Brian Cates
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👆👆👆Notice that Trump keeps repeatedly drawing attention to what Pence could have done on Jan. 6 2021.

And that Democrats are now moving to 'close that loophole' that they spent the last 2 years claiming didn't exist.

When Trump comes back and Democrats desperately are looking for ways to stall or flip the Electoral College vote, THEY THEMSELVES will have 'clarified' that they can't send electoral college votes back to the State legislatures.
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
Trump and MAGA broke the algorithm in Arizona - The Mike Pence Blip is over and was crushed in Arizona!
Notice how many posters here who claim to be MAGA/America First seem to have no idea what Trump's election strategy is.

Trump discusses this strategy at every rally he holds.

Yet the trolls don't seem to know what that strategy is.

Well, here it is:

To get most of the key election reforms that are needed in key states like VA, AZ, GA, PA, MI WI, etc. patriots need to get control of those states.

Sounds like a Catch-22 eh? The election systems in these states are very corrupt. So how do you get control in these states so you can do the needed election reforms?

How do you put a Kari Lake in the Governor's Mansion so she can clean house in AZ?

Well, never fear. Trump has a strategy.

It's to send a massive RED WAVE of voters at the fraud system in these states that simply overwhelm their cheating methods.

Yes, he openly discusses this 'red wave' strategy at every rally.

It's not exactly a secret.

Trump does everything he can to build enthusiasm for the coming red wave in these 2022 midterms this November.

But to get to the midterms, you gotta win the primaries.

I mean...hey...if all your key America First candidates are washed out in the primaries, you never even get to November, right?

An epic battle long in the making culminated in that AZ GOP primary race for Gov.

With months to prepare, the GOP RINO AZ establishment did everything they could think of to throw this race to the McCain Mafia's handpicked RiNO candidate.

You know they tried. You know they tried really really hard to steal that race for Karrin Taylor Robson. With the Democrats helping them.

Well...did it work? Were they able to steal it and avoid the massive groundbreaking tectonic shift loss to Trump's America First champion, Kari Lake?

[checks card again]


Why...NO. NO THEY WERE NOT able to steal it for RINO establishment pick.

Because patriots turned out in a massive red wave and shocked the system.


But don't worry!

Between now and November, these trolls here on Telegram will go right back to pretending they don't know what Trump's midterm strategy is.

"Is 2020 fixed yet? THEN I'M NOT VOTING!"

"Why are you wasting your time voting in that rigged system?!"

You can't take down the corrupt elections system in these states and build new ones until you are in control of the election systems.

Trump's red wave strategy to get control of AZ so Kari Lake can win in November and then clean house in AZ is working.

If Lake had lost decisively last night, the November election in AZ wouldn't matter.


Keep building the red wave.

It will get bigger.

You know it will.

Trump is certainly going to do his part in building that wave and building the enthusiasm to get out the vote for these midterms.


He's got a winning strategy. He proved it last night.
Forwarded from X22 Report Official
This is not another 4 year election….
"DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC….
This is proof your vote counts, overwhelm the system of cheaters, show the criminal syndicate who holds the real power.
Now you know why they want us divided
We are stronger together, stronger as one, stronger united
We the people hold the power and the establishment is panicking.
Panic in DC
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Next they will say Lake and Masters can never win the general
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Do not rest. We have the advantage. Advance.
Good reasons for patriots to stay home and not vote in these 2022 midterm elections this November.

Everybody ready?

I'm going to list all the reasons not to vote.

Here we go!

Good talk.

Let's do it again sometime soon!
Forwarded from Scott Presler
Last night, I read the cheers & taunts as democrats (& establishment Republicans) celebrated early vote by mail results.

What started as a bleak evening turned into big conservative vote gains, as election day results reported.

It was like the inverse of 2020.
Meg begs under the left’s table for scraps, desperate to remain relevant.

Your father’s party conserved nothing and is being relegated to the dustbin of political history, where it belongs.

But at least no mean tweets, though.
Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
To “Fix 2020” is largely out of our hands, and we don’t currently have the right people in the right places to make it happen… but we can change that.

Avenging 2020, getting the right people into the right places, taking back our country town by town, city by city, county by county, precinct by precinct, state by state… that is very much in our hands.

We have the right people in the right places for that.

Those right people, are YOU and ME.

All we gotta do is show up.

Show up at council meetings, show up as poll watchers, show up at polling locations, show up and vote.

This the power that is in our hands.

Eyes forward to November.
Note that the GOP primary vote counting in the Gov.'s race has been stuck at 80% now for more than 8 hours.

They really REALLY don't wanna count that last 20%.
What is this showing you?

It's showing you the Democrats aren't the only ones who cheat. The GOP establishment in AZ cheats just as enthusiastically to handpick the winners in the GOP primaries. Same as the Democrats.

They're being exposed.

They are trying to figure out how to come up with enough fake votes to counter that last 20%, which is overwhelmingly for Kari Lake.

The McCain Mafia.

They're all sitting around staring at each other and going "WTF do we do now?!"
Forwarded from MistyG
Mark Finchem wins nomination for SOS!
Buttholes puckered all over AZ at the thought of watching Kari Lake clean house while unleashing Mark Finchem as Sec State on all the corruption the McCains and Flakes and others oh so carefully spent decades building in that state.
Kari Lake in the Governor's Mansion, Mark Finchem as Secretary of State, and Abraham Hamadeh as Attorney General are going to make one hell of a team for AZ when it comes to rooting the corruption in that state.

Start building the momentum now to make it happen in November.
If you thought the Left has been freaking out the last 4 years over what DeSantis has been doing in FL, wait until you see what Kari Lake does in AZ once she gets in there.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
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