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Запуск JavaScript внутри приложения .NET с помощью JavaScriptEngineSwitcher – библиотеки, предоставляющей единый интерфейс для доступа к основным функциям популярных движков JavaScript (ChakraCore, Jering.Javascript.NodeJS, Jint, Jurassic, MSIE JavaScript Engine for .NET, NiL.JS, Microsoft ClearScript.V8 и VroomJs). Эта библиотека позволяет быстро и легко переключиться на использование другого движка JavaScript.

#JavaScript #js #aspnet
C# в рейтинге TIOBE показал самый большой прирост среди всех языков программирования с мая 2021 года — 1,98%.

Сейчас у C# по-прежнему 5-я строчка. Но, по мнению авторов, у языка есть все шансы потеснить С и войти в топ-3.

#devdigest #csharp #tiobe
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It’s 2022 and as developers, we can safely say that we didn’t solve all issues related to collecting, transmitting, and analyzing telemetry data. 

There’s still uncertainty in figuring out what happens when users complain about a part of a large system misbehaving, and with increased system complexity, it becomes even more critical to improve the observability of our solutions. 

Join us on this session to learn more about battle-tested best practices that serve as building blocks you can use in your current or future applications. 
Igor has over 12 years of commercial software development experience across a wide range of technologies. He is passionate about designing and developing distributed, scalable, and secure web applications as well as cloud-enabled solutions. He also has valuable experience leading software development projects.
Igor is proficient in C#, Microsoft Azure, and has managed and assessed multiple projects focusing on high performance and large data solutions, taking advantage of all the features and capabilities available on a target platform.

Event details

Date: May 26, 7 PM (Ukraine), 6 PM (Poland), 10 AM (CST), 11 AM (CDT)

Language: English

Level: Middle+
The Benefits of Using a YT Audio to MP3 Converter