Michael Salla
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This is the official channel for Dr. Michael Salla, host of Exopolitics Today & author of Secret Space Programs books series.
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Just learned that Romania signed the Artemis Accords back in March 2022. Significant since according to Radu Cinamar (a pseudonym) Romania and US have since 2003 cooperated on exploring space time portals from an underground location at Bucegi Mountains. https://www.space.com/romania-signs-artemis-accords
There has been a surge in the number of trolls, ad hom attacks, bots, scammers, etc., in my Telegram channel. This does not appear to be accidental. I suspect the attacks are designed to distract and confuse people when it comes to the role of positive extraterrestrial civilizations in our recent history that are intervening in current exopolitical affairs. As we enter a period of official dislcosures of ET life, there are those that want to confuse and distract others that are interested in learning more aobut this information. My goal on the contrary is to bring clarity into the exopolitics field. Therefore, I've decided to begin adding more administrators to make sure the channel maintains a respectful and healthy tone for dialogue to take place without attacks, etc. I would like to welcome Disco Tina who is now a co-administrator of my Telegram channel who will assist me in admin duties.
Here's a Facebook post by Disclosure Project/ex-US Navy witness, Dan Willis, concerning various events that corroborate the testimony of Elena Danaan about ET life. Unlike many alleged contactees/insiders, Elena actually has lots of corroborating evidence: https://www.facebook.com/DisclosureWitness/posts/pfbid026xXhQ1FDkLJxYo7fn4TZVxeVuJ92MprqERT4qi5G3Vpc5SXPYn6ninsf9MPEZFiel
Very happy to announce that Duke Brickhouse will be joining the moderating team for my Exopolitics Today chat. I first met Duke over a decade ago during one of the Braco live events organized by my wife Angelika Whitecliff in Virginia Beach. Duke has been helping me with a number of Exopolitics Institute projects for a number of years now. He has a practising attorney and his legal counsel has been helpful in a number of exopolitical related issues. I'm looking forward to working with Duke and Disco Tina in ensuring the Exopolitics Today grows into a vibrant online community where people can openly share ideas and information without being overwhelmed by trolls, debunkers, scammers, etc. Please join me in welcoming Duke to the Exopolitics Today team and don't forget to join the chat and be part of our growing community.
A number of people have asked me about Corey Goode's latest update concerning an "Andromeda Syndicate" and angelic looking Nordics being part of an AI agenda. When I began working with Corey in early 2015, I was greatly impressed by how much corroborating evidence there was for his claims. I detailed this in my Insiders Reveal Secret Space Program book (2015). In the following six years it was a pleasure to work with Corey who was always very helpful in providing information that could be corroborated. Unfortunately, that situation has changed over the last 12 months. I find no corroborating evidence for his claims of an Andromeda Syndicate , a race called Hew from the Andromeda Galaxy, a Zulu planet from our galaxy working with higher density 'Guardians', that recent fleets arriving in our solar system are part of an AI controlled invasion force, that the Global Galactic League of Nations is fighting the Orion group outside of our solar system. etc. All this is new info that has no supporting evidence. https://youtu.be/89GPGs3o7s0
Here's a close up of the object floating above Jupiter in JWST photo I discussed in my Aug 1 article. Notice shadow it casts. Shows object is very close to Jupiter, rather than something closer to the JWST, or dust on the camera lens. Clear evidence of a giant mothership parked around Jupiter.
Scientific American published a major article on NASA's study on UAPs/UFOs & a paradigm shift among scientists in the search for ET life. Article lays groundwork for future announcements based on Webb Space Telescope data, e.g. UFO fleets around Jupiter. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/with-new-study-nasa-seeks-the-science-behind-ufos/
Major new update coming soon. Deep State is about to move forward with its long planned alien false flag event but with a twist. It won't be an invasion but a rescue. For background info watch my July 2021 webinar which is reduced to 99c (Vimeo's minimum) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/alienfalseflag
With the growing censorship on YouTube its only a matter of time this will be imposed on exopolitical views that go against DS narratives. I've therefore backed up my Exopolitics Today library on Odysee. You can now view all my videos & subscribe there https://odysee.com/@ExopoliticsToday:d?view=content
One Day to go for World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact Webinar https://mailchi.mp/exopolitics/5-days-to-world-religions-et-contact-webinar-9154539
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform