not know this, but every day for my Daily News Feed on my Telegram Channel I am researching: • the origins of the corona virus
* the pre-planned reaction and over-reaction of governments
* the actual scope of the virus — which appears to be as contagious as a common flu but not nearly as deadly as originally claimed — and, by the numbers, not even as deadly as the flu, but nevertheless, with disturbing symptoms more similar to high altitude oxygen deprivation, rather than pneumonia
* the "up to 80% false positive" readings of the Corona Virus test.
* the bizarre and timely pandemic preparations done by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in New York (in mid-October 2019) just 6 weeks before the first official CoVID-19 case in China
* the current drive by Bill Gates to get everyone force vaccinated with experimental vaccines before “life can return to normal”
• the panic induced by the mainstream media and their lack of investigative reporting on the subjects listed above It is looking less and less like somebody ate a bat’s head off (like Ozzy Osbourne) in China and more and more like bio-terrorism committed by a trans-national crime cartel where contagion was released perhaps simultaneously in China, Iran and Italy. Most likely, the planned goal is (and has been) to crash the world’s economy and seize more control and power via their international banking interests and big pharmaceutical operations — both enterprises having a long history of criminal behavior. As part of the intrigue, you may have heard of Dr. Lieber, Chair of Harvard's Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, being arrested along with two of his students for criminal activity related to viral biology connections with China in Boston and Logan Airport respectively.
For references to any of the statements, concepts and ideas above plus much more, please scroll through my Daily News Feed on the Telegram Messenger App (Telegram.org) at http://teleg.eu/davidavocadowolfe.
How to Access My Daily Uncensored News Feed on the Corona Virus Outbreak and Many Other Subjects
I have been saying for years that Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, MailChimp, etc. have descended down into a slippery slope of censorship, control and power struggles — especially with health and virus information. Just this week, MailChimp (due to its ties with the corrupt CDC or Center for Disease Control in America) deleted the account of one of our key allies in the fight for freedom: Robert Kennedy Jr. Unfortunately, all the things you love about the current popular social media sites will disappear.
However, there is HOPE!
Go to AppStore or http://www.Telegram.org and download (for Free) one of the last bastions of Freedom: the Telegram Messenger App to your preferred device. Then go to https://teleg.eu/davidavocadowolfe Scroll down and click JOIN. That’s my Daily News Feed. Uncensored. And Uncensorable!
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
We better start fighting for our rights folks! The medical tyranny, I’ve been warning the world about for years, is quickly being activated. Events like the corona virus crisis can and are being used against us by the world’s most sinister forces. Nevertheless, I feel incredibly positive about our chances to expose criminal forces and tyrannical medical fascists/communists worldwide—I have a gut feeling that this bio-terrorism is going to backfire on its perpetrators. Please share this message. Remember to protect you and your family first with the ideas presented in this Immunity Summit!
Working together for freedom and health, we can still have The Best Day Ever!
Enjoy the Interview!
David Wolfe
Please SHARE the Immunity Summit with Friends and Family: http://bit.ly/ImmunitySummit
Always Loved Easter!!
Doctors are getting paid more $$$ to record the cause of death is CoVID-19 using a faulty test while Phoney Fauci says its all a conspiracy. Senator Jensen chimes in. Numbers are being massively inflated. (6 min 36 sec): https://youtu.be/gwk8SQNojVA
Sticking with the Jesus theme...
Murdered billionaire couple who manufactured HydroxyChloroquine (effective medicine against CoVID-19, especially when mixed with Zinc) were also linked to the Clintons: http://hardnoxandfriends.com/2018/01/21/billionaire-couple-murdered-are-linked-to-clinton-foundations-relief-efforts/ What a surprise!
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions